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Hi....rant ahead

Community Member

I was wondering how taking pills can fill the emptiness from inside, I have had bipolar most my life, [ Im 55} and lately it is getting worse. I have asked my doctor for help, and he gave me new pills, but when i asked to speak to someone, he said i was not covered for that with government helping. I can see a podiatrist, or dietrician,or physiotherapist. My four children have grown up and left, and i have no real contact with them apart from the looking at their facebooks. They live near their father, who played the injured party throughout our marriage breakdown, and so i am this villain who left them. { I had no choice as hubby then was in navy, and i was booted out when i asked for a divorce]

Anyway, life seems so empty now, as my whole life resolved around my boys. I live on a disability, which has isolated me. My new hubby is my carer, but he has his own issues. trying harder and harder each day to find reasons to live. We have no life savings, no friends, no assets. I find myself trying harder and harder each day trying to find a reason to live. I keep looking for the silver lining at the end of the tunnel, but its only darkness. When i reach out, im condemmed for seeking attention.



12 Replies 12

Thank you so much for your kind words. I am planning on going walkie with hubby and the dr has increased my medication. I am playing with my cats more which always cheers me up. Thanks again

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Sandy~

Our cats are far to dignified to play, but one purrs a lot which is lovely. I think the thread DB was referring to is


It's been going for a very long time and is full of good ideas.

I hope the new dosage helps and you get that walk.


Dear Sandy

It's good that you have returned to the forum to talk about your mental health. I am sad to learn things are not going well for you. I wonder if you have noticed a thread Staying Well/This Bipolar Life. It's been going for a while. The person who started this thread is talking about her diagnosis of bipolar, medication and the struggle to manage. It's now very long and the originator has left the forum but still very much in use. You may find it helpful to browse this thread and perhaps pick up some tips from those who have bipolar. You may also like to contribute to the conversation.

Getting out of the house can be hard when you have lost your confidence. My sister found it hard to step outside her front door. She had depression but I guess it doesn't matter why you cannot get out, finding the courage to do so is what matters. My mom used to visit her and after knocking on the door mom would go back to the gate. When my sister opened the door mom would insist she walk to the gate before mom would go inside. Such a simple thing on the surface but so hard to do in reality when you feel so bad.

I see several people have offered/suggested activities that are inexpensive and helpful. I also see you and your husband are going to start walking. That is a great idea and will help with your confidence. It's also good for your physical and mental health, cheap and easier when you go with someone.

Mental health issues are quite confronting for those who do not have these issues. You may find it helpful to look at the Black Dog Institute. www.blackdoginstitute.org.au It has more information about bipolar than BB. Open the page then click on clinical resources and follow the prompts. I find it's always good to learn about your illness because the better informed you are the more resources you have.

I also suggest phoning the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 available 24/7. Look at their web site www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au Do not get worried by the name they are great people and also offer online counselling. The service is there for those who are struggling with being here. Good qualified people to talk to. I really recommend it and I think you will find it helpful.

I think you will have seen your doctor by now. We would love to know how you got on.
