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The BB cafe

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.

The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.

Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... 

So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...

Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open

At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe

Important Message from ModSupport: 
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads. 

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hey on the road & mmMekitty.

i don't think i've heard of Dali. i don't know much about paintings & the old artists lol. i got my love of art shows from my Nana. the art at this show is mostly local photos, paintings of local things such as the swans in the lake, florals, lots of different things. of course there are some i don't like but i admire their creativity and the effort it takes them.

there was one that i really liked but sadly it was over $800. it was a photo that looked like a drawing of a green bottle of the V drink, a green bottle of 7UP (sprite), & 3 blueberry muffins in the paper they come in. i thought it was really good. sadly we can't take photos of the artwork, & even if we could i can't upload them here.

there were a couple of sculptures of hands, personally i didn't like them but they were well made. hands doing all different things like crossing fingers for example. sometimes they have things there that aren't for sale, just to look. they have crafts aswell like the patchwork quilts, mosiacs, resin, stuff like that. i enjoy them every year even if i don't buy anything (i have from previous art shows). i always get devastated when i see someone has bought something i like lol. some of them are way too pricey, some are nearly $5,000. some are cheap like the photos for like $50.

Hi Robthomaslover.

I would suggest googling 'Dali paintings' & have a look. His Style is called surreal, because he painted rather unreal objects alongside or integrated with real & painted them as near to realistically as he possibly he (or anyone) could. Such extreme control of the paint fascinates me, because I had a tendency to want to paint very precisely myself. I could have never painted even a tenth as carefully as he.

Your outings to the art show sound so good, seeing such a variety of work from local artists, who can have a way of showing us our own backyards in ways we may never have stopped long enough to notice.

Have you ever tried painting or to take photos which are a little more than the quick snapshot? You don't have to buy anything expensive to have a go. Just be willing to play.


i'll search later, thanks. i do have a lightbox coming that comes with backgrounds like blue, black, white etc. to take photos. i'll have to get some patterned paper also. i was going to take photos of my wax melts from my friends business since i did that on instagram as others posted challenges (for example, day 1 is a green coloured melt). i suppose i could take photos of other things like books etc. my mum has a camera but i need an SSD card or USB thing for it & i don't know how to use it lol. i deleted instagram though due to bullying.

It is not necessary to upload everything to social media

I had used my photos on my PC, background /wallpaper, slide show screen saver, & also I have cropped one for my so&so phone. Or to send to friends (when I imagine I have some), or on the pc, I could play around with the images, using filters, or adjusting the look, like if I would like it darker or less colourful, sor some such...I am very restricted to what I am able to see well enough to do now.

I have the old original Paint programmed & used it a lot Now I might just makemy chosen picture fit withing a larger single colour background, & make that background tall so when I use my picture for a desktop background, it fits better, in the middle, where I want it. Not sprawled all over the screen.

I used to try to set up some things to photograph, against a background, such as a sheet, or blanket. Try different colours or light from different angles.

The simplest objects can make very artistic pictures. I like the idea of photographing your wax melts. Try changing location, angle, light, background, arrangements of a few or just one at a time. There are so many options even with this one subject of your photographs.

Please don't be concerned with getting expensive equipment.

Sunlight, or lightly clouded days, or a couple lamps, a sheet or blanket over a chair, with some cardboard under the fabric, & place the object/s on, & have a go. Kneal down, stand up, move to view from above...

& then, while out walking, look for interesting objects. You will be amazed. 😺

Painting is a little more involved. I just used canvas boards & cheap acrylic paint, & a few brushes of different sizes. I knew I wasn't doing these to become a professional painter, so it didn't matter.

Some people paint from photos & pictures in magazines, or set some objects (called 'still life') on a table & paint what they see.


i don't post anything on social media really. i just thought i'd join the melt challenge as it looked fun but ended up getting bullied so i deleted instagram and won't come back to it. i just have facebook and tumblr, and i won't make any more accounts. only have those to talk to some people. the lightbox wasn't expensive. i just thought i'd try to get a hobby. if i don't like it and end up using it, it may be a waste of money but oh well. it was about $70 (including express post) for it, so.

Great, I'd love to know how you go.

I became very involved when I took my camera out & walked more than I would have otherwise. I had photos of birds, flowers, buildings being built, bridges, &water ways & parks. It had been such a good way to get out.

Sadly I lost almost all my photos.

I did get into using an expensive camera for all the extra lenses, (not a digital until later(, & half my photos were blurry. One very good advantage of digital & using my phone, is I don't have to pay to have blurry photos printed before I know they are blurry! I can easily delete the photos that I don't like.

Good luck with it. I hope you enjoy it. 😺


yeah i was thinking of maybe doing some diamond dot things my mum has, i've never done one before. i tried doing a puzzle but it was 1000 pieces & i sucked at it so i got bored of it. thats the thing, i lose interest & motivation & get bored easily as i have a short attention span.

Community Member
does anybody have any tips for me getting back into reading, forcing myself i guess? sadly i have a short attention span & get bored easily no matter what i do. my psychiatrist suggested a routine type thing, for example "read 1 chapter or a certain amount of pages a day, make it a plan/goal". i used to read a bit & enjoyed it but i lost interest in it. i suppose when i was at school that wouldn't have helped & reading some books i found crappy back then. i have a few i haven't read yet just sitting in my bedroom. some i want to throw away since i don't think i'll read them at all as i go through certain phases & it doesn't interest me anymore. i like biographies mostly or things about rock & metal music, it depends. but i have some on some british sitcoms i like too.

Hi Tayla,

You may not have seen, I read /listen to audiobooks thes days. I can't read print anymore, so it's audiobooks. I can hear an audiobook much fastr than I could ever read before. YouTube has heaps, but be sure to search for what you want, Perhaps, [person's name] biography (or autobiography for that matter), Audiobook. (who knows, there may be films about them, too! If you'd like that - don't ask specifically for audiobooks.

I get annoyed at ads. I get annoyed when books are offered in parts or a books of a series are not easy to find. Most of the time the quality is fine, but sometimes, it may contain annoying aspects.

Of-course, once you begin reading/watching something, YouTube will start offering things you 'might also like', whether or not you kep playing the one you thought you would like.

Do you think you'd like listening to audiobooks?

Seems to me you'd like something more active, like sport, dancing ???? Any thoughts?


hey mmMekitty. thanks for replying.

i haven't read an ebook or audiobook actually. i'm not sure how to use them, like how to read the whole book.

yes ads are annoying. i'm not a sporty person which is a bad thing unfortunately. i did dancing i think in primary school, & then zumba in high school, it was ok but i didn't enjoy it that much, but i tried.