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Dealing with people when depressed

Community Member

Would love to hear of people's experiences navigating the difficulties of being more sensitive to criticism

some pyschs call this interpersonal sensitivity when depressed/anxious/irritable , I sometimes find dealing with friends or family tricky.

3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

Good question

My sensitivity is way high, always has been. People say- "you are too sensitive you have to change that". But like patience it is in our DNA.

Google (you only need to read the first post of each)

Beyondblue Topic depression and sensitivity -a connection?

Beyondblue Topic supermarket shelves

Beyondblue Topic dysthymia

Beyondblue Topic fortress of survival

Beyondblue Topic fortress of survival part 2

Beyondblue Topic and what are their mental illnesses?

The fortress of survival threads were written to build walls to protect us from some people. Some of us didnt develop in some areas normally and lack of emotional maturity isnt very obvious to us nor family. Sensitivity is lacking those normal thick skinned defensive feelings we find it hard to develop after childhood so we need to counter that with other means.

Repost if you like.


cheers i'll have a read.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Fred2018,

Thank you for your post and your question.

This is something that I find really tricky too. I've found that there are two things that helps me

- Try and listen to what has actually been said. This sounds obvious, but sometimes when we hear things our brain misinterprets them to the max. I.e. "that was wrong because of this" translates sometimes to "everything was wrong and it's all your fault".

- See if you can recognise what went well or what's going good. People don't always tell us what we're doing right, so being able to recognise that can help. Ideally, people are giving criticism to help and not hinder you, so trying to have that be the focus too.