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Community Member
My name is Natalie and i have depression i feel like i am always pushing people away out of my life i also feel like i am no good to anyone
10 Replies 10

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Natalie

Yeah that's the nature of depression unfortunately pushing people away.

I have BP (Bipolar) & understand a fair bit about depression through insight, have to to try and work out how to beat the beast which I believe strongly can be done.

There seems to be a part of us all I think not only mental issues that tries to pull us down.
I'm learning to try and work out specifically what it is that's pulling down, makes it easier to work on individual reasons. There's usually not just one reason, so baby steps, work on one thing at a time.

Do you have days when your depression is lighter or you feel ok or is it all the time.
In BP it's usually in cycles and goes extremely deep but with time and sleep (Vital) it passes though lately been struggling on & off outta a cycle.

When you're tired do you find the depressions worse?

I ask a LOT of people this to try & work it all out.

Pushing people away hurts us more & them, I've been on that side with a friend that recently passed, realized I had to learn her moods.
Not for everyone but I think we need people in our lives, esp those that care.

Are you able to talk to anyone, friends, family, counsellor, Psych?
