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The never ending journey with bipolar

Community Member
Hi, I was diagnosed with bipolar 4-5 years ago and I’ve got a very unstable mood. I’m up and down like a yo-yo despite taking my medication regularly. My moods pretty down at the moment and I’m really struggling even though on paper my life is going really well. Is this what my life will be like forever? I feel like I can’t see an end to it all.
3 Replies 3

Community Member
Hi Jane nial, I have tried a variety of different medications myself and had different side effects with them as well. It has been a long journey for me, one that I struggle with still. Recently I saw a new psychiatrist and he got me to do a DNA medication test that revealed how I absorb and process different medications and that caused us to change the plan around a new medication for me. I know that it won't be the answer for everyone but maybe speak to your healthcare professional about it. For me personally I have had to change my lifestyle, put me first and make sure I have time to stop, time to relax and time to just do what I want. I know that we can all read the right things, we can all make the plans and follow them and look great on paper and yet feel out of control at times. I had to ask for help this year (to be honest I should've last year but hindsight is great!) and at the moment I am taking it one day at a time. Know that you aren't the only one and I hope that you have people you can turn to xo

Community Member

Hi jane!

I just want you to know firstly, that it is very common to be feeling so down and not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but there always is!
Im 22, have been battling undiagnosed for years and finally got diagnosed type 2 last year, and then rediagnosed to type 1 this year, and every time i didnt like the way i felt, or if i didnt like any side effects of any medication i would instantly tell my GP. I have tried many, like lots.
And i tell you what some made me feel worse, some made me feel better for a little bit then did nothing, some just made me fat.. but keep on hassling them and be very firm how you feel and what you dont like.. It might take a little while to help you, in terms of trialing new things etc etc
But believe me, i was in the same boat had been through half a dozen medications and thought why am i not feeling any better at all? Am i 1 in a million this medicatiron doesnt help? But i finally found the right one that helps me feel best. I cant mention what it is on here, but just always remember there is always more help.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Jane, and waves to Jet and Bazleenus,

Weclome you all to the forum. This is full of supportive and friendly people.

Jane, Jet and Balzeenus have written helpful replies.

I was diagnosed with bipolar over 40 years ago but I was in denial for over 16 years.

For many people it can take a while to get the right balance of medication and maybe talk therapy.

You need to keep trying . I know it is awful feeling bad from bipolar and then feeling bad from medication.

There is a thread here called This bipolar life , that Jane, Jet, Balzeenus and anyone reading this may like to check it out.


t is a groupf of friendly people who support each other and it is always good one is not alone.