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Feel like giving up

Community Member

About 18 months ago I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. After the initial 6 months of hell, things seemed to settle down except for a few bumps in the road. That has all changed. Last week everything fell apart!

It is 10 years since my mother passed away later this year. Last week was her birthday and while I was putting flowers on her grave I started thinking that it should have been me that got sick and was in there. She had things to live for, she missed out on being a grandmother. Me, I’m now in my late 40’s, single never married, no kids, basically nothing to live for.

Since then I’ve just gone further down hill and feel like I can do nothing right and am a burden on everyone, to name just a few of the emotions. I just feel so low and have been keeping to myself. Last year I confided in a couple of colleagues about what I’d been through so in any future bad times they would understand what I’d been through and in the hope they’d support me and have my back and check in if I didn’t seem right. They all treated me like I was in a bad mood or had some deadly disease. Not one of them asked me if I was ok! The people I thought I could trust to support me let me down. Made me feel worse, so alone and like no one cared.

I just want to give up. I can’t do this anymore.

2 Replies 2

Community Member
I got nothing to say except I know how you feel.

I felt like i finally got my mum to understand but now every time I open my mouth to talk about something that's bothering me, she just says " oh thats just your anxiety"

I see that as just another way of saying "oh shut up and get over it".

Now I'm definitely anxious because I like nobody is listening. I feel like giving up too.

Community Member

I come from a really big family and I know plenty of relatives who never married. There's this... really toxic and old-fashioned mindset out there that you need to have kids to be seen as "useful" to society. But it's perfectly okay to simply "drift" through life and experience things as you see them. A lot of people throughout history have waited a very long time before they started doing anything interesting with their lives.

If you feel like you're drifting through life with not much to live for... You may or may not have a pet. Either way, pets make people happy, right? Unless they're specially trained to help others they don't really do much. And yet we love them anyway for making us happy with their antics.