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Worst Joke Wednesday

Community Member

Hi all

I know a while back there was a thread with some jokes on it - just to try and lighten the load for folk and to provide a few jolly japes and spiffy spifferoons (those words etched in my memory bank from the late and great Kenny Everitt).  However, I was far to lazy to try and find the other thread, so thought I'd start up a new one WJW.

Here we go people, something to start you off with:

"When I was a small boy, I had a dog named Tax.  I'd open the door and "Income Tax""

"That very same year, I had a bird called Enza.  I'd open the window and "Influenza"


Now, they can't be done on any other day - for it is after all, Worst Joke Wednesday.

See if you can beat either of those?


1,364 Replies 1,364

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello everyone...🤗.

Why did the dinosaur take a bath?

To become ex-stinked

Community Champion
Community Champion

Sorry Eight, must be too subtle for a walrus, I'll have to stick to dinosaur jokes

Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
A: Because the chicken wasn't invented yet.

Two for the price of one!

Q: How do you ask a dinosaur to lunch?
A: Tea, Rex?

Community Member
social distance mugging

Community Champion
Community Champion

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thank you Birdy. Hello to you too.

Hello to everyone else.

Q. What do you get when dinosours crash their cars?

A. Tryannosours wrecks

Q. What do you call a dinosour fart?

A. A blast from the past.

Sorry!! Weak as always Croix.... but trying. LOL>

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
🤦‍♀️ i get it now too ...

Maybe if you'd said the guy in the ski mask was 1.5m away ...

I was going to do a:

What do we want?

When do we want them?

joke, after yours, so i was waaaaay off.

Community Member

plain white t's - hey there delilah: "a thousand miles seems pretty far / but they've got planes and trains and cars"

the guy who walked 500 miles and the guy who walked 500 more: they've got what?

Community Champion
Community Champion

Sorry Eight, best I can come up with is that neither got to Delilah, just fell down at a door, maybe you need to explain again:(

Remember you are dealing with a dumber class of walrus (called Croix not Joshua) in your audience


Community Champion
Community Champion

All that deserves a truly terrible walking joke

A man is out walking his dogs
another guy comes up to him and asks “excuse me are those Jack Russels?”
The owner quickly replies “No they’re mine!”

("Sorry about that Chief.")

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Nice1 Croix 🙂