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I am Depressed and don't know how to tell my parents

Community Member

Over the last couple of months, I have realised that i am depressed. I have tried to bring it up to my parents but I'm scared they will think i am over reacting or if they over react to the subject. My mom has a lot of problems with depression, not in the sense that she is depressed but she reads a lot of stuff on teen depression and i don't want her to see me that way. could someone please give me some advice? that would help.

Thank you,

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
Hello Blairkpm, welcome to the forum and I've seen a reply to someone else you have made.

It would be a good idea to tell your parents, although there is a concern that your mum may try and diagnose you, whereas that's what your doctor should be doing.

I would be asking your parents to book an appointment with your doctor and ask them for the conversation to be between you and the GP, to begin with, and then bring your parents in so that the doctor can speak to them.

If they do diagnose you with depression then it's so much better for the GP to tell your parents on what cause of action needs to be taken.

She can certainly help you as much as she can, but all the questions she may ask, needs to stop, because it may not help you, and what she has read, may or may not be anything like what you are.

Please post back to us. Geoff.

Community Member

Hi there and welcome

Geoff has made some great suggestions to start with 🙂

Im wondering if you would be open to talking to your school counsellor about how your feeling. They can also support you as well as talk to your parents if you would like or perhaps a trusted teacher?

It can be really scary to try and talk to others about how your feeling and that you would like some help. It took me a long time too because of the same concerns about what they will think or ask or will they treat you differenly. Most parents though will understand but will have those questions too as they are concerned. Its a natural response to ask whats wrong/why etc so they can understand so try not to be put off by that.

If you would like to talk to them yourself i would find a nice quiet time and place like maybe after dinner with the tv off so you have their attention and start by saying your having abit of trouble coping with your feelings then go onto to saying what those feelings are so in your case its depressed.

If you find it hard to talk to them maybe you could write them a note explaining these things or what you would like tot say to them. Sometimes writing it can be easier than talking. Often they will approach you after reading and it gives them time to process things too.

can i ask if something has happened or is happening to make you feel depressed e.g school troubles, relationships, bullying. We could help and give advice on this too if you would like.

Please know this is a safe place to express yourself and we are here for you

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Blairkpm,

I'm sorry you have been struggling with depression.

I was just wondering if your mum has been reading these books on depression maybe it's because she gets a sense or feeling that she can see that you are depressed.

I think if you sat down with your mum somewhere quiet and start talking to her about how your feeling depressed would be a good idea.

Your mum has been reading up on teen depression which imo, shows me that your mum knows it is a real illness, and that you will need professional help to help you cope with your depression..

If you can't tell your parents maybe you could try speaking to the school councillor about how you are feeling.

I would like to say to you Blaikpm that depression is a serious problem and it's really important that you reach out for help. Most parents are understanding and will ask you a few questions of course to find out how you are feeling, that's only because they care...

Please know that we care and your not alone, your welcome to come here anytime to talk, if you want to.
