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The BB cafe

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.

The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.

Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... 

So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...

Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open

At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe

Important Message from ModSupport: 
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads. 

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Community Member

Ah well thank you Croix

l thought after that post l could've looked it up l suppose so thanks for going to that trouble.

At least l won't go asking nurseries if they have spaghetti tress now hey.

Cheers. rx

Community Member

Back in the day when l first left school , l was a brickies laborer for a few mths. One day the boss sent me out to the hardware's around that town to see if they had any pudlik holes. l had no idea whaat that was he said ahhh, just ask them they'll know.

Turns out it's a hole they make in the brick wall to mount the scaffolding , they laughed their brains out when l come back empty handed. Was a trick they use to play on all the new guys.


Just burned my mouth on some spicy soup I ordered which was supposed to have medium spice but I swear I got the full spice experience!

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Just as well I use a healthy type of fat to make those chips, or there would be negligible nutrition in that meal, including whatever is in the chicken salt.

Instead of spaghetti trees, I think we need nutritiou junk food. ๐Ÿ’คWe can only dream!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Randomx~

Why go to the nursery, I'll sell you a money tree right now, it's got a couple of $20 spots in leaf already, only $100 (plus P&P)


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
What you need to grow money on trees is interest.... & maybe an air pump.

Community Member

l'll def' tale a couple of those Croix , no flies on me .


On The Road
Community Member

It's strange that I couldn't recall any wild stories or theories ( whether they're more of some pranks or superstition) that I heard when I was a kid, but I'm pretty sure I used to hear a lot of them.

Hey rx, pay him in bit coin! ๐Ÿ˜บ

Hot cuppa this morning, hands over the top & steaming up my nose to try to clear it more. Uugh! I'm almost convinced someone passed their dreaded lurgy to me last Thursday. I did hear a few people coughing around us. Since my nose always has some problem, it's difficult to know quickly if I do catch something out there.... nothing else going on, so I think it's okay, just being more annoying than usual.

But to be on the safe side, I'm not cooking this morning - leftovers for breakfast, everyone! Or the dreadful Wheat Soggies, Flaked Corn Soggies, Instant Oat Mush, or there is the Airy Rice & Airy Wheat, which I think might be the better two options, though they don't tend to fill you up much. - oh what a sad choice!


Hi On the Road. ๐Ÿ˜บI would like to recall all the sick jokes we used to tell. I know we had a couple books of them... just can't remember them, too.

I do remember a couple things, like "Don't step on a crack or you'll break your mother's back", & if I break a mirror meant I'd be in for 7 years bad luck. & how it's also bad luck to walk under ladders & to have a black cat cross your path... stuff like that. Is that what you are referring to?

I remember playing at not stepping on the cracks in the footpath, a little like playing Hopscotch, how we'd skip & hop & stretch out the next step in order to avoid the cracks. But I don't think we took these superstitions seriously, but... there was a little nervousness anyway when we did step on a crack.

๐Ÿ˜บWe do have sunshine!! I think I'll have breakfast later & have a little more sleep on the window sill, soaking up some of those good rays. ๐Ÿ˜ธDon't mistake me for a furry toastie!

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Doh! I'm going to stop saying anything about the sun shining - not ten minutes after, the cloud is coming over again! I'm feeling superstitious about mentioning the sun I have had in the mornings... no fair! Want some sunlight! Enough rain already! (stompy cat๐Ÿˆ)

Electricity prices are going to be too much to run a heater, aren't they?? For some, yes. I'm reluctant to use my own small heater as is. It is almost useless anyway.

Sorry I'm not so cheerful this morning...