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Depression and physics

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

What has helped me almost fully recover with depression is tricking my mind. That is, I usually dont know if a thought, a system or a philosophy works or not...but I'll try anyway based on the logic.

"A ball wont bounce unless it rapidly drops". We panic when we fall heavily into depression. Being a motivated person Im always looking for the positve...the bouncing ball tells me that there must be a reason we fall into that state and the ball, like our depression must hit rock bottom before the journey to recovery begins. It might not be "right" theoretically however when Ive been rock bottom Ive then waited for the up cycle to appear and like that bouncing ball..Went on the rise.

What if that ball bounces down the road.up, down, up, down..many times until one day it bounces into your hand where you can have some control of it. It will..believe it.

Another physics idea is empty/replace. So if you treat your depression as an intruder of your brain. To reduce its size we must replace parts of it with other volume items..like- a hobby, sport, social, activity, jigsaw...keep moving, replace, replace. If you be idle for too long your depression grows. Deptession loves boredom.

Easier said than done? I know, I've been there many times. But this mentality is but one way to assist in beating the black dog.

Stimulation. You are deeply depressed. In a matter of moments you reverse your mind to do the opposite of what you are allowing it to do. Google

Topic: switching mindsets- beyondblue

Imagine you suddenly decide to go parachuting or paying passenger in a race car?. For myself when I went abseiling down a cliff my depression evaporated for that 15 minutes, and then when I told friends..excitement replaced...

It worked albeit short periods but it worked.

Topic: depression, distraction and variety- beyondblue

Keep going forward. Fighting it wont work. Out witting it with logic and playing its own game can find improvement.

Tony WK

9 Replies 9

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi TonyWK

Another great thread with many helpful ways to help us help ourselves

I have always been a fan of the 'old' saying that an idle mind is the devil playground and you just made the same point which I have been guilty of doing in the past many times...

"If you be idle for too long your depression grows. Depression loves boredom"


Hi Paul

Love that saying

"an idle mind is the devil playground"

These quotes have helped me enormously, some famous, some we think up ourselves. It helps to clarify by only a few words.

You've come a long way Paul.

Tony WK

hello Blondguy

Im new on here and wanting to get involved and learn and try to understand the big question why? why do I feel this way every day its not new as ive been a sufferer of danda probably since child hood ,Im finding this space helpful and insightful as well and although only one person has replied to my first post just seeing the length and of different of people who go through there own personal hell but brave enough to speak about it is going to help
In regards to what white night has said and you ,I heard a radio programme one night on the ABC about depression mental health and such ,and what popped out for me was when she said a lot of people think the opposite of depression is happiness its not its movement , I had been on a bit of a health kick,physical health doing nutri-bullets and had finaly found a form of exercise that worked for me with out hurting my self and ive got to say I have found this to be true ,by trial and error ,recently I got out of this routine and started not feeling all that great ,we know that with depression we lose energy or motivation and get tired but once I started again Ifelt better ,for me its part pain management ( crook back ) and also a time killer and a routine thing ,now I walk where its possible take stars instead of lift those types of things I feel stronger and although it took a long time I lost a lot of weight day by day ,,,

I guess what I am saying is I believe this woman was right movement has no emotion its just a thing we can choose to do ,and the byprobuct is you feel better for it Im not happy when I exercise Im just doing it and having a couple of weeks without it I noticed it and did't want all the work Ive done to go away ,I use resistence bands and a bit of streaching my back doesnt ache all the time any more and I feel stronger in general ,for a long time I thought happyness was missing I still get that hit of depression every day and anxiety and would love it if I didnt maybe theres more to this movement idea to come maybe internal movement is a thing as well but its good to not have a sore back and the other benifits are good as well ,be well all the best

Hi blues

Thanks for replying. Paul might be along soon.

Google the following but just read the first post of each

Topic: depression a ship on the high seas- beyondblue

Topic: depression and the timing of motivation- beyondblue

Topic: depression and physical exercise- beyondblue

Topic: the blance of your life- beyondblue

Tony WK

Hello Blues and TonyWK

Its really good to hear kind feedback about the forums. I too have had the lower back from hell and thank goodness had it fixed without surgery

I will have a look for your initial post

Thankyou for being a part of the forum family


Community Member

I am brand new here and am posting this as a reply since I couldn't find any other way to post, Someone might enlighten me on that issue.

I am here because of depression brought on by a recent relationship breakup. Depression has been alien to me but I recognise the symptoms and they won't go away. I was attracted to this topic name because it has physics in it, and since I am technical by trade and inclination as anyone familiar with my choice of user name might attest.

I was also attracted to the book Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz many years ago because of the word cybernetics in the name, in spite of Mr Maltz being a plastic surgeon. He introduced me to a whole new concept of the human brain. I've used that concept to become very successful and happy in my life. Now late in life I need to relearn what I'm supposed to already know

Now I need it to get out of the hole I am in because of its versatility. But it became such a part of me that I need someone to talk to about revising it to cut through this wall of depression and start using it again. Hopefully it will become a tool that a lot of people associated with Beyond Blue can benefit by it as well. And perhaps heal themselves along with me trying to help myself.

I would be happy to hear from anyone who would like to discuss this simple but powerful concept of using the human brain as a tool instead of a being the problem.

Thanks for reading this.

Hi PC, welcome

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We are always happy to read about new concepts of healing as long as they dont condemn conventional methods.

Welcome again

Tony WK

Thanks very much Tony. I somehow got to this thread without noticing the buttons they are on the page before this one. I really like your posts.

Community Member
thanks WK AND ALL i can only hope for the day where I can out smart this thing ,and never suffer again in that way ,latly ive been in a real fall apart but I did a work out today about 20 min with bands thats something ,right now Im trying to get out the door to get a few things I need from the shop ,I am preatty no right right now