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It's been a long time now that I've been 'unwell'. Today I even called in sick from work - isn't it sad that I have to make up some physical sickness? Why can't I just say my mind hurts today, I can't work. Anyway, I thought I was getting better, I was working full time, studying full time, occasionally socialising, but recently it's come back - the numb feeling. Does anyone else get this? You're there physically, but your mind isn't, it almost feels like you're not there at all - you're zoned out, and physically you just feel empty. It happens around friends, in class, at work, right now. I'm just completely absent.
Now I'm having 'sick' days from work, failing courses at uni, not socialising at all. It just takes a full 360. How do you get back to passing, to working, to talking to people? How do you get back to being yourself again if you don't know who you are anymore?
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Dear Hello!~
Welcome here to the Forum, a place where I think many will relate to your feelings. I'm one.
Your thoughts of not being there, of feeling empty and not knowing who you are remind me very much of how I've been when depression has been really bad. I guess one way I could describe it is to say I was separated from me - like I was on one side of a glass wall and me and the rest of the world was on the other. Sounds silly I know.
This caused all sorts of problems, work and family being the worst. I simply did not improve until I had competent medical support with meds and therapy. May I ask if you are under treatment at the moment? If not I'd strongly suggest seeing your doctor in a long appointment and saying what is happening. Actually if you are under treatment I'd still say the same thing. Your regime might need modifying.
That's just medical support of course. I found I was terribly lucky to have someone in my life to care and support me, do you have anyone like that?
I would imagine that you have a pretty taxing life, irrespective of anything else. Working full time and studying full time are very big asks, particularly as it can go on for years. I found studying part time was enough. Do you think the work-load is contributing to your current state?
As for not saying the real reason for taking time off, I guess as the person on the spot you are best able to judge work reaction. An awful lot of people simply get a medical certificate saying 'a medical condition' and leave it at that. When unwell the last thing you need is uncertainty and hassles with work.
Please come back and say how you are getting on
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Hello Hello! and welcome to the forums,
The numb feeling is all too familiar. I think a lot of members reading will relate to what you wrote. You used the word absent but I've described it as empty, nothing to give, apathetic... The list goes on. I know I should care. I know inside I DO care but I just feel disconnected and numb.
One thing I have noticed is that I often feel like this if I am overwhelmed and exhausted. Either because I'm busy or emotionally drained by something. Whatever the reason often for me feeling numb goes hand in hand with exhaustion.
What about you? Between work and study and friends how have you been going at caring for YOU?
A few things worth asking yourself...
When did you last check in with the medical professional managing your mental health? Does anyone help you? If not.... Good place to start 😊.
Do you make time for exercise and caring for your body? Decent meals are really important.
The friends you have... Are they solid connections? Do you have anyone to talk to about stressors or are they just friends to socialise with?
Sleep? How are you managing to balance work with the time required for study? If you are exhausted.. Nothing works!
Just a few ideas to throw out there. I hope you can keep writing.
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This hollow feeling is I'm sure very common for people suffering from any type of depression.
Somebody could be talking to you but it goes in one ear and out the other, nothing registers and when you are asked a question you have no idea of what to say, how many times does this happen, plenty of times.
At the moment you have your hands full, you're working fulltime, plus studying and then trying to socialise, but you are struggling and that's not good.
I know by studying full time you can complete the course much quicker, that's good, but if your life is too complicated and you're not feeling well then something has to be slowed down and perhaps your studies is one of these that could be cut back.
Depression and anxiety are causing this, you have too much to cope with so please go and see your GP who may want some blood tests, but before you go can you google 'K-10 test', it's a test to see if you are struggling with depression.
Please do it a few times, different times of the day and then give the results to your GP.
Please let us know how you get on.
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Hello Hello! (Lol)
I can see some of our amazing community champs have welcomed you already, but I'm going to say it too. welcome! Welcome to the family 🤗
I second everything that Croix, Geoff and Nat have said (hiya guys). Would just like to add that There is a great thread called "be yourself but who am I" or something like that by quirkywords where we discuss how we try and be ourselves and what makes us who we are. If you are struggling with finding yourself it's a very helpful and friendly thread. I can post the link if you'd like 🙂
Well ive nothing much left to say, after reading your post all the things I would recommend have already been said by these fantastic people haha! What I will say though is to take care of yourself. Give yourself time alone to care for yourself. Indulge a little.
Would be great to hear back from you,
Chloe x
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hi again, this is the link to the thread I mentioned earlier.
take care x