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no more tears to shed

Community Member
what if you cant cry anymore. There are no more tears to shed. Anger is not the resolution as your not angry. What happens to your state of mind. Do you accept the circunstances and try to make sense of it, or sleep hoping it will go away. We cant depend on others to make us happy, belong somewhere, think of our consequences, actions and train of thought. We seek advice and up goes our medication doses. Isnt there any proper diagnoses for all our symptoms. Im tired of being called unreliable, lazy, worthless, you just sleep all day. You have no future, think about your health, destroying people around you, Get up , get a hobby, excersice, eat healthy..... well its called depression, Bipolar1 &2 anxiety. We think alot but have no energy or mind set to do anything. When mania everyone loves us. We are then normal. Then they welcome us back. How can we forget about the past. The past is our history which makes us feel the way we do today. We look into our past to solve our problems. Only then we will be releived of our burdens and move on. The past haunts us fear causes anxiety why? Are we failures in what we do...or were we abused for years and now believe it..... I can go on, on, on. Yet depressed, bipolar,mental illness people are still judged. As we are the crazy ones or scared of us because we are very angry and never know when we will attack. Mefications help us but no one knows. People dont talk normally they just agree because of mental illness.media has to get involved. Not only beyond blue fans bike rides. This is serious people have to now more about it. Like smoking, gambling,
1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi figen,

Welcome to the forums, and thank you for sharing your views.

You are right, more awareness can still be raised. I wanted to know if you have thought about putting some of your hopes to good use? I often say that awareness starts at an individual level, and it's great that you've taken an active step in coming here and sharing with others. Are there other things you can do to help raise awareness around the importance of mental health?

I agree that the past often haunts us, and many of us have pasts that we would rather forget. What I've also discovered is that we also have a future ahead of us too, and if we remain focused on the past then our future will end up with the same storylines. Is it time to begin a new chapter, change the plot of your story, start working towards a conclusion that you would be far happier with?

Mental illness affects 1 in 4 people in Australia, imagine what the world would be like if the same amount of people took it upon themselves to make a positive change in how we are viewed by society.
