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No motivation to do uni work

Community Member


I've been struggling with depression for a bit more than three years now. Recently I've hit a pretty low point in my life, and I found that my motivation to be productive with uni work has become almost none. I can manage to get myself out of bed and go about my life, while it may not be all that exciting, it's something. I will be seeing a psychologist within the next week to manage this, but before then I can't exactly ask them for advice.

While I was at school, towards the end of the year I noticed that my motivation to do work was becoming less and less. This became an issue because of exams, but I managed to do enough to not struggle through them. Now I'm at uni, and I find that I can see the same problem arising, although this time I've practically lost all motivation to do my work.

I love the course I'm doing with all my heart, but I just can't seem to get myself to be productive about the work anymore. At home when I go to do my work, I find I just sit at my desk doing something other than what I'm supposed to be doing. Same goes for being in my lectures and studio session, I always seem to avoid the work, or not go in altogether.

Sure, I've never loved doing school or school work, but I certainly know how important it all is, and I was never afraid to study that bit longer then the recommended time. Now that uni is more mature and stricter about deadlines, I'm unsure as what to do, particularly with the end of the semester coming up I can't get the date extended. This reason also makes me hesitant to speak to my lecturers, as not much can really be done.

I was wondering if there could be any motivation tips/techniques that would be useful in my circumstances. Or is there anything else that could be recommended?


1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey svetln,

Welcome to the forums!

Thank you for being here and I'm sorry that you're struggling with motivation. It sounds like while you like what you're doing, somehow your mood has managed to get on top of things?

I think motivation can be a little bit of a cycle - we can't get motivated so we avoid doing what we need to, then we beat ourselves up because we need to get motivated, but can't - and so on and so forth. Do you think this is what's happening with you too? What is it that you might need to help 'get back on track'?

There is a thread here about some study/motivational tips - and a lot of members have posted heaps more advice underneath. Perhaps this is worth checking out -


Hopefully this helps a little - it would be great to hear from you again and see if this is the kind of advice you're looking for! Best of luck with your psychologist