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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!

There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!

Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.

We just need a name 🙂

1,503 Replies 1,503

Hey guys!

I'm back from my Fat Farm, oops, I mean health retreat. lol I've written about it on 'Store your happy memories here' if you're interested.

Danny...I had a productive and eye opening time pampering my sense of self which reaped rewards a plenty. I've returned a better person with purpose for my future. And, thankyou for asking.

Btw; I'm glad my words 'give' you some solace; you so deserve it lovely. If you're in the neighbourhood, pop onto my thread 'Getting to know you...or is that me?' in the Long Term Support Over the Journey section. I post there most days unless I'm away like this last week.

You're a man of few words, but say so very much. I hear you...x

Rayne...I'm fine hun, how are you?! I hope all's well in your neck of the woods; and with your psych dilemma too. Yours is the shortest post I think I've seen on this thread. Gimme more; I want more ya hear! He he...miss you ;D

Ms P...Pizza! Did you make it or buy it? I make my own because it's real and not lacking in nutrition or contents. My fave's chicken/prawn/vegetarian on a burrito wrap . There's just something about leftover cold pizza; it looks like trash but tastes like treasure. lol

I'm up for leftover's for sure hun. Thanks for thinking of us! 🙂

Love you all...

Sara xo

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Danny and Sara I was lazy and this time I purchased it from Dominos ($5 pizza and enough for dinner and some for lunch, why not?). I do like making my own pizza but it isn't cheap. I love pumpkin, spinach, mushrooms and olives on pizza. Yum. At dominos I got the beef and onion which went down a treat. I needed to replenish my glycogen stores if anyone asks 😛 And there is nothing wrong with treating yourself (moderation and portion control) 😉

Wow I just came back from Melbourne and I had a wonderful time. I caught up with two friends and I went to a gay bar, ladies night. It was so much fun. The music was great and so were all the people. We had a ball 🙂

I'm glad you enjoyed your retreat Sara. Sounds like it did wonders for you. I'd love to go to a retreat one day. Or maybe I am thinking of a cruise. Well maybe both hehe.

I lurve cruises! Maybe they have one that gives pizza cooking classes! 2 birds with one (pizza) stone Ha ha...

I'm so envious of your trip with friends to a gay bar. I'm also glad you had a ball. You deserve it MsP...absolutely! Meet anyone spectacular? I suppose you would've said so; are you going back to Melbourne again? Listen to me; I'm already making plans for your next visit. Ha!

I've been on BB since this morning and I'm nearly pooped! Anyone for a buttered sticky bun and cuppa tea? I like mine white, no sugar. That's real butter too, not yellow stuff created in a lab.

Anyhoo, must go and collapse.

Love ya's!

Sara xo

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The gay bar was fun. The music was fun too.

Omg a sticky bun and tea would be amazing now. I would love to eat some chips too. lol

And I'm hoping to go on a cruise soon but saving some money.

Community Member

Hey all 🙂

Sorry! I make a post about it being quiet here and then don't visit for a week.

MP I love Melbourne. It's the third capital city I've lived in and the rest don't even come close... for a whole lot of reasons. I'm glad you had a good time here.

Danny, yeah the travel is great. It's not something I'm used to - I didn't even have a passport until a year ago but I fake it because for all my work colleagues, it's the most normal thing in the world. It's also kind of stressful but I'm getting to like it. I am lucky 🙂

Sara, thanks for remembering my psych dilemma. I still don't know what I'm doing. In a way I wish he was all bad because then I could decide what to do, but he's not. He's refusing to talk about gender but in other ways he shows promise. That makes me think maybe it's wrong for me to be wanting to hormones. Maybe I am as messed up as he says and therefore don't know who I am and I should just go with him. It doesn't help that everything takes so long. Months between visits to him and also my GP. I have an appointment with GP the week after next, and I will ask him what the options are re another referral. End of my rant.

Is anyone doing anything good this weekend?

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Raynor. Sorry I haven't come on the forums the last few days due to being busy and needing some me time.

I have lived in 3 capital cities to. I moved to Melbourne for uni at 19. Then to Sydney at 22 for my masters degree and now I am in Brisbane. I feel like I am definitely and east coast girl, however I haven't been to the western side. I just know it would be too far away from family.

I have started watching survivor. I can't believe I missed the first 2 episodes. Will have to catch up online. I applied for the show but didn't get on. Would probably have to not discuss my anxiety. Will try again next year. Don't know how I will go in the cold.

Hello my beautiful souls, I loved living in Melbourne also my 6mths there hold some special memories for me. I loved the trams I always wanted to dress up like Judy garland from the movie Meet me in St. Louis and sing the trolley song...With my high starched colIar and my high top shoes my hair piled high upon my head, I went to lose a jolly hour on the trolley but lost my heart instead, with his light brown derby and his bright green tie he was quite the handsomest of men, I started to yen so I counted to ten then I counted to ten again clang,clang clang went the trolley ding,ding ding went the bell zing, zing zing went my heartstrings from the moment I saw him I fell... wouldn't that be a sight, seeing that I'd love it and do hope it happens I think I should do it. Raynor I don't know what to say about your psychologist just hope it works out for you and you do what's best for you. Steph my sweetie as always I'm proud of you you're a survivor with or without a show. Danny...

Hey sweet LGBTIQ+ peep's; (Danny, Raine, MsP, Eyes and all reading too)

I've replied to a teen (Specs) who's just joined the forums; he's a young man, but born female. He doesn't want to change gender, but identifies as androgynous. I truly hope I have this correct.

I've invited Specs to our Rainbow Café to chat with people who know 'struggle' with coming out. His thread; 'First hello from a high schooler' is in the Young People section if you want to pop in there to say hello and help sort thru some concerns.

I've had my own strife to contend with, sorry I haven't been in here for a while. Btw, thanks Danny for your post on my thread; I don't quite know what you mean by heart-breaker, but I'm sure it's heartfelt.

I've been trying to keep up with posts/threads, but the going's hard at times. It does keep my mind off problems though, so it's worth the effort.

Love you all...

Sara xo

Community Member

hey y'all 🙂

I wanted to post here, y'all posts made me smile. Danny lol 🙂 I can picture that. Words are mostly escaping me right now or are jumbled. Sorry. I'll look out for Specs, a coming out struggle is one thing I fully get. Sara take care of you xx

Hello Miss Connor, My heart breaking is for me to do. Not you, I'm sending my power, love and the energy of the universe, my next dance around the fire will have new meaning. I've also obeyed your orders and have responded to specs hope he joins us. Your humble servant. Danny....