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Need help for mental health.

Community Member

Hello guys, I'm a 41 year old male. I've been suffering from mental health issues most of my life, sever anxiety and depression. I've been shuffled around from GP to GP, different psychologists, I just can't find the right help. The psychologists I've seen were very unprofessional, as the sessions were supposed to last for an hour, but they would see patients for only 10-15 mins, patients would be told to turn up at the same appointment times. Very unprofessional. I received no feedback and have been left to feel like I can't receive help that I need.

I changed my GP and he referred me to a new therapist, I have waited more than 3 months, and still haven't received any notice of when I start my first session. I'm sick of this.

Is there anyone on this site that can please put me in touch with a GP in Melbourne that specialises in mental health and who can start me with a new psychologist or psychiatrist? I'm at my wits end. I can't go private, has to be bulk billing as I don't currently work. I'm receiving unemployment benefits. Thanks in advance.

7 Replies 7

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Soreeyes, when something like this happens it's more than frustrating, it's annoying and I don't blame you for feeling this way.
If your sessions were meant for an hour but only had 15 minutes and charged for the hour, whether it's on the mental health plan or whether it was bulk-billed, then professionally they shouldn't be doing this at all, and the government wouldn't take this too lightly if they knew.
You can do two things here, one which you may have already done, and wanted answers, the other is to report them to by googling 'report and complain about a psychology'.
Click on Get Support' and scroll down until you see 'Find a professional'because 3 months is too long before they contact you, keep ringing their office, telling them it's urgent.
If you find someone under G/Support ask them first if they bulk bill, other places to go in the interim are your local community centre, they have social workers or try Anglicare.
Please let us know if none of these work out then we have to come up other options. Geoff.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Soreeyes,

Sorry to read your story. It can be very frustrating and detrimental to our health when we have to wait so long for assistance.

Geoff has suggested looking at the "Get Support" section on this site. Part of the rules here are that we don't name specific Drs or people to help. Beyond Blue, the organisation can help you though. If you are able to, you can also call the help line for Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636. Or you can make contact using the Chat Online service.

I have used this help line, also Life Line and any others I can find listed in the phone book when I am feeling at crisis point, or hopefully before I reach that state!

I'm also one for borrowing books from the library. I sometimes as at the counter for help with suggestions of books that may assist with my depression and stress.

Another option is to call a medical centre and ask if they have a Dr who specialises in mental health issues. Some medical centres have web pages and list the Drs available and their specialties.

This forum is also a great place to share how you are feeling, it is not the same as professional help, it may help you to chat more about how you are feeling. People here are non judgemental and most have experienced some kind of mental health issue or have loved ones who have.

If you are really struggling and concerned about what you might do next, you can go to the emergency department of a hospital and ask for help there.

Hope you find some answers and the help you need!

Cheers from Dools

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Soreeyes,

Thanks for your post.

Ah, I'm sorry it's been so frustrating finding a psychologist. I feel so frustrated for you knowing that this happens way too often than it should.

The one thing I can recommend though is this -


You can get specific with your concerns or just enter your suburb/location. You can also round down by 'bulk billing' and then if you find a few you can ring and ask them about their availability before organising a referral.

Hope this helps,

Community Member
Thanks Geoff, and others who have responded kindly to my post. I have been in touch with some organisations since yesterday and have been put in touch with a couple of recommended psychologists, hopefully don't have to wait much longer to start sessions. Thanks again. I will keep you posted on how I go. Sooner or later, I must be able to find one that helps me out!

Rough trot Soreeyes

Good luck with your new psych, jeez you're due for some luck going your way

Good on you that you'll be updating 🙂


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Soreeyes,

Sometimes you need to question your GP's professional opinion and find someone who suits you, there's databases through the Department of Health and also separate medical societies, just add in your search parameters (problem, distance, gender of therapist) and you'll find a handful of therapists who should accept bulk billed patients.

Good luck, sometimes it takes a while


good info thanks Infinity I'm learning so much here (Y)