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Mum of 7 a baby on the way

Community Member
Hi I’m a mum of 7 an have 2 grandchildren an have just found out that I’m pregnant again..I’m not happy nor excited I don’t know how to feel about it.. my youngest is almost 2 so I just went back to work a few months ago an have been enjoying the adult time again.. I really want my last to definitely b my last.. I’m very confused that I can’t bring myself to tell my friends an extended family.. I don’t want to b judged for the number of kids I have.. I feel it’s making me very depressed
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Mummaof7,

I only have 1 child so far (18 months old).

I understand the feeling of being pregnant and not being excited. It's a horrible feeling, only compounded by feeling guilty because you think you should be happy about it. I decided to terminate the pregnancy. I felt guilty and sad for a few months, but I know I made the right decision. When I fell pregnant with my son I felt completely different and I knew it was right.

Whatever you decide, please speak to your doctor about the depressingly your are feeling. Your doctor can talk to you about a range of treatment options to help you feel less depressed.

Kind thoughts, Jess