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Really struggling with life and self worth

Community Member

Hi All

Im 26 years old and have been suffering from depression for quite some time now. I have trouble forming relationships both friend and romantic because of my depression. Im depressed and mainly lonely as although being 26 have never had a long term relationship actually the longest and only relationship ive ever had has only been one month which makes me think there is something wrong with me. when i was younger i could make friends easily but have always struggled with romantic relationships. I dont go out that often anymore as i dont enjoy myself when im out. Basically have a massive feeling of feeling useless, the lack of companionship and loneliness in my life has made me feel and believe that i am unlovable and will always be , struggling to find the positives to keep going as now and for a while the negatives have definitely outweighed the positives.

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Combine

Hello and welcome to the forum. Gad you found your way here.

Depression is a horrible thing to have. It is no respecter of persons and the black dog bites and holds on to whoever it feels like. Symptoms of depression are very much aligned with feelings of uselessness and lack of self worth. Probable sounds as though I am stating the obvious but it is important to remember it is the black dog whispering in your ear not the essential you.

You are the same person you were when you were younger and you are very much worthwhile.

May I ask if you live alone or with your family? It is hard to manage without support. I am presuming you have a job and get out of the house to go to work. Is that right? It's important to get out and not become a recluse.

I once knew someone who constantly urged me to look for the positives. I got very frustrated because it's not like deciding what meal to have at a restaurant. When we are so deeply depressed it is very hard to find some encouragement. May I ask if you have any professional help. You sound very alone and this is never a good thing. I wonder how you would feel about seeing your GP and talking about your depression. I am saying this because I have a wonderful GP in respect to mental health and she has provided me with lots of help and support. I hope you have a GP who will listen, support and put you in touch with a suitable professional.

Please do not struggle to find something positive about yourself. The more you search the harder it becomes to find anything. Instead try to look at those activities you have enjoyed in the past and perhaps rekindle that enjoyment with one activity. Please continue to post in here if you think it helpful.


Community Member
Hi Combine,
You are not alone. I have a similar story.
35, never had a girlfriend, not many friends.
It's tough but know you're not alone in the world.

Community Member

Hi combine sorry you are feeling like this depression is a hard thing to deal with especially when you feel like you are alone, I have dealt with similar issues of not wanting to socialise or go anywhere, I’ve lost a lot of my friendships and am currently going through a divorce and a lot of days feel like I’m just better off being on my own, as a previous reply stated have you thought about seeing a doctor? Or maybe a therapist? I know it’s hard but having someone to talk to that is non judgmental does help a lot, also maybe look into taking up a new hobby? Or going for a lovely walk every afternoon? Getting outside will do you a world of good, please don’t ever think you are worthless or don’t have anyone to talk to there are plenty of us on here that will listen and help in any way we can

Community Member
Hay you, How we think affects the experience - everytime. If your unable to own a pet then feed wild birds its easy to connect and feel less alone.