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Acronym meanings

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
I know there's a few that I don't know but ask what they are so assuming others too may not know


Learnt recently that BPD = Bipolar Disorder can be confused with BPD= Borderline Personality disorder so the poster puts PD= personality disorder (good thinking)

74 Replies 74

ACT.......Actualised Conscious Thought
ACT.......& Acceptance and commitment therapy
AD.........Arrested Development (period in life when developmental progress was interrupted
ADS.......Alcohol Dependence Scale
AH.... ....Auditory Hallucinations
ALIVE....A Lifestyle Intervention Via EmailBB........
BD.........Borderline Disorder (Starting dropped the D. Gets mistaken with Bipolar Disorder
BD.......&Body Dysmorphia
BPD....&Bipolar disorder
BPD....&Borderline Personality Disorder
CA......? Child abuse (does anyone know different? (for discussion)
CBT.......Cognitive behavioural therapy
CD........Clinical Depression
CSA......Child sexual abuse/assultDBT..... Dialectical behavior therapy
DSP .....Disability support Pension
DV......Domestic Violence
EMDR.. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
GAD...Generalised Anxiety Disorder
GAD...Generalised Anxiety Disorder
MIA....Missing in Action (or away for the day)
MI......Mental Illness
MH.....Mental Health
MPD/DPD.. Multiple/Duel Personality Disorder
NAMI...National Alliance on Mental Illness.
NC ......No Contact.
NDIA...National Disability Insurance Authority
NDIS...National Disability Insurance Scheme
NEA/BPD...National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder.
NIMH..National Institute of Mental Health.
NPD....Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
OCD....Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
PSTD..Post traumatic stress disorder
SH.......Self Harm
SIB......Self injuirious behaviour
STD.....Sexually Transmitted Disease
General internet
ATM......At the moment
AWOL...Away With-Out Leave
AFK......Away from keyboard
BBL......Be back later
BBS.....Be back soon
BIL.......Brother in law. FIL = father in law. MIL = Mother in law. SIL = Sister in law.
BTW.....By the way
GTG......Got to go
IDK.......I don't know
IKR.......I know right?
LTH......Less than human
LMAO...Laughed My Arse Off!
IMO......In my opinion
IMHO...In my honest opinion
PRN.....Per required necessary (when needed) from latin term: Pro Re Nata,
TC........Take care
(Y) ........like (from fb = facebook)
:) ….......Smile (turn your head to L & down. Dots are eyes, bracket the mouth
:D..........Big smile
:P..........Poking tongue out (tongue and cheek)

mwah= kiss

OMG DB (oh my goodness Demon Blaster)...

I ❤️ this thread!

Was ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing) while reading. THX (thanks) for that.

Wow that is so much work. I think I'll just stick to words 😊

Thankyou for EMDR my friend was telling me about that this week and couldn't remember what it was called.

Just posting to keep this in my threads. So helpful!

❤ Nat

Umm just a thought... I've seen a few abbreviations for swear words on the forums... Do you want them too? In case someone is confused?

FFS... for f sake

WTF... What the f.

There are a fair few of these. I've been guilty of using WTF.

Hey Q 🙂 thx dropping by, good to cay

OMG DB (oh my goodness Demon Blaster)... Good version, I use God & other religious words as expressions, never disrespect for religion & have always known it as OH MY GOD, like that what you said)

I thought about the others like ffs etc but wasn't sure they'd allow it here cause of stronger swears but I could put some in separately then if they allow them I could add em aye

lol at too much work, nah not for me :D, I'll go the quicker way anytime:)

Thx again for input

Hi DB,

This is a great thread thank you, a couple of contributions

IME - in my experience

YOLO - you only live once

GR8 - great

=> - leads to

> - greater than

< - less than

THX 4 thread! M 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Goody onya Mathy many thx for that, & comments, always lovely to hear I'll update in near future 🙂
Hadn't hear a couple of those so learning too. As for the MH one's a lot I'm learning. All good, like learning.

Q (Quercus) I'm hoping it's the one's you mentioned that we can't have here cause I slip the odd mild swear in but unusual they didn't show in email the post that I couldn't have published which I thought be the case, fair enough though and thx for input & time 🙂

Best all

We'd prefer people didn't use acronyms for swear words - when writing your posts, imagine you're in mixed company and use alternative language rather than swearing. 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

AMIDA. Action for More Independence & Dignity in Accommodation

OT Occupational Therapist

OT OverTime

Community Member
Well there goes NFI as an acronym. Curious, as these are well used, and generally not in an abusive manner towards another individual. Usually used to describe a person’s thoughts/feelings, about something they are talking about/relating to? After all, OMG could be regarded as blasphemy by some people? Not wanting a fight, just interested in reasoning, Cheers M:)