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Can I dry your tears before they fall?

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

For some time I've been depression free, almost fooled myself I it wasnt coming back. Of course we do this all the time, a life of hoping and dreaming with that dark black dog shadow lurking, watching and sniffing, waiting for his chance to pounce.

And in these past few days what accompanies my depression is a mix of sadness and depth that I find hard to describe even to myself. Usually never lost for words I suddenly have few. Then a dear friend rang me and I blurted out my current condition and she asked me to write it down.


It not matter about me and my health

Nor my money and perceived wealth

It does matter if my friend wants to call

Can I dry your tears before they fall?


And if you let me please do

Talk about your issues and what bothers you

us that have problems every hour of the day

do understand when your mind is in decay



You might walk slower than you often can

Doubting yourself like this mixed up clown of a man

If you are in distress and need some hugs and ears

It not matter but can I dry your tears?


I carry a bucket with me everywhere

I dont care if the world is full of stares

I'll place it at your feet any time you call

Can I dry your tears before they fall?


A simple poem. That's me when depressed. Recently a thread was here from a member about how sad stories might contribute towards increasing depression. Although this thread is sad I dont want it to be. What a contradiction that last sentence was!.  I am off for 3 days tomorrow camping. I'm hoping by Monday I'll be well.. So right now I've decided to start that weekend off, reboot my attitude, change direction and be happier. It's a tough call, can I do it? Yes, I will. Damn it I will.

 Here is my start.


It's when I worked for Telstra I had a bit to say

Before I entered a porta-potti on a bright and sunny day

It was the type on two wheels for workers where they'd moan

And I decided during this time to write a simple poem


Upon this dunny seat where I do my bit

An interesting episode of where my botty sits"


Well this dunny on a trailer was towed by a fellow mate

And off he drove to the shop and mi' mouth was just agape

With mi' undies at mi' ankles and the seat wrapped around mi' neck

I tried to stop mi' tender arse from sliding off the deck


The slop began to lick my bot, sloshing from side to side

I yelled and screamed for him to stop so I could restore my pride


"Upon this dunny seat where I do my bit

An interesting episode of where my botty sits"....

Tony WK


I've made the first step.


6 Replies 6

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello WK

Thank you for the poems.  I was just reading earlier tonight about depression and poetry!  People with severe depression seem to have a way with poetry.

However, I hope that you are OK and will find yourself out of the dark by the end of your camping trip.

Do enjoy the next three days - Cant say I envy you - I had enough of 'camping' in Defence.

Take care of yourself,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi WK,

I'm really sorry to hear that the black dog has shown itself once more. It can arrive when we least expect it, and sometimes it can even be a different breed. Don't forget that all dogs can be put on a lead, and you can be the master of your depression. I'm glad that you have chosen to go away for a while. Hopefully camping will recharge your batteries and give you the strength you need to face up to the dog once more. We are here for you should you need that extra bit of support.

Take care WK, and I look forward to your return.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

My dear friend Tony

I am sad to read that you are not doing ok.  I really hope that the next three days camping will uplift your spirits.  Take some time out. Hope to hear that you had a good time away.

Thinking of you, take care

Jo xxx

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


I hope your camping trip was relaxing and enjoyable.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Tony

How was your weekend.  I hope you had a great relaxing time.

Jo xx

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi everyone here,

Yes, our camping trip went well.

We had the pleasure of the company of a married couple.  Many years ago their two children were lost due to a horrendous crime. Ten days after the event I met their mother in a country cemetery. I've been writing poems to her ever since- 8 years now nearly 9. They have become dear friends.

Spending time with this couple reminded me how lucky I am. That there are lost people out there that no longer have a purpose in life, cannot find a way forward and the strain on their relationship is enormous.

I'm feeling 90% now and likely will be 100% by tomorrow night. I've had one night in hospital with my third blood clot, but seems it wasnt as bad as I thought is was.

Again thankyou for your concern. I'm back in my castle.