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Acronym meanings

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
I know there's a few that I don't know but ask what they are so assuming others too may not know


Learnt recently that BPD = Bipolar Disorder can be confused with BPD= Borderline Personality disorder so the poster puts PD= personality disorder (good thinking)

74 Replies 74

Community Member
bbl-be back later

Thx lovelies πŸ™‚ Sez great in A-Z good thinking MH section (Y)

AD.........Arrested Development (period in life when developmental progress was interrupted
ACT.......(Actualised Conscious Thought
ACT.......& Acceptance and commitment therapy
ADS.......Alcohol Dependence Scale
AH.... ....Auditory Hallucinations
ALIVE...A Lifestyle Intervention Via EmailBB........
BP........ (Bipolar
BPD.... &Bipolar disorder
BPD......& Borderline Personality Disorder
BD.... ....(Borderline Disorder (Starting dropped the D. Gets mistaken with Bipolar Disorder
BD.........&Body Dysmorphia
CA......? Child abuse (does anyone know different? (for discussion)
CBT.......Cognitive behavioural therapy
CD....... Clinical Depression
CSA......Child sexual abuse/assultDBT..... Dialectical behavior therapy
DSP .....Disability support Pension
DV.........Domestic Violence
EMDR.. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
GAD.....Generalised Anxiety Disorder
GAD.... Generalised Anxiety Disorder
MIA.......Missing in Action (or away for the day)
MI..........Mental Illness
MH........Mental Health
MPD/DPD...both refer to Multiple or Duel Personality Disorder
NAMI... National Alliance on Mental Illness.
NC .......No Contact.
NEA/BPD...National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder.
NDIA....National Disability Insurance Authority
NDIS....National Disability Insurance Scheme
NIMH...National Institute of Mental Health.
NPD ... Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
OCD....Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
PSTD...Post traumatic stress disorder
SH.......Self Harm
SIB.......Self injuirious behaviour
STD.....Sexually Transmitted Disease

AWOL....Away With-Out Leave
AFK.......Away from keyboard
BBL.......Be back later
BBS.......Be back soon
BRB.......Be right back
IMO........In my opinion
IMHO.....In my honest opinion
PRN..... Per required necessary (when needed) from latin term: Pro Re Nata,
TC.........Take care
(Y) ........like (from fb= facebook)

:) …........Smile (turn your head to L & down. Dots are eyes, bracket the mouth

atm = at the moment

You reminded me of one yesterday DB;

LMAO - Laughed My Arse Off!


TBH - To Be Honest


Thx darl, was wondering about lmao so didn't add but it's mild acceptable they say these days, no think it's moderate and sh.. but know that doesn't land here

Meant to put TBH

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello again,

Just a couple more,

Idk = I don't know

Ikr? = I know right?

ppl = people

❀️ = love heart

<πŸ‘€ = less than human


Thanks Human πŸ™‚ LTH?

Love the I know right, gotta friend that's got it down pat, always laugh when she says it

This is just an update for me to save time later

Idk = I don't know
Ikr? = I know right?
LMAO - Laughed My Arse Off!
ppl = people
<3 = love heart
<πŸ‘€ = less than human
TBH - To Be Honest

same quicky update for me for later

Idk....... I don't know
Ikr? ..... I know right?
LTH.......πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’–( ? )
LMAO.. Laughed My Arse Off!
Bil........Brother in law
Sil........Sister in law
Fil........Father in law
Mil.......Mother in law
<3 ...... love heart
<πŸ‘€ .....less than human
TBH.... To Be Honest


LTH is less than human appreviated like we call u db and i get called sn

thx hun πŸ™‚

tt (table tennis cause I use it a bit here & there)