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I hate what happened at 4am today

Community Member

Hi, my mum and I got rudely woken up by the police at 4am this morning because apparently a police station contacted my local police station to check up on me. I was dead asleep and then a couple of hours later the cops came to my house again. One of the male cops was being very arrogant to my mum and I. I now hate the cops because of it. 

6 Replies 6

Community Member

Hi Rose, 


I’m sorry to hear about the experience you and your mother had so early in the morning. It sounds like the police were trying to ensure you were safe but went about it in a stressful way. The experience must have been frustrating and the way the police acted towards your mother is disheartening. 


While this experience with police was not the best I recommend remembering that there are police officers that do want to help and assist you, especially if you are in any difficult situations. 


I hope you and your mum are okay now, despite how distressing the situation may have been. If you need to talk to someone further about your experience beyond blue has 24/7 counselling services available: 1300 22 4636


Kind Regards


I hate the cops a lot to the point that I want to yell at one 

Hi, I am sorry to hear about your recent experience and I hope it never happens again for you.I feel that although perhaps poorly handled, the police were there to make sure you were okay and I am glad you are . I also feel that the actions of a few police might not represent all police and there are genuinely nice members of the force out there. I truly hope you are okay and sorry for your experience.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Rose2021,

That sounds really intrusive of them to come by at 4AM, and I imagine it must've been quite a surprise. I hope you are feeling a little better now, and feel safe at home.


Please let us know if there's anything in particular you'd like to talk more about, or if you just really wanted to get this off your chest that's okay too. Take care for now.



Community Member

I wish all cops were nice kind and caring. I am safe at home 

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Rose2021,

I am glad to hear you are safe at home. Take care for now, and I hope you have been able to spend time with some kind and caring friends or family.
