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Completely f*cked!!!
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It's a complicated scenario but I've been wrongly diagnosed with schizophrenia and I've been stuck under psychiatry for the last twelve years. I have to have consultations every six months that I don't want to have. I have to constantly get scripts and go every month to the chemist and buy un wanted medication. I have to have medical certificates and possibly occupational assessments just to legally drive a vehicle too because of it, when I'm sane anyway. After over coming weight gain, I then have had lasting un wanted belly stretch marks. To make it worse I then was diagnosed with pre diabetes and three years after that I was made to have a cholecystectomy. I'm constantly fighting with any therapist and doctor because their telling me that I'm indenyl and that I lack insight and that their experts and I know their wrong. It's abusive when I know I am the injustice and the victim.
I also have so many experiences where I know it's a combination of North American's or doctors/ therapist's and their laughing about my malpractice scenario and misdiagnosis that they are trying to make me feel different, less intelligent or wither I'm more on the autistic spectrum. It's furthermore abuse. I even had one GP write caution on my patient paper when given to another GP.
All my life before and even still now I've disliked my father. But I've always obviously been financially dependent on him. He tells me wither I'm disabled, soft, inept, weak, pale, wither I should be driving, wither I want to work or wither I can cook anything without burning the house down.
I not only had been socially, verbally and physically bullied and degraded all during high school and hated everyone in my school. I made the mistake of knowing two of them until I was 23, when I was more wanting friends because I was in a younger personality back then. Since high school it's been 11 years and I've only had 9 month's of volunteer because I've had no direction for which jobs I would want to do. There's no certificates I want to do and I can't achieve anything from University. I won't work a apprenticeship or a traineeship or anything with construction. I was told by one of their mothers at 19 that I was a loser. I don't want to work entry sales, hospitality, factory or even retail most likely. There's no route to direct my life in now.
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I can't like my generation. I don't relate to their consensus with anything. To their secular Anti Christianity atheism, to their politics. I can't handle a universal world where everything conservative is controversial or misrepresented as toxic. I don't like them socially, I think their too likely to say wither your awkward, cringe, weird, desperate or insecure. Their not great with valuable conversation, their socially superficial and it's mostly small talk, or just stupid humor, that's how it seems. They are more without courtesy and more vain with their thinking, manners is more optional with them, their inferior with loyalty and since they grew up in the 21st century they like making internet memes to capitalise and make tragedies worse. They live in competition with each other and their more intrusive about the next persons lives.
I generalise most people are generic, wither it's the same mainstream view with music, or how most are socially superficial, many men are subjectively shallow and their all under the Andrew Tate typical opinions or wither it's their atheist beliefs. Too many people listen to reply and not to understand or actively care about the quality of the advice they give back.
I am still dealing with my spirituality. It's not only being told if I'm desperate, otherwise I get told if I'm weird too often. I get told wither I'm a democrat or they tell me Hillary or about Monica Lewinsky, that's how I know in some mysterious way it's specifically the American's doing it somehow.
I hate dealing with anyone that's un caring, vain, opinionated or if they try to speak on your behalf especially. I hate how some people think they can define your intelligence, wither your likeable, controversial or mentally sane. I have also came to the conclusion that a lot of people who succeed are typically narcissistic or degenerate and that it's mostly men that achieve greater identity and huge feats.
I hate psychiatry because it's a industry that legalises to prescribe flawed pharmaceuticals, knowing that their detrimental. There's no compensation or given sympathy too when you get complications, even when their permanent. Their not noble hearted, they work for the money since their making $400,000 to $100,000 yearly salaries. If you don't agree with anything, your voiceless to disagree and your in a tyranny relationship. Voluntary rights are a promised myth. The shrinks have so many manipulative and socially dominating narcissistic aspects. They view patients with disdain and as inferior. A lot of nurses or psychologist's write patient profile report lies for their image and shrinks often exaggerate symptoms, otherwise they generalise you based off whichever diagnoses you have, but they hypocritically treat your own intelligence as superficial. Depending they talk to you in a manner that's overly slow and you can read their facial expressions at times when they blame you for their social countertransference's that they cause when they invalidate your feelings. If you ask something that's not a direct yes or no, it's irrelevant and they don't want you taking their self centred precious time, because their grandiose special smug people. Their a pseudo - science because their going off a academic guess towards symptoms without 100% facts to make a legit psychoanalysis. They always demean your intelligence and wither they admittedly say it or not, their thinking less of your cognitive intelligence. Any negative proven, credible studies, typically done by America that goes against their profession and acknowledge the harm of their medication. They just act vague and dismiss the truth, they only conceive progressive information and there's not any conservative reality behind their practice and approach, there's no healthy medium. They think their God complex IQ's that their flawless from making a wrong evaluation, they basically laugh at you when your speaking with sophisticated bigger words, they think their assessments are indisputable and then it's constant patronising and undermining from their. If you change to the next therapist, it's all under the gold collar consensus that this is absolutely defining the patient before them.

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