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Acronym meanings

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
I know there's a few that I don't know but ask what they are so assuming others too may not know


Learnt recently that BPD = Bipolar Disorder can be confused with BPD= Borderline Personality disorder so the poster puts PD= personality disorder (good thinking)

74 Replies 74

Thx Lothar yeah I'm putting in what people use here as well.

So I'm assuming initialisms are ones like BC = because as opposed to PTSD Post traumatic Stress disorder

It doesn't matter really but if I'm on wrong track can you plz explain the difference. Ta

L&C = Love & Care (Grandy xx)

Community Champion
Community Champion
Just tagging

Community Champion
Community Champion
Nvm...never mind.

Lothar I was hoping you'd return to save me looking it up 🙂 thought I had the gist but checking again I'm confused I thought acronym was the first letter of words. ATM is an acronym.

Dictionary from net says:
Acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA ).

Right so that'd mean initialism like tt (table tennis) can't be pronounced as a word I'm thinking. Gunna check AGAIN 🙂

An abbreviation consisting of initial letters pronounced separately (e.g. BBC ).

Yeah got it thanks. No that doesn't make sense either, cause ATM you have to say the letters separately and it said on net it's an acronym but you have to say ATM separately

Anyone ?

Last update pg 2 on 4th October

DBT - DBT. (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy.)

Dialetical - relating to the logical discussion of ideas and opinions.
"dialectical ingenuity"
concerned with or acting through opposing forces.

Hi Demonblaster,

I think this is a great idea, and a standard list of abbreviations would be useful as part of a welcome page.

I know I felt a bit 'outsider' reading posts sprinkled with abbreviations, and not finding a secret decoder ring so that I could understand.

My thoughts:

  1. Can the title of this thread be changed? "Abbreviations" are all forms of shortenings, which includes "acronyms" (pronounced as a word) and "initialisms" (pronounced letter by letter)
  2. "Dual" means 'consisting of 2 parts'. "Duel" is getting up at sunrise, standing back to back with some scoundrel who has insulted your honour, and then doing your best to shoot them! 🙂
  3. Re: "DD" = 'dependent daughter?". One common usage on mothers' chats is:

DD - Dear Daughter

DS - Dear Son

DH - Dear Husband (although context sometimes suggests two different words, the second being "Head" 🙂 )

and so forth... OS - oldest son, YD youngest daughter

And finally, rather than this becoming huge and unweildy, would it be worth including a link to abbreviations.com

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Lol hi Dn great post thanks for laughs info & suggests which yes I was thinking too asking for change of title after initialisms point bought up so I'll ask

I'll add initialisms on next update & thanks for clarifying that all ☺ I nearly had understanding till one place contradicted acronym meaning although I read over & over it may have been me misunderstanding

Lol DH (dear husband or) must I imagine be a commonly used one 😉

Great ideas they at this stage to my knowledge they don't have links on this older system but with their new system in future no doubt will.

On reading rules a couple more times recently they for same as your reasons when you first came here don't encourage abbreviations. I found it time consuming working out MH initialisms but it's as we know quicker & easier

Guilty of abbreviations ...oops, so backing off 😲

Thx again ☺

Tc (take care

REBT. Rational emotive behavioural therapy

ET Exposure therapy

OS overseas