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What strategies or things do you employ during your bipolar episodes - both manic and depressive
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Hi everyone,
Today I'm struggling to find something to pre-occupy me. Legally I'm supposed to have a carer watch over me due to my strong medications. I have a lot of interests but today it feels like one of those days where you start something and then move on and do something else.
When I'm manic (based on memory)
- Impulse buy
- Eat
- Act like I'm high on drugs
- Talk to people of the opposite sex
- Sex on the brain
- Speak at a million miles per hour
- Demand a skipping rope
- the tv and music are too stimulating and so is watching the road as a front passeger,
Based on depression:
- I was rather manic and deranged
- I was singing sad songs
- I was wanting to stay away from a girl called M... she was another person with bipolar going with ECT. She was always sorta in my face.
Manic: art, music (567 songs and still counting), comics, knitting, cleaning (I'm a messy person) but I really did tidy up the house in just a few days my SO was shocked... usually when I clean I make a mess, walk the dog if i can stay calm
Depressed: I do as above but i dont feel like doing it. I don't have any motivation or energy. I wake up in a house that's empty. Well I'm also here on forums wanting to find someone or people who can relate to this. There are days where I question who I am, is it me or not me and question whether I said the wrong thing?
This is my first time being alone on recovery. So I've been in psych wards twice. And my last two episodes were voluntary and hypo... my meds are high risk the psych said if i need a higher dosage i'd have to be hospitalised.
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Firstly I'd like to say well done on coming in here with your story, it sounds like you are great at articulating where you are in each stage of you bipolar cycle and what you have put in place to help you in the past. This is something I think many people with bipolar may find helpful on this forum.
It sounds like although you do have these strategies in place, you are concerned that because this is the first time doing it yourself and on this level of meds you might struggle to employ these strategies, with today being particularly hard to focus? I'm glad you've used some of your energy to post here.
I suppose an important thing to remember is that everyone is going to have off days, and this may be even more true for you right now, so don't be to hard on your self if you are having trouble focusing. I would definitely say that you have suggested some great strategies of engaging yourself positively, however you may even want to try something extra that might engage you more today... You seem to be really articulate at telling people about how you feel so you might feel like writing your thoughts down in a dairy or on a personal blog. These aren't things you have to show anyone, but you may want to look back at them or show your practitioner. They can also be really useful for when you feel like you are in a place where you might like to help others.
Although traditional Mindfulness (like meditation) might seem difficult to you right now, there are other forms you might like to give a go. One thing I like to do is take a mindful walk, it's basically going on a walk but giving things much more attention than you normally would. Noticing the trees, how they smell, how they feel. Feeling the air around you, feeling the temperature. These are also things you might like to write down after. Here is a description of a "mindful walk"https://www.mindful.org/daily-mindful-walking-practice/. You can also give traditional mindfulness a go with the Smiling Minds App" or something similar if you haven't before https://www.smilingmind.com.au/smiling-mind-app.
If you feel comfortable let me know how you go with these, or any other strategies you found that helped you during your recovery!
You may have heard of mindfulness before
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Hi again
I'm bipolar. My ups and downs are relatively ok now. I say that until I have a depressive episode then feel it is the worst feeling ever!
I'm lucky, I am a tinkerer and retired, age 63. I involve myself with several interests- on here as a community champion when it suits me and when I'm bored, it is stimulating helping others and learning more and more about my own illnesses. Tinkering, building my own caravan, fixing things, driving a vintage car.
But there was a period I was bored. I bought a large jigsaw and set it up in a spare room. When wanting a distraction I'd sit there doing 20 or so pieces and by that time, say 30 minutes, I'd forgotten about the issues that bothered me.
I find self assessment of my need to benefit me help greatly, sort of stepping outside myself, evaluating the situation and my needs and doing them.
I limit social media although it is essential for contact with close friends and family, I am wary of inviting acquaintances into my life. So there is a reluctance to expand my life.
I have got the walls up a little.
Beyondblue topic fortress of survival
Beyondble topic fortress of survival part 2
Beyondblue topic fortress of survival (workplace)
As I also had anxiety that I fully overcame, I find relaxation is helping my bipolar too.
YouTube Maharaji prem rawat sunset
YouTube Maharaji prem rawat the perfect instrument
They are two examples of that amazing wise man. Google many more. Or use YouTube search.
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Hi AlanaH
Thanks for your response. I’ve had plenty of time to recognise where I am with my disorder. I would love to meet people around my age to share their coping mechanisms. I’ve heard of mindfulness but at this point of time – I don’t think I’m ready to go there it requires motivation to do so.
I am not concerned about having my meds and not being supervised. My SO really needs the job anyways. My body can tolerate meds like it’s nothing: what might knock out a 6ft tall man has no effect on me whatsoever.
I am feeling lonely but there are days where I don’t want to go outside just because I feel like it. I am aware that there will be off days – I’m having one right now. I am actually very in tune and knowledgeable about my medical condition – so if I hear “B.S I will usually call it out even if it’s the psychiatrist. BUT I don’t feel like doing “something extra” WHEN I FEEL DEPRESSED, LETHARGIC and UNAPPEASED.
I used to write in diary but again that’s a lonely activity. That worsened my condition I wouldn’t stop have racing thoughts when I had a diary in the past. Thanks for the suggestion but that doesn’t apply to me. My practitioner does not do that kind of thing anyway.
I used to take walks – but I get lost easily – without even being in an episode I was lost with my dog for 2-3 hours with no mobile phone. So Alana_H this is another thing you need to consider, not everyone is able to leisurely walk or be in the mood.
Mindfulness is one thing but I don’t think it’s for me – I observe everything when I walk and notice things with the 5 senses but it doesn’t match my threshold.
You see I can multitask watch tv and listen to music and tell you word for word what the tv said after 30-40 seconds.
In a day this is what I do: vacuum, laundry, clear clutter, wash dishes, put dishes away, listen to music 24/7 but not just any kind, I need to tick off my checklist, I become OCD if there were 6 pens in a tin I have to find the 6th one, I do creative things but that’s when I get past that stage… I feel that you don’t quite know what bipolar is… only the generic details. My bipolar is quite complex that even the psychiatrists get baffled on how to medicate me,
I usually have a very high amount of energy to burn.
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Hi Tony,
thanks for your response when I am stable enough, I love making or fixing
things too. You must love your vintage car – they are so much more stronger
than the cars today in terms of crashes.
Wow I never thought of that – I have puzzles but they irritate me. I like
how that strategy made you forget the issues you had. At the moment I’m trying
to make a “block calendar” out of paper. The first go was a success not sure
about this one.
I too also self-assess and you’re right it benefits me but the other people
around me. It allows me to see whether I need to consult my psychiatrist or ER.
I also restrict social media I don’t have Facebook, Instagram, or whatever I
feel like it’s a bragging-rights website e.g. first person to comment etc.
“I have got the walls up a little.
Beyondblue topic fortress of survival
Beyondble topic fortress of survival part 2
Beyondblue topic fortress of survival (workplace)
As I also had anxiety that I fully overcame, I find relaxation is helping my
bipolar too.
YouTube Maharaji prem rawat sunset
YouTube Maharaji prem rawat the perfect instrument
They are two examples of that amazing wise man. Google many more. Or use
YouTube search.”
I take it these are the resources you use?
Thank you for your response and I might go check these out...
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Hi J,
Thanks for your reply. I'm sorry I seemed to bombard you with info that wasn't really helpful, I'm new on here and sometimes I just seem to go a bit full on when starting something. I'm also sorry if it seemed like I didn't think you were knowledgable about your bipolar as that's not how I felt at all. I'll try to tone it down in the future.
I looked up block calendars (I can't believe I didn't know what they were), they look like a cool concept. I'm not very creative myself, I can only fold a crane, but I've always wanted to learn origami because I love Japanese things. how long does it take to fold a calendar?
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I am also sorry i came across that way. After being with bipolar with 2011 there are several things that are irritating that the nurses/psychiatrists make you do. E.g. intelligence test with a superficial psychiatrist uni student... i outsmarted him. I've been questioned by psychiatrists, i hate clinical questions they get me no where near a solution of just adjusting my meds... it's like they treat you like animals. They don't listen, they don't care how you feel it's all about the pills - that's how most psychiatrists are. That's why i came across the way i did.
What you need to remember in your choice of career is empathy, imagine in your clients shoes how they would be feeling. Would you want to do what you suggest why/why not? This will be key to your career and how well you relate to your clientele.
It's great that you're passionate but keep in mind some people are quite sensitive to words, suggestions and questions. I've only really accepted my illness quite recently despite the fact i hate how it restricts my brain capacity - it takes more energy and effort to write stuff and do stuff. It's really being a handicap essentially.
There are templates for block calendars my first one was a success. it worked well. 2nd one sucked it failed in so many ways - they can't be stacked like the first one the flaps for the cubes was a stupid concept so i wasted laminating sheets and craft paper. You can print off block calendar templates, youtube shows you other ways. I was so angry with my second attempt it's not a failure but it's not how i wanted it either.
I can make a paper crane too and make an origami heart with diamonds. I'm sure you're creative in other ways.
I looked up block calendars (I can't believe I didn't know what they
were), they look like a cool concept. I'm not very creative myself, I
can only fold a crane, but I've always wanted to learn origami because I
love Japanese things. how long does it take to fold a calendar - a day i am picky and slow. The japanese culture is cool i love anime and manga.
People sort of don't realise that all illnesses are felt differently and experienced differently. They may have some commonalities but it doesn't mean that what one person feels another person does. E.g. just because Britney Spears has it doesn't mean i feel what she feels.
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Hi J,
Yes, your right, empathy is the most important. I think professionals can quickly fall into the "fix it advice" trap when actually thats not what someone needs. I don't know if you're into podcasts, but I remember listening to an All in the Mind one and the interviewee was just so frustrated with how wrong people in the healthcare sector can get it sometimes and how dehumanising it can be. I can't imagine how frustrating it is to feel like people don't treat you like an individual, it feels like one of the most important things for any of us. I hope you've got a good community around you now.
I'm not too creative, I'd like to write a fiction book one day though. I'll have to give the calendar blocks a go! Everyone is a bit sick on my crane. I also like manga, I've mainly read One Piece and Deathnote, but I recently started Bleach which I'm loving. Do you have any favourites?
I think I give up with origami too easily, that's why I'm no good yet. I hope your 3rd attempt is the best yet!
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Hi Alana
The way to gaining empathy is to establish a relationship and making yourself approachable. I am also learning that through my degree. I don’t like being handicapped or being treated different from everyone so from mid 2013 until 2018 I did not tell anyone. People do start treating you differently after you say "i have bipolar" they either avoid or say 'hows life'.
Mental illness has a stigma, especially bipolar from my experience depression and anxiety are considered the ‘norm’ whereas people consider me the ‘rollercoaster’ or up and down which isn’t the case.
So I don’t have friends – but I can be the most approachable person you’d ever meet and yet I don’t have friends or I get used.
It’s frustrating having a mental illness – I chose to have my SO with me at every meeting or else the psychiatrist can put me in even if I voluntarily came in AT ANY TIME.
You need to be very conscious too if you’re working psychiatrists they definitely have their quirks, bed side manners, treat patients like crap to the point of crying like I did, and some should quit. You will meet psychiatrists that seem 'sick' as well.
I don’t know or like podcasts but I did watch a documentary on Youtube about bipolar and bipolar warrior(Youtube) that guy will definitely give you an idea of how it feels, all the others seem fake re-enactments of bipolar. But I will look into your podcast.
I don’t have a community. I have my SO, case manager, and psychiatrist. Pretty tiny hey? It’s always been that way. I guess nobody likes me regardless of whether they know or don’t.
Don’t doubt yourself – I’m a creative person and it doesn’t even mean it has to be art. Problem-solving and coming up with new ideas and solutions are creative,
I have read a tonne and manga, manhwa and manhua. I want to read assassination class. I like all but black bird was interesting. I have a really long list. But anime is easier to pick ouran host high school club, soul eater, and kamisama kiss. I’m an addict I love the humour there.
Good luck with the blocks check out pinterest – they don’t all use blocks but since I didn’t have wood I used paper/cardboard – I’ll give it another go again – you prompted me.
Origami requires patience. I do collages too I can show you one if you like. =( this is my 2nd time doing third year where I had to pull out do to hypomania but thank you. I have a meeting with the prac organiser an case manager on the 20th
U can ask me questions but question carefully.
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I am not a fan but he's really in tune with bipolar
