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Psych said i have EUPD??

Community Member
At the end of my psychiatrist session yesterday he told me that I had emotionally unstable disorder (aka BPD) and that he and my therapist have been working on it for a while. I’ve been with my therapist nearly 2 years, why is he only telling me this diagnosis now? (Already knew about anxiety and depression)
3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Emjblanchett, and a warm welcome to the forums.

If your psychiatrist has known about your anxiety and depression for 2 years they maybe reluctant to tell you of their diagnosis or what you have said to them may develop into a pattern over this time.

When I was in a private hospital the psychiatrist wouldn't tell me what my diagnosis was, even after I kept on asking, and even when I was seeing him when I was released.

Maybe circumstances over this time may have changed, but can I ask you how feel about this diagnosis.

Best wishes.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi emjblanchett,

Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us.

I'm really glad that you asked this question and it shows you are taking such an active role in looking at your diagnosis. With that said though, the best person to answer this is really your psychiatrist.

What I can say though, is that BPD is often misdiagnosed or diagnosed too quickly. Sometimes people may meet some criteria for BPD but not all of it, or the criteria might sound like BPD but just fit in with anxiety and depression. It's also hard to diagnose straight away, because professionals have to get to know the person. Anxiety Disorders can often be more clear cut, like if someone was having panic attacks everyday for example. With BPD, there's no symptoms like that - there might be a fear of abandonment, but that's not at all easy to identify.

Hopefully this gives you a little bit of clarity. If you were to ask your therapist or psychiatrist I'm sure they'd be able to tell you more and help you understand.

Hi Geoff, thanks for your answer that makes a lot of sense!

I was feeling lots of different things about the diagnosis, somewhat betrayed I wasn't aware but also had that feeling of dread that comes with those kind of scary labels you know?