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Hi im new

Community Member
I think i have depression i havent been to a professional and minor anxiety i have collapsed once overthinking and crying and not being able to breathe for no reason. Im not sure how this forum really works so if someone wanted to help me that would be great
22 Replies 22

Hello Angelkattie, as Croix has said it's lovely to hear back from you so please let us help you.

Take care.


Community Member

Hi, i am new here. I have depression and anxiety as well as high stress. I hate to talk about me and my feelings. I have trouble at home and at school as well as the pressure of the future.

I just want someone to talk to .

hi its been about half a year and im feeling so much better. I registered right towards the end of my whatever stage (im not going to say depression and self diagnose myself) but im feeling so much better i cut out that toxic person and watched a few home movies from when i was a bay and gained a perspective on how important my life is to so many people that watched me grow up and who have just entered my life. I realized even though the world would still go on my family wouldnt and i realised ive got so much more to life and that its only been an eighth of my life (god willing) and it will get better and i just had to make the best of what i had in my teen years. I still feel the same way sometimes but im working through it with myself but i know i will be okay. Thankyou all for your support even though it was a few paragraphs it helped me understand theres so many people with the same things and i just.. stopped. i dont know i just had a sudden realization so thankyou so much