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Worst Joke Wednesday

Community Member

Hi all

I know a while back there was a thread with some jokes on it - just to try and lighten the load for folk and to provide a few jolly japes and spiffy spifferoons (those words etched in my memory bank from the late and great Kenny Everitt).  However, I was far to lazy to try and find the other thread, so thought I'd start up a new one WJW.

Here we go people, something to start you off with:

"When I was a small boy, I had a dog named Tax.  I'd open the door and "Income Tax""

"That very same year, I had a bird called Enza.  I'd open the window and "Influenza"


Now, they can't be done on any other day - for it is after all, Worst Joke Wednesday.

See if you can beat either of those?


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Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Throughout COVID my hands have been doing devilish things.

turns out ive been using hand satanizer.

COVID precautions have given me little rings around my fingers. Must be all this hand saturnizer.

Wait, wait, wait...

disinfected my hands today, and they turned really soft. Must have been the hand satinizer.

after almost a year of this, my hands look exactly the same as everyone's …. must be the hand standardiser

Community Member
dear santa, you didn't get me the thesaurus i wanted for christmas so i am mad. i'm really mad. i'm mad at you

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
☹SantaLiesHuh ...

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Don't feel too bad, eight, the thesaurus has been extinct for millions of years...

Community Member

Okay, I know it isn’t Wednesday today, but I have a joke to post, and when Wednesday becomes today I may have forgotten it, so I’m not gonna wait until it’s too late, when I could post it whilst it’s still fresh in my memory. As the old saying goes, “Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today!” Wait... but tomorrow’s Tuesday, not Wednesday, so I should wait until then to post it, otherwise that analogy makes no sense... eh, I’m postin’ it anyway. 😅


A guy sits at the counter in a coffee bar, and the barista serves him. “You’re a new face,” she says with a smile.

The man sighs and shakes his head, before replying, “You have no idea of the accuracy of that statement...”

The barista grins. “Nose job?”

The man chuckles. “Nor that one. Oh... I’m Ted.”


The man nods. “I know.”

”Oh... uh-“

”Your name tag.”

The barista nods. “Right... so then, Ted, what’s your story?”

Ted’s eyes widen. “Well... not much to tell, really. I used to be a house in Bavaria... oh, uh... in Germany.”

Wendy nods. “I know. I got it.”

Ted nods. “A-Anyway... but then a djinni from the Elemental Plane of Air decides to turn me into a human - for fun - and just leaves me there. Alone, naked, in a little tree-lined corner of Europe.”

Wendy’s eyebrow raises. “Seriously?”

Ted presses his chest, and a doorbell chimes.

Wendy laughs. “This is great!”

Ted smiles. “It was great... at first. Being human, being able to go... anywhere, do things like... eat food, say things-“

Wendy smirks. “Wear clothes?”

Ted holds out both hands with a grin. “Right?” His expression sours. “Now, I’m stuck in a 9-to-5 job in a novelty face accessory emporium, and I’m exhausted... all... the... time...”

Wendy chuckles. “Well, welcome to Humanity, ex-häus Ted.”

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello everyone...I hope you’re all doing better then okay...

NobleAlarc...It doesn’t matter what day you post a joke..everyday is a good day if we can add a smile or laugh to anyone’s day..even our...

What did the Italian say after the hail storm?

"My car!....Issa Al Dente."

Community Champion
Community Champion
Yesterday I bought a thesaurus, but when I got home and opened it, all the pages were blank...
I have no words to describe how angry I am.