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Unemployed, depressed!

Community Member
I already spent one month in searching for jobs, still no jobs and no income, feeling hopeless and sad.
9 Replies 9

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi welcome,

This is a terrible time you are going through. There aren't many words that can comfort you but I do have a little bit of reading for you to do that might help.


Beyondblue topic 30 minutes can change your life

Beyondblue topic never ever give up

Beyondblue topic looking for work- some tips

Beyondblue topic do we expect a smooth road in life?

I hope you get some responses for work soon. Some day you'll look back on this period and realise how hard it was but you'll be in a better state of mind.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Alice11,

I hear you loud and clear. I have been in the same situation for a while too.

A few things have helped to keep me going but the best for me has been to do some extra learning.

I enrolled at TAFE in a course I have wanted to do all my life. I haven't gotten a job out of it yet but along the way I got positive feedback and a sense of achievement and it keeps me out of my own head. I am planning on doing a new subject when I finish this one in a related but more employable field.

Bonus: My resume doesn't have a big hole where I was unemployed either because I can say I was studying.

If you need to go on job search, try accessing a Disability Employment Service. They are generally more flexible and easier to speak to which is pretty important when you are getting distressed, depressed and anxious.

Consider taking any kind of work that you can manage. I got a job doing nightfill. It might be considered the bottom of the pile by some but it is active and got me out of the house earning some income. Since I started I have harassed every department for work and can fill about 5 different positions now. Every time I get called I remind myself that I achieved that by my hard work - It is good for the soul.

You can also help yourself by helping others. I found reading in the forums and answering others was good for me too. I think putting my positives into carefully crafted replies helped me focus on them and reminded me that I had something to give.

I hope something in my experiences will resonate with you enough to be useful. Regardless, read some of the other threads and I'm sure you will come across other things that do.

Hang in there. It does get better.

Community Member
Same here Alice - 8 months. I can’t get a volunteer job or even a job at a supermarket stacking shelves

Same here Danny and Alice - thank you for making me feel less alone. It's hard not to feel incredibly pessimistic and I also can't tell how I'll feel about it from one moment to the next. Last night I was so sad I couldn't sleep.

Thank you A2D2 and Tony with your suggestions. I have been reading the forum topics recommended and have found that connecting here with others to be productive and insightful. It puts things into perspective.

I'm focusing on what I'm looking forward to when I do get a new job, aside from income of course. I look forward to learning new things and also that realization that you are quite capable and competent of a lot. That's helping give some confidence.

Community Member
Thank you so much for your replies. I learned some important and useful views from the you. Just keep searching and maybe forget about the depression.

Hey Alice, go to a disability employment service. There are so many things to assist you into work. Google wage subsidies, internships. 85% of jobs are not advertised, face to face is key. If you have a disability own it. Hit the pavement, sell your best qualities, speak to the right person. Good luck, you’ll get work.

I cried loudly today finally, I feel a bit released. I know I have to walk forward while' I am crying'.

Community Member
I got lots of interviews, but no jobs. I don't know what is wrong with me.

Community Member
Same here Alice - lots of interviews no jobs. At least you are getting to interview stage, this shows you are doing all the right things 🙂