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Stuck in a Rut

Community Member
Unfortunately 2019 so far has gone very well, I got dumped by bf via text after dating 6 months i dont mind that it ended as the relationship wasnt working but it was hard being dumped via text, my sister then broke up with her boyfriend and shes been struggling with her depression, my dad just lost his job on friday as his employer cany afford to pay everyone unfortunately my dad had only been working there for 6 weeks so it was last in first out case so he will need to go back onto centrelink. My mum doesent work and does not want to work so this means that i am the only one in my household working again. Ive noticed over the past weeks that my depression has gotten bad again i feel stuck in a rut, useless, teary and ive been missing an ex boyfriend from 2 years ago (a break up that was horrible and i didnt handle well). I plan on calling my doctor on monday to schedule a appointment to go back on antidepressents as i feel like im struggling against the current. I do see a pyschologist and she gets back from a holiday on monday, and i go to a yoga class once a week so that im not just stuck in thd routine of go to work, go home repeat. But i just wish the things get bit better and toget through this depression and lonliness.
1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hi Lolue,

Thanks for sharing some of your story and for reaching out.

It sounds like there has been a lot going on for you over the past several months. It must have been very hurtful for your relationship to end over text recently. I understand that you are also missing your ex boyfriend from 2 years ago. I wonder if this is because having the support from a loved one would be really helpful while you are going through this difficult time? Please let me know if I'm wrong.

In addition to feeling really low, it seems like you are trying to care for your family as well - worrying about your sister's well-being after her own breakup, your dad losing his job and being the only one employed in the household. Have I understood that correctly?

I also just wanted to point out some strengths that I noticed from your post too. You're making the time to look after yourself and go to yoga every week. And you've recognised that you are starting to have some symptoms of depression again and are doing something about it (both by reaching out on these forums and also planning to call your GP/psychologist).

I'm wondering how you've been feeling since you made this post? Have you been able to get in touch with your GP or psychologist?

Looking forward to hearing from you if you would like to reply.

- Marie (: