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Im new here! Would like new friends or people to chat to etc
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Hi Everyone
im new on here. Would love people to chat to a d enjoy happy conversations or laughs. Just want positive talks.
Anyone wanna chat and meet new people?
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sorry for abbreviating your username but it is a little long! I like it though, who doesn't want that, I know I do.
I like in Melbourne, so we are just getting through the end of the first week back in lockdown. Yesterday I had to go and do some shopping and I couldn't believe the amount of people out and about who weren't following the rules. It was terrible, you are supposed to wear a mask if you can't social distance but there was only one other person in the supermarket wearing a mask and people looked at me as if I was stupid for having one on.There is talk that we may end up going to stage 4 restrictions if the numbers don't improve in the next couple of days, that will be awful.
I was hoping to have a holiday in Queensland (I have friends in Hervey Bay) around Christmas time but I'm doubting now that Victorians will be allowed to travel up there. It's a beautiful spot, have you been?
Meantime, I'm spending too much time watching TV, reading books and I'm also doing a jigsaw puzzle that I started ages ago but it's a really hard one and I can't do it for more than an hour, it fries my brain lol.
I've also been cooking and doing some gardening when the weather is okay.
What state are you in JWHL? Are you stuck here in Victoria too, or are you able to get out and about?
I don't really have any friends that I can talk to about my problems, my family are all overseas and my "friends" aren't really my friends. They are my partner's mates wives which isn't the same because anything I tell them, he finds out about.
Hope to chat soon,
Mel 🙂
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Yeah Im in melbourne to. Its sad that theirs alot of people who dont care about folowing the rules for stoping Covid-19. It annoys me alot.
As i said im stuck in Victoria to so its very fustrating having to go through a second lock down cuz alot of people arent following the rules. Hopefully we dont have to go to a Stage 4. But i guess all we can do is wait to see what happens i guess. I think the authorities and governement are hopefull that it will stabilise soon.
its fustrating when you cant do something you want to cuz of the lockdown. it worries me to. me and my partner are stuck apart cuz of it and its so hard for us both, i miss him terribly.
im in a similar boat to you. i cant talk to people without my partner finding out to. u feel so alone and have no privacy etc hey?
i feel i dont have anyone to talk to myself. Feel im on my own. I would like to just move away and start fresh you know.
Hope your going ok and thank you for replying to me. It means alot to me to have someone to talk to no matter what topic we chat about. its nice
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How are you?
That's no good that you and your partner are living separately, must be really hard. Are you spending lots of time texting and talking on facetime or something? Unfortunately, this is going to go on a while longer, we can only hope that more people follow the rules so that we don’t have to move to stage 4 lockdown….aah!
I am self-employed and work from home (on the computer) so not a lot has changed for me (although I have less work now), but I feel more isolated somehow. Previously I would randomly go and see my dad or my grandma I guess, but now I can’t. I have two sisters and a brother but none of them live in Victoria. How about you, are you able to work from home? Have you got siblings? I can't say that I'm really close to mine. We have lived in different places ever since we were teenagers, so sometimes we go months without talking.
I'm looking through some recipe books now trying to plan something nice to make on the weekend. If I can spend a few hours cooking, I'm less likely to get bored with TV and books. If you know any good TV shows to watch, I'd appreciate some ideas. I'll give just about anything a go, although I'm not mad on sci-fi.
Hope you are well,
Mel 🙂
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sorry for the delay in replying. I broke up wiith my fiancee as he admitted to cheating on me and he got the same girl who was his ex cleaner pregnant twice while with me amoungst some of his cheating affairs and indescretions. so I had to leave him. Been so hurt and betrayed.
i work in the health care sector. so im not lucky enough to stay home normally or work from home. but ive taking some holiday time to relax and de stress a bit.
i hope your ok still and look forward to hearing from you
Renee xo
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Hi Renee,
I'm so sorry to hear your news but you are strong and you have done the right thing. I do understand what you are going though (I found out last month that my long-term partner has been cheating on me for our entire relationship). It can be really difficult processing the betrayals, sometimes I feel like it's all surreal and can't possibly be happening to me. But I know it is and I just have to keep going, for my own well being.
You will have days where your feelings and emotions are all over the place, this is entirely normal. It is good that you have some time off work while all this is going on. Don't forget to take care of yourself, make sure you eat and drink plenty of water. Go for a walk when you need to get outside. Trust me, it will help to get off the couch sometimes.
It's especially hard when you can't really talk to anyone, are you close to your family? I'm not, so there hasn't been anyone to confide in but I know I will be okay.
I wrote this down and I read it whenever I get particularly upset:
When I am old and frail, do I want to look back on my life and think, "Wow. I wasted all my time and dreams on a man who didn't deserve it and treated me like crap for years. What was I thinking?"
We are both strong and we deserve better Renee. Everything will improve with time. Meanwhile, I'm here if you need or want to talk about anything.
Take care, Mel xx
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I found out he was doing it the whole relationship to. feels like the whole relatrionship was a complete lie you know. He was a real arsehole. (excuse my french. I wont say everything bad hes done but one thing he did was also put cameras in my house without my knowledge and trackers on my car. He wasnt right in the head. His family want nothing to do with him for what hes done to me. so hes alone now . Karma!!!
Hes just a scum bag. I know ive done the right thing in leaving him cuz as the saying goes, "once a cheater always a cheater" but it doesnt help ease the hurt or betrayal etc in the mean time. I dont feel strong at the moment but i know i have to keep strong as you said or do my best even though it doesnt feel like it right now.
But i know i just have to keep saying its his loss. He wont find anyone any better than me. He deserves to be alone as hes a criminal and a compulsive liar. One day he will regret his actions. and it will be to late. I am really glad that i have got away from him and had the strength to leave him. He deserves the punishment he gets from it. Karma!!!
I know i deserve better. Ive been lucky that I may have found someone new. I just found out from him that hes liked me for the last 6 years. I didnt know my mate hadtold him all about me and showed a pic of me to him and hes liked me ever since apparently. hes been so supportive and lovely and understanding and very patient which im greatful for and hes happy to wait.
my friends dads fixing my phone computer and stuff so my ex cant watch me or hear me anymore so i can talk to him more. Im so happy i have found him. hes helped cheer me up alot which is good.
Thanks for listening to my complaining lol
Renee xoxo
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Hi Renee,
It’s great to hear that you have met someone new, at least
you have something to look forward to. He must be a good guy if he’s prepared
to wait 😊
All that went on with your ex is scary stuff. He went to a
lot of trouble with hidden cameras etc. I’m glad your friend’s dad could help
you to sort it all out, that’s fantastic. Did you have to go to the police?
I’m still living with my ex unfortunately. We bought our
house together and it’s impossible to try to sell at the moment. Add to that
the whole covid situation and I just feel trapped. You are right about once a
cheater, always a cheater. My ex is the king of cheating!!! I hope he gets his
fair share of karma once I’m out of here.
I am going to leave as soon as possible, in the meantime I’m
trying to save as much money as possible. I’m still not sure where I’m going to
move to, out of the city I think. As I can work from home, there’s nothing
tying me here any longer. Somewhere on the coast would be good if I could
afford it.
That’s the good part about lockdown, it’s easier to save
when you can’t go out and spend (unless of course you are addicted to online
shopping lol).
Did you do much on the weekend? I binge watched a whole heap
of crap shows on my i-pad (so I could wear headphones and completely ignore the
ex) and read a bit but there wasn’t much else to do apart from housework.
Oh and I bought some masks online, gotta get used to wearing
one if I go out. Not that I have been doing that, I’ve got right into buying
groceries online lately. Lucky for my cross trainer or I wouldn’t be doing any exercise.
Hope everything’s going ok for you,
Mel xx
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been thinking about getting a exercise machine for myself to maybe the chuck norris one or an walking machine or something. not sure which one yet.
just wanna move on with my life and be happy you know. past is past
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