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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members
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It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!
There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!
Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.
We just need a name 🙂
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Hello Jo, LD, ilyLane, & ALL!
I feel honoured to have been a very small part of your journeys, mostly from the side-lines, but I'm glad if my presence has in any small way helped to make your ourney easier. I'll be here for as long as you need a little distraction &/or support.
May the road have no more potholes!
I've had a late breakfast at the BBCafe so now I am ready for morniing tea, an old-fashioned Devonshire Tea, for us all, while my washing spins around & around, & we crank up the juke box to drown out the noise.
What would you like to hear?
mmMekitty 😻
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0530 , light low cloud , calm , 13.1° , 31% . WFTNN . ❤️
Welcome everyone and happiness all day with lashings of love acceptance and kindness xxxx ❤️❤️❤️
I forgot to set backup alarm and LD didn't wake till daylight either ?? Such is life ! Here now , coffee tea and Chai , pick ,& LD will bring .
Porridge for me today I think ? Just ask & if we have it it's yours . I will prepare & LD will serve ❤️
Hi LL , thank you ❤️ . I am pedaling as usual at this time of day when home ? Was just likening life's journey to my days single handing in the southern ocean .
You get subtle changes that build quite a while before the next front really makes its presence known , then wind picks up , sea state getting wilder by the hour till full blown Gail . Usually in middle of the night .
Once you work out how to handle this one your fear calms and eventually you can observe and even enjoy to a degree the maelstrom around you . Often by daylight the front has gone and the aftermath is slowly settling .
By breakfast time in a smaller one you will have sail up and be under way again , often everything is washed clean by the rain after the maelstrom and squeaky clean .
You rest and enjoy then wait for the next lesson ❤️
LL , much love to you & your family from LD&me ❤️❤️❤️
mmMekitty , hi . Your very welcome , all chat and care here always helps others that often many read but don't post , that's fine as they have this enormous data base to pick at to work their journeys out with ! The anonimmity lets us speak freely and in a respectful space such as this can be very helpful .
I didn't post for quite a while , my first one is on page 7 of the second thread in the LGBT main section ( thread is by mspurple ) .
Thank you mmMekitty , hugs ❤️❤️❤️
Galaxies of love ❤️ to all from the never never , Jo&HRS/LD ❤️❤️❤️🧡💜💕🐾💃🌈💝🌺
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& Hello here, too, Jo LL & everyone! Hopefully it is just a little cloudy here today. humidity makes the temperature feel 5° warmer, so instead of expecting 26°, it will feel like 310° instead. & sticky.
That can make me very irritable, so turn up the air-con or see me have a toddler-like tantrum.
Or chuck me in the swimming pool. That would be 'coooool'! (Sorry, in advance, if my fur clogs the filter). 😸 🎶just keep swimming, 🐟just keep 🐠 ......*splutter, splutter* & chuck me a couple floaties, to would you? & while you are at it, throw in some more fish, & I'll have my lunch out here, too. (Hope the filter is up to the challenge).
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Tonight, I put a 🎃 in the window, have invited the 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇in for a few 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷the good ol' red stuff,
am I've set up the old Hallowe'en game of bobbing for🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏with an🧅thrown in the pot!
& spooky sounds all around, & little surprises, so watch your step!
& please, wear your best costume everyone.
🐱🐉, just call me 'Puff'!
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White Rabbits , 0530 , mid level cloud 40% daylight , NE 5 knts , 15.1° , 27% . WFTNN x . ❤️
Welcome to everyone & may this day be comfortable with kindness acceptance happiness and humour , hugs FTNN ❤️❤️❤️
Wow must have been a good party here last night , coffee tea & chai here now . Scrambled eggs on toast today , LD will take orders ❤️
Hi mmMekitty and anyone else who might be here 🧡.
Humidity determines how comfortable we are I think . Out here in the longer hot spells it can be under 10% some days . 40+ with very low humidity is ok as long as you stay hydrated .
All have a happy day , hugest amounts of love hugs kindness and generosity with peace ☮️ from the never never , hugs Jo&HRS/LD ❤️🧡💜❤️🧡💜🐾💃🌈💤🌛💕💖🌺
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Oops, I didn't edit my post quite as well as I like. 310° ? No, I meant 30°. I keep a sample for the '°' because it is hard to find in a hurry, I wrote '10°' in a word doc, where I sometimes write before posting. All that happened. I forgot to remove the '1' when I put the '3' in. I don't know why these puny things annoy me so much.
I do prefer a dry heat, even when it feels like a fan-forced oven when the wind is blowing hot & dry. When I am sweaty & my clothes cling, I can tip into feeling it is absolutely intolerable. I feel I must, straight away get myself cool again, however I can manage it, quicker the better, or I feel as if I could explode. Anything else at all irritating & I think I will begin to have a tantrum, & I might yell & shove & I don't know what...I feel I may react in some way beyond my experience & not be able to control it.
We had some days here in Brisbane a couple years ago, when it was unusally hot & dry, & although it was bad, I coped better with that kind of heat. I didn't feel I was going to simply 'lose it' at all.
Keeping the hydration up is the really difficult bit. In the sort of heat you speak of, I don't think I could chill water fast enough to keep up with my consumption.
I ought to have sent out invites, so more people would have turned up. So, it was a quiet party, & we thought we have had enough scary stories for now, so didn't tell any. I would have enjoyed seeing what costumes everyone would have chosen... oh well, we can do Xmas?
Happy day, smooth road ahead... 🌺🌹😻
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0330 , light cloud 30% , light & variable , 17° , 41% , WFTNN x . ❤️
Welcome and happiness for everyone today , 💜❤️💜
Chai coffee tea ? LD has gone back to sleep so yet again I will do it all . Hot currant buns with lashings of butter ? 💜❤️💜
Hello mmMekitty , how are you going ? Today I am word poor , the brain is anoyingly busy so my access to memories is all but non existent .
Other than the busy brain all good here ! ❤️🌺☕🍩
Happy safe day and much love to all , hugs , from the never never , Jo&LD ❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜🐾💃🌈🌺
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Hi Jo, I'm okay, well enough to look after those tangles of letters & words for you. It's all those sticky out bits, curves that act as hooks, & when you get them all jumbled in a heap they tend to hook onto each other in unexpected ways, & end in a tangled mess. Given some patience, little by little, we can sort them out.
& I'll bring you an extra cuppa & a proper breakfast, one with egg on toast, a little bacon, some tomato & spinach & a small tub of yoghurt with berries.
& guess what, some fresh supplies have just arrived, so there's plenty for everyone! Say? Why don't we have breakfast out on the lawn?
mmMekitty 😺
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Oh, they never sent the yoghurt so we'll hav to make due with ice cream. That okay ith you?
mmMekitty 😸
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Another party tonight? I do want to, seeing what Jo said at BB Cafe, about launching the new trans support group....it's wonderful! 😺 So, lots of loud music, enough to disturb my tinnitus, I don't care! I want to dance like Snoopy tonight! s
Lots of colourful 🤎❤️🧡💛🤍💚💙💜🖤 & more if I could have them, for everyone!