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The BB cafe

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.

The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.

Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... 

So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...

Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open

At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe

Important Message from ModSupport: 
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads. 

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Slow cookers plugged in …. Home made stew slowly simmering in one and vegetable soup in the other.  White and sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, celery, turnips, mushrooms, baby spinach …. Diced steak in the stew.  Pumpkin in the fridge ready to be cooked …. Love roast pumpkin with my stew.  More potatoes in fridge if someone wants to do some mash.  

going to spend some time potting up some flowering plants for amongst the couches.  I’m not the best when it comes to plants but I’m learning with help of a friend. Only one thing better than sitting outside surrounded by plants in being beside water especially waterfalls

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Drop some dumplings in & I'll have some, but surprisingly, not very much of the veges, especially not the sweet potato, pumpkin, or turnips or parsnips or celerly ... uhm, what's left? Carrots & white potato, & some of the beef, too, please!

I like mashed potato, too. [LRC grins, with broth dribbling down, soaking into a fuzzy chin, & down to the chest - for afters].

Peas are fun to play with. I pick them up with my claws. I wish you could see how cute my paws look with green peas at the end of each claw.

That stew will warm me up so nicely, thanks Patches.



Community Champion
Community Champion

Homemade stew sounds delicious, so do dumplings!


I might bring to the BB Cafe some roast vegetables too this evening. And brisket, because I had some today and it was delicious.



Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I've got some basmati rice, salmon, peas & corn, with teriyaki sauce ... but I wouldn't say 'no' to brisket. Yes, salty, but .. I haven't has some for so very long - I promise not to eat the lot!





How you been sb (sbella, okay?)? 


Hi Sunny Boy, (SB now) You do look lovely in that coat & blue collar. 

& Hello to you too, Luna. You can have my purple collar - I'll soon have a new one. That person you can't see in my picture likes to keep the bells, though, so, when you wear out my olde collars, give me back the bells, please.


Hi Patches! Do you enjoy getting out into the garden? What's the best part of gardening?




LRC, Luna here, thanks for the purple collar that would be purrrrfect!  SB and I have spare collars but all mine are red and I don’t really like the colour.  I’m braver than I used to be when was little kitten but sound of any bell scares me, maybe you could ask for bell to be taken off the collar before I receive it.


hi mmMekitty, As part of getting my house ready for sale earlier this year my 2 girl friends planted some nice flowering plants around fence line in my backyard plus couple of magnolias, going out to water them each day I got into new routine.  One day decided I wanted to try growing dahlias which helped continue the routine of going outdoors, even for short while.  Gave me lots of pleasure and satisfaction seeing the plants grow and flower.  
best part/s of gardening …. Will have to think on that.  Initially 2 things come to my mind.  1) planting something, watching it grow and blossom. 2) reminds me of the good times growing up helping my mum in the garden.  My mum had the ability to grow almost anything.



Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Luna, LRC here,

of-course bells can be removed. I would have done so long ago, if I had nimble human fingers. 

I like hiding in the garden, in bushes, especially, to spy on the birds & butterflies, to sneak up & surprise them, ... hehehehehe.


Oh, that LRC, I know what you are thinking! People put in a lot of care & effort into their gardens, & there you go, springing out of a bush, shaking half the leaves (& sometimes flowers), from the branches!

What am I to do?

I'm not trying to garden myself, anymore.

I like when something actually grew for me. So few things did. Most of the problem is the ground we have here - needs a complete overhaul. If there are doctors for soil, that's what we need here.

However, BB Cafe has beautiful soil, which will grow the most marvelous fruits, veg & flowers you can imagine.

I'd like dahlias, big & showy enough for my eyes to see. I once saw a show about people growing them for show, prizes & such. But I wouldn't expect perfection. I don't mind if they are lopsided, just so long as they are big flowers with bright & boldly coloured.

Last year I grew an onion, a brown onion to see how it would flower. That was fun. Bronion was a lovely onion plant, which I cared for like looking after a pet.

You've got some lovely memories of gardening with your mum; memories to treasure.



Hi LRC, you are lucky having all that fun in the plants.  Patches is too scared SB and I will get a fright and she won’t see us again to let us outside.  I also don’t play well with cats that come into our backyard.  I like it here at BB cafe as I can play outside and I get along with the other animals.  Friday was special day for SB and me, 3rd anniversary of day Patches adopted us.  Today is special day for Patches, 1st anniversary of freedom, not sure exactly what she means but know was first day she didn’t go to work and was happier than she had been for long time.  

thanks Luna for sharing that, not and never mind grinning.  Things to be done before having late lunch at local cinema whilst watch latest Indiana Jones movie.



Monday night but it’s party night!!!  Streamers and balloons up.
pizzas, tacos with sauces, cheese platter, fresh fruit platter, chips, dips and nuts.  Lots of finger food.  As Luna hinted toward in message this morning today is 1year anniversary of first day of my retirement from work.

Has been great day …. Morning spent with friends, lunch at cinema this afternoon, this evening company both human and animal at BB cafe.

LRC, SB, Luna and any other pets here, I’ve put some nibbles on some plates for you guys including some fresh chicken and some ham.


mmMekitty, my mum used to say I didn’t have a green thumb but that it was black. For decades any plants I tried to grow never survived.  When I purchased my home there was a massive tree in against the back fence, it’s branches spanning the entire 10metre width of my backyard.  Guy who had originally owned the block my home is on and had planted the tree used to tell me the tree had sound roots but I was always worried in heavy wind storms part of the tree would come crashing down onto roof and back wall of my home.  After my husband and I had the tree removed the back fence looked so bare.  My manager at work at the time who was a lovely lady suggested I try growing succulents … hardy, need little water or attention, can have different colours leaves please can produce some pretty and unique flowers.  To my surprise not only did the plants survive the grew and grew that over time have been divided and number of pots increase for replanting.  There are now 16 half circle shaped pots hanging on my back fence and variety of different succulents growing.  During the approx 5months that I was away from home when my husband was unwell I only lost one or two plants.  As one of my friends recently said …. Nature is amazing in its beauty and wonder.  I recently saw a photo of a plant where the flowers look like face of young chimpanzee



Patches and everyone, 

does anyone have a o to comfort food,

mineb is melt3 cheese on a cracker


My post was finished too quickly.

melted cheese on cracker
