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Meaning of life???

Community Member

Hi everyone,

I have just been thinking and being naturally curious (ahem, nosy), I'm wondering what life means to you on a personal level? Also, what makes getting out of bed worthwhile for you each day?

Of course there's no right or wrong answer as it's completely subjective. If you're still figuring it out, feel free to say that you're not sure.

My own answer to both questions is "I don't know" and "I don't know." Definitely still figuring it out.

Happy to hear from anyone.

Dottie x

42 Replies 42

Hi Dottie;

Thanks for the come-back, You have a knack of challenging the totality of a theory. That's a gift. You get it...variables are essential. So I'll do the hypothesisarizing, (That's a word!!) and you variablize (another sciency word!!) me. What a team we make! Ha...! I'm such a good spellerar!

Tbh, for me when living wasn't as important as it could've been, meaning and purpose didn't cut the grade; surviving it was all that counted. Many times I said to myself; "Just breath". So although I've taken a more literal stand to this quest, it's been pondered at my core as well. Being alive is precious; you don't know how much until it's gone. The why's at that most vulnerable time weren't as meaningful as my breath.

Sorry if this upsets anyone, I suppose it's a bit more important to me than I first thought.


Sara I have a question just for you.

Have you swallowed a dictionary recently or some thing, Using your big words again. Now I have to find out what they mean.


Dear Kanga-Pete;

You won't find those words in the dictionary lovely man. I began in a silly mood and thought it nice to invent some to lighten things up.

Do you have ideas about the meaning of life? Please don't come back with Monty Python either. That's plagiarism. Ha ha..


Who me plagiarise never ( carpenter isle 3 nose job isle 3) but as I have already said in this area. Paraphrased Fix up the area I live, leave the rest alone. The world we live in is to big to fix the lot. Fix me, fix my children, fix the love of my life, look after a small amount. Because if you try to fix everything. You only burn out, and possibly leave a bigger mess. Than when you started.

Or I could say We the willing, being led by the unknowing, have being so much, with so little for so long, we are now qualified to attempt the impossible with nothing.


Nicely said oh wise one!

Hi Sara,

(Laughs) yes, we do make a good team. Thanks for the thoughtful post- I appreciate how you elaborated.

I think your post made a lot of sense. I agree when we are at our most vulnerable that the meaning of life generally isn't even a consideration. Survival precedes the search for meaning- or as you phrased it, breathing becomes meaning itself- when we're at our wit's end.

Thanks for your insight. Much appreciated!

Dottie x

Community Member

Hi Kanga,

Thanks for dropping by again and for elaborating on your original response. It seems you have figured out what (or who) are the top priorities in your life, and ensuring that your corner of the world is healthy and happy.

Dottie x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Dottie!

As someone who is still so young (16) I often wonder about the meaning of life and if its even worth it. With so many years before me it scares me, I wonder how so many of you have got to the age you are today.

What life means to me isnt a simple answer. As someone who loves animal it spoke true to me. We live long lives for we get so many opportunities to learn to love and to try do good in the world. I think life is about leaving a good impression in the world. Being a light in times of darkness. If I'm able to do that I'd call my life successful.

What makes it worth getting out of bed - Well if I have to go along with this ride called life I might as well try make the best of it. I get out of bed to help save animals and those who are voiceless. I get out of bed to drown my thoughts with music, but I can stay in bed for that one too. I really enjoy music it seems to open my soul and speak my mind. I get out of bed to play piano, I feel like a little miracle sometimes when I can work my fingers to do what others can do.

Thanks for asking that Dottie, i think I needed to be asked that question today

Hi Sarah (SarahLulu),

Lovely to have your on board!

I think life is about leaving a good impression in the world.

I like that a lot.

I think it's very noble that you're so driven to give a voice to the voiceless. There's something very beautiful about people- like you- who are so passionate about a cause.

It's people like you are the ones helping the likes of orcas, American bisons, sea turtles, pandas, etc. A voice for the voiceless in the truest sense of the word. I admire that.

I really enjoy music it seems to open my soul and speak my mind. I get out of bed to play piano, I feel like a little miracle sometimes when I can work my fingers to do what others can do.

Wow, you could have taken those words straight out of my mouth. I can empathise with you there through and through. Music keeps me sane. Music is the single most consistent and understanding friend I have ever had. It was there when people weren't there, you know.

I love that you play piano. What kind of music do you enjoy playing?

Also, is there any cause that you feel particularly passionate about like abused animals, endangered species, a particular animal, etc?

You sound intelligent and thoughtful. I'm a little older than you (20 but turning 21 very, very soon) and a uni student, and I remember spending a good chunk of my teens struggling with the meaning of life question.in fact, I'm (obviously) still struggling with that question ha, ha.

You thanked me for my questions. But, no, thank you for your response.

Dottie x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Dottie,

I actually inserted a link not knowing that we could which got deleted so it was meant to be after the 'As someone who loves animal it spoke true to me.' and basically its a story about a vet who gets a house call to put a family's pet dog done. Once they do that they were talking about how it's so unfair how dogs have such short lives and why. When they asked the little boy he said it's because we're put on this earth to try to learn how to love and be kind. Dog's already know how to hence, they don't have to try and learn it hence, shorter lives. I think this is true.

Regarding animals I try to do so much but obviously theres so much I can do and causes I'm particulary passionate about is animal testing, poaching/loss of habitat, slavery, holding orca's and just everything in general. My heart lies with elephants most of all.

Regarding piano I play modern music and I do exams as well as learning songs that I enjoy a few I know how to play; the sound of silence, take a bow, say something, to build a home, river flows in you. All passionate songs.

Thankyou for your kind words