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Depression or teenage hormones?

Community Member

Hi, I’m 15 and over the past six months I’ve been extremely tired, depressed, lonley, lost and I can’t concentrate on anything every day. Over the past two to three years I’ve struggled with anxiety but I never saw a professional. Although it’s been hard to understand I think I might have depression. Yesterday I did the hardest think I’ve ever done. Talked to my parents about it. Although we didn’t talk about everything (more specifically I avoided my depressive thoughts) it for me, very difficult.I spoke to my dad and he talked about how when he was a teenager he felt the same as I do. He said that it’s just teenage hormones and everyone goes though it but I can’t ignore the fact that I feel like it’s more than that. So my question is how do I know the difference? Between average teenage hormones and depression?

4 Replies 4

Summer Rose
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Tiffanyd

Welcome to the bb forum.

I was sorry to read that you have been feeling unwell but, at the same time, so pleased to learn that you have spoken with your father. I know that took a lot of courage, so well done to you.

Your dad has a point, it could be a case of teenage hormones. It could also be depression or even something else. The only way to really find out what's happening is to have a chat with your GP. If you want to go down this path, book a double appointment so you have plenty of time to talk.

You can also read through the depression materials on the bb website and take the depression quizz. You can also talk it through with an expert on the bb helpline. Just call 1300 22 4636.

Please know that depression is a common and treatable condition. With the right treatment most people recover.

I wish you the best as you take your next steps. Please feel free to post again with questions or to let us know how you're getting on.

Thank you so much for replying Summer Rose, I truly appreciate it. I’ve taken the Beyond Blue anxiety and depression quiz recently and my result wasn’t too good. Im going to try talk to my parents so I can go to a GP. Once again, thank you.

Hi again

I really like the sound of you talking to your parents and seeing your GP. One step at a time, towards better health! Post any time.

Hello and welcome

well done for reaching out. Im relaly glad to hear that youll speak to your parents.

Perhaps if you struggle to talk to them you could try writing a letter explaining how your feeling and you would like some help and support.

Hope it all goes well 🙂