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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members
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It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!
There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!
Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.
We just need a name 🙂
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HI FallenAngel. Glad to see you back. And glad to hear you were so open and honest with you psych. It is the only way to really move forward in getting better. Although you say your weight is stable and you didn't see the point in seeing a dietitian, I do want to add that you can be weight stable and still have some malnutrition. Weight stablisation means your intake and output are balanced (well you may go up or down 2 kg but that still counts as stable) but you maybe deficient in some vitamins and minerals (and possibly protein) if you are still struggling with restriction. The good thing about seeing a dietitian is they can make sure your intake is going to reduce the risk of malnutrition and vitamin, mineral and protein deficiencies. I remember when I had to put on weight and I was stable with a BMI still a bit low (I didn't want to gain more than 5kg even though I needed to), I asked to stop gaining weight and stablise there, but they told me my intake was still too low to meet my protein and iron requirements. I guess it helped me understand the importance of not solely looking at BMI because at the time technically it was still classified as acceptable, but my body was still malnourished. OK I don't think I worded it well but my brain can't seem to find a better way to put it all.
Although I consider myself in recovery I still go through periods of struggle with ED. I call them either flare ups or mild relapses (haven't had a full blown one) where I restrict, exercise etc, but usually this is caused by my anxiety flaring up or my sense of no control in my life. I kinda now try and realise when it is happening and see my psychologist and GP to talk it out to avoid me going back to my old ways because I never want to go deep down that road again.
I hope you had a good dinner and catch up with your brother
SN I am not too sure what a non-active bi means as I was not the one to say it, but my understand is that they are not openly looking for a relationship. Please correct me anyone identifying as such if I am wrong
Well I really should go to bed. Have to be up at 4.45am because I have to drive an hour to a triathlon which I have to register before 6.15. Yuck. But at least it will be worth it 🙂
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Hi Just Sara, hope to get to the new thread soon! Haha oo that’s sweet! Yes, appreciate your reassurance. Thanks for making me feel apart of something when you shout me out with others. It really helps during this really harsh Debate on Marriage period of time! Ahh really struggling to wake people up about it! Noticed your later post, hope that you continue to feel and notice your power above such a situation!
Ms Purple, congratulations on the 10km run! Have you always been sporty?
Startingnew, stay strong, hope you are doing better? We are here for you! For me, when am really struggling. Making sure whenever I’ve managed to get up, is to shower and get ready and already gives me a push to achieve something that day even if that’s removing rubbish and whatever else. Today, was not one of those days. You are not alone
Birdleirdle, Hi! Love your pic, it’s okay to keep working on these things, gender and sexuality are a work in progress. Was going to ask some questions which you kind of answered to Sez. Well, how are you? What do you like ? (whichever way you want to interpret that). When you said you are nervous to talk to your family? Would respond with, you don’t have to say things until you feel like you are ready and not pressured and safe. Obviously, circumstances are different but for myself, didn’t talk to family about my same-sex sexuality and went into a relationship many years ago and still have not really talked to family about it properly but you learn to be stronger in yourself and not need that .. although it hurts when family, for me don’t take my relationship seriously. Maybe, this is off topic, attempted to relate. Maybe, you are not too concerned? Here for you!
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Raynor, hope you are okay. You are strong, even if we can not always find it. It’s there, it’s what keeps us going. Wow, another step taken! incredible
Lonelydan, thinking of you, how are you doing? Far out, Danny with your later posts.. you are so inspiring with what you’ve experienced and can feel your pain through your words but more so your persisting strength even from a place of anger and deep hurt. You are so respected by me.
Ratboy, Hi, how are you? I’m inner strength, nice to meet you. Lonely myself, even in a relationship but we haven’t socialized properly for a couple of years.. it has been very hard. Different situations, trying to relate in terms of loneliness and little to no social life. You are accepted here, hope that you can continue being the brave person you are in the face of adversity. It is never easy being ourselves! You’ve got this!
Infinity1199, Hi, how are you? You are safe here
FallenAngel, Hi, is it correct in saying that you were one of the original members? (yes, could check myself ha). How are you? Completely understand the age feeling! What is your story, if you don’t mind me getting to know you? Ha! (of course, whatever you are comfortable with)
Everyone, was going to type on the marriage debate but think will move that to the other thread. Do you guys have any tips for not feeling as disheartened as I’ve continued to feel surrounding this period? Hope everyone is going well? Can’t even fathom right now, how much strength you all have!! (in catching up on the posts) It is blowing my mind
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Hey gorgeous Eyes!
Thankyou for your support too; it's nice we all get together like this to chat. I haven't seen so many active on this thread since I revamped it back a ways.
I really love it when you and others pop in unexpectedly after a sojourn. When I see you pic I smile and say to myself; "Ah...Eyes is back!"
I do hope this marriage debate isn't getting you too down. I'm heading off to our other thread to add my stirrings. I also hope one day soon you and your partner can get out on the town and share a lobster and champagne. You deserve it...
It's wonderful you've addressed everyone in your posts hun. How amazing are you?! You're getting the bug me thinks. 🙂 It took me a couple of months before getting into my groove, but once I did, I never looked back.
Well, it's 2:30am and my nose is cold. lol I'm supposed to get up early so I better hit the hay. Wish I had time to say more... 😞
Getting to know you...
Sez xo
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Well hello FA!
You've certainly given us lots of info about yourself so thankyou and well done!
I'm so glad you've had the courage to talk about your ED some more along with your bullied childhood. MsP has added her comments too which makes for enlightening reading.
Food and control...if it doesn't rain it pours eh? Seems it's the only thing a child has control over; although I used to sneak a gulp of scotch out of my dad's JW bottle now and then in mid teens. I'm not an alcoholic btw, as it's not my drug of choice...food is. But it does reflect my rebel streak.
There's many on here who suffer with an ED and control issues. Pepper's one who's quite insightful and shares her views often on the topic. She's pretty amazing like you.
I've loved reading your posts; it's nice getting to know people and their interesting lives. I say this because each one of us is individual even though we're similar in our MH status. It's nice to know you trust us enough to feel comfortable, it seems you're getting the hang of sharing. 🙂
Yes, being a home-body is a common theme for many on BB, including me. I'm trying to change, but it's slow going. My home is my sanctuary; safe and out of harms way. It's lonely, but could be worse.
I want to write so much more, but need to sleep. I'll try and return tomorrow...oops...today. Take care of you and know I'm supporting you thru the ether with this new program of yours ok.
Really nice to see you again...
Warm thoughts;
Sez xo
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Hi inner strength. Glad to see you again on the forums. I am getting a bit fitter and leaner (getting more toned and more muscles). I am trying to get more body confidence and trying to release my anxiety through fitness. Also has been a good thing as I have made some really good friends at the gym and through tri.
I did my triathlon in 1 hour and 30mins. I struggled a little in the swim purely because I have never done an open water swim before, and wasn't used to swimming blind. But I think I have a better strategy for next time. I was happy with the ride, think I can go faster however it was my first of the season and it was super windy. I was happy with my run and pace. It was a 750m swim, 20km ride and 5km run. Going to do double that in the Olympic length next year in January.
Unfortunately I feel like my anxiety is still a little high. Not too sure what the cause is. I have seen my GP and we have adjusted meds. I am hoping it is just a mild flare up but I wanted to get it in the early stages because I don't want to get as bad as when I was first diagnosed. That was horrible. I think I am starting to learn when to speak up to my health professionals. Yaya I now feel like a grown up.
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im having alot of trouble with all the media campaigns too. i cant watch the news orgo onto my fb or anything like that right now because of it.
i feel sorry for the people who dont know what to vote- i know thatll open a can of worms but i mean it in a good way. Straight people who were set on say 'yes' then all this negative media changing their mind they are probably confused as hell! the same for those who think 'no' as well.
its a no brainer for me and ive voted yes and honestly all this media is getting to me. loving others shouldnt be questioned to this extent. people no matter their sexuality should be free and have the right to be happy with their chosen partner
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HI SN, Dan, Sez and our newest rainbow cafe member justinok.
I wasn't too happy with how some people replied. In most part people were supportive but I really didn't like how they made us feel like our rights were not as important as x. I think belittling others problems is never productive. This attitude is why so many people don't get help with they mental illness/health.
Thank you Dan and Sez for replying in that post. I didn't know to approach it and you guys did a wonderful job. Justinok we are all here trying to deal with this horrible postal vote situation. I think seeing the negativity and hate is terrible and it makes me feel like who I am is wrong. And yes why should others decide who I should love and want as my next of kin. I will just leave it at that for now.