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Major weight loss from depression.

Community Member
Is anybody else experiencing drastic weight loss due to their depression? I never eat and when I want to I lose my appetite. My weight has changed majorly due to my depression and I’m so scared I’ll keep losing weight to the point it affects my health. Does anyone have some tips on how to eat when you’re not hungry? Or anything like that would be much appreciated:)
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Mel_N, and a warm welcome to the site.

I'm really sorry that you are trying to cope with this issue because sometimes a specific cause could be numerous, but can I ask you whether or not you are taking any medication and have you seen your doctor, I only ask this as I'm not a qualified doctor and only advice you from what happened with me.

When I was first depressed my wife used to make calorie based drinks with eggs, cheese, yoghurt, ice cream, peanut butter, etc. but only poured it into a small glass and encouraged to eat small meals.

Best wishes.
