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What's cooking good looking?
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There is a unique connection between what we eat and how we feel. This thread is all about sharing food ideas and recipes that are healthy or easy so we have time to look after our health while suffering from an illness or maybe just because you can.
Whats up buttercup?
A healthy body is a healthy mind and vice versa! This will be food for the soul!
Here's an idea to get the ball rolling:
I get a kaleslaw from coles pre-made, it has five super foods in it including seeds with a very healthy yoghurt dressing. This is great in wholemeal wraps with ham and cheese for lunch or as a salad with freshly grilled chicken for dinner with toasted wraps as a crunchy feel. It usually lasts 3 days and I only dress it when I eat it. Enjoy that one on me.
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Potatoes washed 6 medium
Lamb mince 500g
Onion 1 good size
celery 1 stick
carrot 2 medium
Garlic 1 or 2 clove PP
Thyme 2 small sprigs
Rosemary top off a branch about 4cm
Parsley 2 good sprigs
Oregon about 3cm of a sprig
Diced tomato 800g tin.
Cheese grated 200g
Oil a bit
Snp to taste
Milk a dash
Butter or marg Spoon full.
Rustic method:
Crank ya stove to 180.
Wash ya spuds and stick em in a billy with cold water, skin and all uncut. Bring it to the boil and cook em until you can stick a fork in em easy.
Roughly cut your veg, garlic and herbs. Put a dash of oil in a pot and fry em off. Put ya lamb mince in and fry it off. Keep it chunky. Brown it all off. Then, put in some snp and tin toms. Cook it 35 45 mins. Lid on half.... lid off half.... low to medium heat. Nice and thick you want it.
Strain and mash spuds skin and all, dash a milk, spoon of marg/butter and snp.
Put in a casserole dish, top it with mash n cheese and sick in ya stove, when the cheese is golden........ eat it.
Eating like a Shepherd
BBK is cookin now.
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Hello Chefs of The BBK.
So, as mentioned the other day, I am going to prepare for you some brown rice.
As Chef McBrozzle McMatt taught us, for different dishes a more 'chewier' rice, is necessary.
Like, Nasi Goreng.
But, let me clarify here.
1) Brown rice will always be chewy! But theres a huge difference between 'chewy' as in "al dente", which is what you want.
- As opposed to 'chewy', still half cooked and breaks your teeth in half, this is what we dont want!.
2) When cooked properly, Brown Rice will melt in your mouth, because the husk will come away easily, releasing the sweet flesh of the rice, into ones mouth, to enjoy.
3) The best way to prepare rice, is the Ayurvedic Way - with a little butter or ghee in the cooking water.
- The lipid helps to lubricate, and also bonds flavours.
4) I prefer the absorption method, and with brown rice, you will need to add more water, most likely.
- Brown rice needs more time to cook, than white rice, therefore more water maybe needed if the water boils away without the rice being cooked. Obviously but I forget some people arent natural cooks.
- I say this because Chef Panther has asked the question.
- Youve told us youre at home alot. Are you getting into cooking at home bro?
- Thats good if you are. Ask us questions anytime.
- All The Chefs here are very helpful.
5) Rice Cookers, are great.
- We use them in restaurants etc.
- They're made perfectly because billions of people, everyday, all over the world use them in Africa, Asia, and India etc.
- Just pour in a lot more water than you would for white.
Heres something that I like to have with brown rice.
Instead of all water, I add a tin of Coconut Milk/Cream.
And half the amount of water, but I may still need to add more water.
Dependent upon rice cooker brand etc etc etc.
Once the brown rice is cooked, I season the rice with
1 tsp - Muscovado Raw Sugar. If you must have sugar. Go for raw and unrefined!
Sprinkle - Pink Himalayan Salt and Fresh Black Pepper.
Dash - Apple Cider Vinegar.
What I am actually doing here is an alternative, to how The Japanese prepare sushi rice (with sugar and mirin etc)
I use ACV and Raw sugar.
This goes perfectly with a homemade curry.
I will post a Vegetarian and a Meat one.
Who else has a great curry recipe?
I love a good curry.
Thanks Chefs.
Its good to see you here at The BBK.
Reach out if you ever need some assistance with your foodie dreams.
We aim to please.
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Thank you Chef Source, and Chef Matt. Im not a chef yet though. I will be the kitchen hand for now. Im okay with that. I will work my way up and be trained by the best. I made the nasi goreng. I shouldve read Sources explanation first because I didnt use enough water. Rookie mistake. But I made the rice again and it was good.
I really like shepherds pie. I might make it. Looks a bit difficult for me. I will give a go I guess. I like curry. I like more meat than sauce though. Not like these rip offs. All sauce and a half a piece of nothing in my container, that costs me $12. Thats a crime.
I'll eat vegetables as long as there is meat on my plate.
Thanks Chefs.
DishPig Panther.
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That is a crime. Especially when it costs buck to make.
You could feed yourself for 3 days on 12 bucks.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i think i might do a vindaloo recipe. The morning ring of fire. Haha LAM.
My recipes come out of my head and are all original 1113s.
I never make the same recipe twice. Its a thing I do. I enjoy being very creative, following instructions bores me to tears.
Everyone in my kitchen is respected equally. A car without a gearbox just wont go anywhere.
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And, Well Met Chefs Of The BBk!
MasterChef GBoy will be preparing a "Vindaloo".
Excellent choice of curry.
Since you are doing an Indian inspired curry.
I am going to look at other 'curry inspirations', from other places in the world.
I love the Hawaiian Inspired "Spinach&Prawn Curry" that I 'borrowed' from a very 'delicious' young chef.
Fear not, if prawns are not your thing, replace with vegetables, or other meats etc.
Cooking is all about the personal experience that we have when we cook.
I love ChefGoldBoys style in the kitchen.
Mine is much the same - Love kitchen creativity.
I've also discovered a love for kitchen chemistry as well!.
Its all good.
As long as it tastes good.
Also, 'good looking' food - food that 'looks good to the eye', has much support in being a positive way that we can stay healthy as well. <- Theres much research happening with this!
If it dont taste good.
Dont worry.
Start again.
Customise and make all our recipes work for you.
My personal style is the holistic approach.
I think that this is why, Matts way in the kitchen, and my way works, is because our management styles are actually very similar.
I see that Matt is really into teamwork.
He gets it!
Not all Chefs get this.
Matt is also open-minded in the kitchen - this is crucial, for the whole team to work well.
- It can be hard work for a chef in the kitchen.
- Its worse if the team hate each other!
- Be Friendly!
- As mentioned in an above post, I am fortunate to have had ChefRudy as my example of this in real life!.
Im glad that ChefMatt feels the same way about his work ethic!.
I really like my green vegies.
You can use Kale if you like as well, and also try other greens - watercress, thistle green, cabbage is good too.
- Greens tend to produce a bit more 'gas' in some of us. Beware!.
- Due to this I also like to accompany the curry with homemade Kombucha, good for the gut! <- I will post recipe later.
For the curry -
Spinach - 2kg
Prawns - 1kg
Sliced Brown Onion - 1large
Coconut cream - 1lt
Herbs&Spices - raw salt, fresh pepper, fresh chili, ground turmeric, cinnamon, bayleaf, raw and unrefined sugar. <- You can see that I have not added measurements. You can do that work for yourselves. Have fun.
Just clean up after yourselves.
Clean, as you go.
Saute onion, then add spinach, then prawns, then spice blend, then all ingredients.
Simmer for 30mins.
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OMG - This is a fantastic thread. You guys are so funny.
Im not a cook but I do love to eat. This may inspire me to cook more. Will get back to you on that though.
I'm a real pro at carrying five plates, and always with a smile. I work as a waitress, at the moment.
I dont have much more than that to add. No recipes from me sorry. Love the sound of the prawn curry. I like spicy foods too, so a vindaloo is always good for that. I swear the only reason I'm still slim is the anxiety keeps me fidgety a lot of the time.
My compliments to The Chefs.
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Great help thank you Chef Matt and Chef Source.
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Thankyou lovelylicious,
You will be accepted in the BBK restaurant.
It will need a front of house manager.
With your personality...perfect for job.
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Good Evening Chefs of The BBk.
Tonight we will be preparing a vegetable curry.
When I travel, and visit different countries, I like to make friends with some of the locals...I love to see how others cook, in their home, wherever I am in the world.
I draw inspiration for this recipe from a gorgeous Sri Lankan cook that I met.
He treated me to a feast.
I will never forget this vegetarian curry that he prepared for me, his gorgeous blue eyes beaming back at me from his chocolate coloured skin, and his kissable lips!.
We had a lot of fun that week!
***Sri Lankan Vegetarian Curry***
3 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
1 large onion, diced
Piece of fresh root ginger, peeled and chopped
3 garlic cloves
2 green chillies, trimmed and chopped
12 fresh or frozen curry leaves
2 teaspoons ground turmeric
1 cinnamon stick
1 tablespoon Madras curry powder
4 x 400 ml (14 fl oz) cans coconut cream
1tblspn coconut oil
1 tablespoon raw honey
Pink Salt
Fresh Pepper -
Roasted cashew nuts, to garnish
Preheat the oven to 180.
Drizzle melted ghee onto the base of a roasting tin.
Add the sweet potato pieces, season with salt and mix together thoroughly.
Roast for 15 minutes, until cooked through.
Set aside.
Blend the onion, ginger, garlic and chillies together in a food processor to form a smooth paste.
Heat a splash of oil in a large saucepan, add the curry leaves and fry quickly for 10–15 seconds, being careful not to burn them.
Add the curry paste and fry for 6–8 minutes over a medium heat until toasted and fragrant.
Add the turmeric, cinnamon and curry powder, season with salt and fry for a further 2–3 minutes, then stir in the coconut cream, creamed coconut and raw honey.
Bring to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes, until the curry has thickened and reduced.
Add coconut oil just before serving, this will give the curry a lovely sheen, and the lipid bonds the flavours.
If you don't have coconut oil use ghee or butter.
Bon Apetit!
Chef Kaitoa.
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Ohh great thread. Making me hungry.
Canned beans and salsa warmed and then over corn chips. Can add canned corn if you like or use baked pita bread as a substitute for corn chips. Can also add sour cream/avocado/greek yoghurt/zucchini/capsicum.
Vegetable and chicken couscous.
Lay chopped up pumpkin, zucchini, onion (and any other veg), drizzle with oil and bake 15 minutes or until browned. Stir in boiling water to instant couscous. Combine.
Pasta (spaghetti bolognese is easy)
Cook pasta and chopped pumpkin in saucepan. Fry onion, garlic (add chicken/bacon if want to). Stir. Add cream or cream of cooking. Bring to boil and add pasta.
Vegetable tian
Slice vegetables of choice thinly - zucchini, squash, tomato, potato, carrot, sweet potato, etc and lay vertically in alternating pattern. Cover with foil and bake 30 minutes. Take out - add cheese and re-bake about 15 minutes.
Bean enchiladas.
Get wraps, add beans, salsa and anything else you like such as capsicum, zucchini, corn, tomato etc. Cover them like a burrito but place them side by side in a baking tray. Cover with a bit of sauce and cheese then bake.
Depending on what you use you can either fry it up quickly to make it sizzle or just add it to the wrap without cooking then toast it. Ingredients could be chicken, ham, beans, cheese or feta, onion, corn, zucchini, mushroom, pesto, sundried tomatoes, avocado.
Mexican style eggs
Combine canned chilli beans and canned tomatoes in a frypan and bring to boil. Reduce to simmer then use the back of a spoon to make a hollow bit - crack an egg. Cover frypan and leave for about 3 minutes or so.
Sweet potato burgers.
Cook sweet potato either in microwave with water or baked until soft. Mash with beans, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper and herbs/spices of your choice. Make into balls. Fry until brown. Serve on a roll/wrap with whatever you like.
Okay I'm going to stop now! I know how hard it is to find time and energy to cook when we're feeling down so hopefully this is helpful to somebody.