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Being made redundant at 50

Community Member

After six years working for a social housing firm, I have been advised last week that my position is made redundant. I was not consulted about this and following week they have taken my user access to the computer. I work remotely from home so I contacted my supervisor via text message. She advised me that they are giving me this week off to find work so login has been suspended. So having a positive approach, I have commenced applying for jobs during the time, but I cannot believe how they are treating me. To add to that, my supervisor advised me to keep the matter hush, hush!

I have given my heart and soul to the organisation and I was the person responsible for transitioning the office from paper based to and electronic environment, trained staff, wrote business policies and procedures for management and even visited our remote offices and made lunches for staff members. Actually my general manager had a military background and he strongly believed in having meals together as a troop. Lucky for my limited cooking skills and access to a stove in the kitchen, I was able to knock out something for the staff. I feel disappointed on my bosses not to involve me in the process, let alone advise staff of possible restructure / job losses for staff.

I feel let down by my boss but I place my trust in God that he will help me. I have a million dollor loan on my head and my wife works part-time to take care of our two girls.

I feel unvalued as my bosses did not consult me. A letter outlining redundancy did not reflect on my performance, but lack of funding from Government office, but still I feel staff should have been notified. No doubt the managers knew how they were performing and that a lack of performance on their part would put the company's prospects at risk. From where I stood, I continued to give my 110% to my work commitments and assisted staff where possible.

I never envisaged that I would be treated this way by the organisation I helped so much. I think staff loyality is not longer prevalent in society today. The days of staying in a job until you retired are long gone! Any advise you can suggest please!!

10 Replies 10

Community Member

Hi Only the Lonely. I am sorry to hear about your redundancy; I have been made redundant in a previous role and it can really feel like a punch in the gut.

In my job I read a lot of CVs and I looked at your brief description and it sounds like you have got a lot of valuable experience under your belt that you can highlight in your job applications. Job hunting can be a very disheartening process, but it is really important not to take it personally. I think most hiring managers want you to succeed when they read your CV and application, but unfortunately they need to choose the person who most closely matches their requirements.

All the best in your search.