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The BB cafe

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.

The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.

Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... 

So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...

Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open

At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe

Important Message from ModSupport: 
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads. 

20,630 Replies 20,630

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Quirky,


I’m so sorry I just read your post after I posted….I did want to reply to you question…


Yes my like and dislike of foods change at times…I think I get cravings for different foods at different times…like when I read about Paul’s crate of KFC..I just had to have some for real but KFC it’s something I rarely have😁..summertime my food preference is mainly salads, even though through the colder months I love curries, soups, pasta etc, I dislike them in the hotter months…maybe our like/dislike of foods has something to do with the weather temperatures…as much as I like ice cream I can never eat it in winter..I wouldn’t say I disliked it in winter, or, maybe I could because I don’t feel the urge to have any at all then…and would definitely decline it, if I was offered some…


Thinking of it, I notice at times my dogs sometimes refuses to eat their favourite food…and I have to change it for a while….maybe the same happens to them…


Enjoy your night everyone…






Community Member

I'm not one for watching kids movies, but I felt pretty low the other day and randomly decided to watch "Inside Out", which I've never seen before. I really loved it!


I might do that again, pick something I would never ever normally watch.


Anybody have a recommendation that I could put in my "safety plan" list of "things I can do to feel better"?


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Risistor, and everyone…..🤗


Welcome to our virtual cafe..


I do enjoy watching Children’s movies,  I have many favourites some are Big Friendly Giant, Cheaper by the Dozen, Dinotopia, Pacifier, Casper, all the Beethoven movies, my list goes on and on….I don’t watch much tv except for game shows…..or a safe* movie that I like…


Its been quiet here in the cafe since I bought my macaroni, cheese, bacon and tomato bake….hmmmm maybe no one liked the semi burnt cheese on top….soooo, today I’ll bring in some desserts,  Pavlova for starters, some freshly made fruit salad and lots of different flavoured ice cream…and of course lots of chocolates…my favourite chocolates are the liquor filled ones….


I think spring has gone into hiding, it’s been so cold and very windy where I live in NSW…


I hope everyone has a lovely, peaceful and fulfilling day today,




Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Grandy, resistor, wave to everyone,


I haven't replied before now as I know it is rude to speak with my mouth full of food & I haven't stopped eating your yummy bake since you brought it in.  


My favourite foods change often, I bounce between spicy/savoury & creamy or sweet.  I do think weather can make a big difference to what we eat.  I prefer hot desserts so mostly only have dessert in winter... Golden Syrup Dumplings... Apple Strudel... Stewed Fruit with Custard... Self Saucing Pudding... hmmm now I'm hungry.


Hello resistor...  I have things I need to concentrate on in my safety plan... jigsaws & things like embroidery or crochet... some new things I've tried this past year which I found helpful were colouring books & colour by number books & paint by numbers.  The best bit is it doesn't matter how good you are as long as you find it helpful.  I got halfway through my third paint by numbers & have put it aside as I was finding it hard & not relaxing.  That's ok... I may or may not finish it one day... If something I try is not working then I just try something else until I find something that works... what does work can chop & change.


I left my dragon munching on some trees around the back of the Cafe... if anyone wants a ride just offer him a chocolate cake or a good scratch under his chin & you will become his best friend, then he will happily give you a scenic tour of the Cafe's surrounds.  




Community Member

Hi Ggrand, thanks for the suggestions. Some of those look nice! And this rain just won't go away, although I've always loved rain, it never gets me down like it can some people, it's nice to know that the sun is still up there, hiding behind the clouds.


Hi Paw Prints, coloring is indeed a great activity! Thanks for reminding me 😀 I also enjoy creating imaginary fantasy maps, a low stress activity and it can easily be resumed over multiple sittings. And then you get to color it and name the places, rivers and mountains.

Hi Grandy...your macaroni bake sounds great..wish I was in the Cafe that day to have some..can you bring it again.? Re eating out alone, I have even thought of starting a blog..but don't know how....to write some reviews on ones I go to. I am good at describing meals, what's on offer, how much I enjoyed it whatever....(I would be subtle and not set out to really harshly criticise a place but would make interesting reading.  I am good at writing when I have to.  Can you stay anonymous if you have a blog, or would everyone have know it was me, my real name etc.   I know I could do a good job of it, if I was game enough to try.   Meanwhile I will come in to the BB Cafe for some of that macaroni bake of yours....

Hi BB Cafe friends,


Gee it has been a while since my last visit. I have missed everyone and our lively conversations.


My health is on the improve and finally feel well enough to get out of the house.


A food blog sounds interesting. I must disclose that I often read reviews about eateries before going there, especially if it’s a new cafe or restaurant that I haven’t visited before or recently. I too like to give positive reviews to help inform others and boost a businesses confidence.


I don’t think that I have ever bothered with a bad review. I prefer to move on and forget about the experience unless it’s so bad that I feel compelled to warn others to not waste their time or money. We’ve all had a bad day!


I admit that after the Melbourne lockdowns ended, many food outlets were struggling with reopening. After being cooped up for so long, I did seek out places to go for day trips and walks in large parks and gardens. If I was fortunate enough to find one with a cafe, even better. 

This has inspired me to get out again and start enjoying the spring weather. I just need to remember to take hay fever precautions or I suffer afterwards.


It’s early October but I already have tomatoes in the garden and a few look like they might be ready for picking this weekend. My fruit trees are also looking good and full of nectarines, plums and peaches. Nothing taste better than home grown!

Have a lovely week everyone! Fiatlux 🙏🏼

Community Member

Hi and Happy Sunday Cafe friends,


Just dropped in after a quick shopping trip to my local supermarket.


It has been a quite a few months since I last shopped in store. I only needed fresh produce a nice sour dough loaf and yogurt. 


I didn’t even walk into the other isles except that I found my favourite cafe latte gelato. That was my treat. 

After seeing the price of Tim Tams on the news, I just had to check it out for myself. And yes, they are $6 a pack. I don’t buy them except if I want to send them overseas to my daughter. But I don’t recall ever paying more than $3. When did they double in price? I definitely will wait for them to go on half price sale again.


I was quite proud of myself for not buying pre-cut, pre-crumbed frozen zucchini wedges last week, as these are quite expensive. I instead bought 4 large zucchini for $2.30 and crumbed and oven baked them. They turned out o.k. A little watery, but on reheat, they crisp up nicely. 

This afternoon I plan to do a nice lamb roast with roast vegetables. It’s warming up here so I’m doing a roast dinner while I still can.


Have a lovely Sunday everyone. Fiatlux 🙏🏼

Well Fiatlux...didn't think I'd ever be writing about Tim Tams.  I never buy them at full price at my Woolies Supermarket...I wait till they come on half price special...but..they also have a Home Brand identical biscuit...you couldn't tell the difference at around $2.50 or something all the time.  thats a big saving..Only have the one flavour...chocolate but quite a saving.  They are called Chocolate Slammies or similar and positioned very near the Tim Tams!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello everyone,

Thank you moon for liking my Mac,cheese,bacon bake..


I just got back home after visiting my 2 children and my grandchildren for just over a week…


My youngest son showed me how he made his meatloaf…yay, now I’ll try to make one soon…it isn’t as hard as I thought…if I don’t burn it 😂, I’ll bring some into the cafe…


I rarely buy biscuits, but on occasions I will buy the Kookaburra biscuits…short bread with jam inside and one side coated with chocolate, they are a big biscuit compared to other biscuits and one is plenty for me with a cup of tea/coffee….I do remember that once when my hubby bought tim tams, I tried biting of both opposite corners and used it as a straw in my coffee…the inside melted and went all mushy gooey…I did like that😁…and had a couple, felt really heavy in the stomach after doing that though….hmm $6.00 a pack is very pricey now…


Fiatlux, I do hope the Tim Tams arrive unbroken safely for your daughter….


Enjoy your day today everyone,


Love, hugs and care to you all…🩷🤗🌹.
