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I'm not entirely sure how apt a discussion this is for beyondblue, but in the spirit of communication and reaching out which is encouraged, I thought I would write post up, get a few opinions or thoughts.
I should say, I'm tired all the time, especially in the mornings, it's very hard to get out of bed and think about the day that I have to face. I've always attributed this to the kinds of dreams I have - more like nightmares, really - and being an active sleeper, thus not feeling rested in the morning. This is no matter how much sleep I get.
I get these really vivid dreams, and almost always they feel too real to me, that when I wake up it's hard to let go of the memory. They can be traumatic and stay with me the whole day. And if I'm not distracted enough, sometimes without thinking about it, I'm re-immersed in the dream, and I can picture myself in it all over again. Like some kind of virtual reality. And it can get so bad that I start getting anxious that when I get older all I'll remember are my dreams and none of my life. I really don't want that. The dreams can get so bad that I question if I'm awake or not when I am awake. I guess that in itself should be a clue that I am awake, because I don't really question my reality in my dreams. And sometimes, I just don't want to sleep, though I'm thoroughly exhausted, because of what I may dream - and this can make it worse possibly?
I've spoke to a GP and relaxation was recommended to me, but according to people I know, I don't really know how to get rest.
I'm just wondering if other people have this issue? And if so, how they cope?
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Interesting... I love a good dream.
Last night I went for a flight in a hot air balloon through a thunder storm. It didn't go too well and I crash landed in Macau on the steps in front of the facade of the burned down cathedral. There I had a picnic with my cat (who died about 10 years ago) It turns out that she has moved to China, can speak Welsh, and she tried to convince me to go to university and study architecture.
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your pussycato = pure talent : )
dogs seem to feauture a lot in my dreams. they are either rabid or just your average wild pack variety. friday night i dreamt i was walking through the bush when i heard them howling. i could hear them closing in and then presto - amongst the trees a teltra phone box with the old fashioned glass door appeared - my portal. they threw themselves against the glass snarling and growling trying to get at me. they always want to tear me apart
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Those dogs sound a tad scary, lucky you had an escape...
My cat was back again last night, she has taken up opera singing which I thought a little stereotypical. In the dream I was spending time with one friend which only served to upset another. That is not uncommon living in the country, one doesn't always mention to everyone about going to the city unless there is an arrangement to be made for just that reason, people get upset that you were there and didn't go and see them. I guess I am lucky to have a cat that never much complained and was always there when I got home.
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Hey all,
I wrote a post a while ago about a dream I had and it didn't get past the editors. Oops. My dreams have been along the same lines as that one. So, I'm leaving them out. I got some meds that will apparently help me sleep better so here's crossing my fingers (as the last few nights I kept waking up and hitting my head on the wall by jumping into it).
I did ask my psychiatrist to give me some literature on dreams, so he's going to pass some along to me, so eager to learn.
I'll be going away for Christmas, which should be exciting but I never enjoy Christmas. So we'll see how that goes. Trying to take a day at a time.
I might not have internet so writing on here won't be frequent (not that it is already).
Anyway, hope you are okay 🙂
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Sorry to hear of the dreams that won't get past to post them, they sound quite disturbing. My psychologist said to me that dreams are one way we process and understand our experiences, thinking on that I can understand how mine are sometimes very upsetting. I hope having time away does some good.
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Hello lookingforme : )
Yes. I'm sorry also. I hope the medication works because I know how hard it is to function without enough sleep. I still have issues around getting enough myself and my last dream hung around all day. It was very creepy/dark. I felt like I was stuck in a parallel universe. Everything and everyone was same but different. Would have loved to read your dream but oh well. Are you still writing in your Blog?
Good to know you are alive and reasonably ok anyway : ) the sore head bit I can very well relate to btw
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Hey Gruffudd, thanks for the well wishes. I couldn't possibly know how my dreams are how my brain processes things. I must be having horrible experiences...
Hey Simona,
it is hard, isn't it? My meds seem to work based on what level of depression I have. The more depressed, the less effective, which just falls into that vicious cycle...
That does sound creepy. I once had a dream that was similar. I was dreaming that someone else close by home was putting his thoughts and dreams into my head. That none of what I was dreaming was my own. And I was freaking out because where were my thoughts? Do I cease to exist because none of what was in my head, was mine. I woke up and couldn't shake the feeling. Was quite paranoid. Work started off difficult that day. Haunting and creepy. Why do they have to be haunting and creepy, am I right?
I don't keep up with the blog so much, but when it gets too overwhelming in my head, I do write some stuff down. I made an entry recently as I'm not doin too well on my holidays. All the tell tale signs are there and yet again, I'm not sure how to get a firm grip on it so it doesn't snowball. I'm sitting around feeling my surroundings are very surreal.
Thanks for the kind words, I truly appreciate them.
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Hello Lookingforme wherever you may be. I hope you are ok because you have been gone for long.
Early this morning after 3am I fell back to sleep and had this dream in which I was in a hospital. And my old doctor was there from years ago and she said 'Whatever took you so long?" and I said to her well, I really don't know. I think I got lost.
And I was given all these pills. Big and small in different colours and shapes like lollies. And a very important one which came in a block like Cadbury chocolate and each square had the first letter of each day stamped into it. And then I woke up.
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I had this dream on the weekend and I still remember it
I was standing at the end of a pier as the sun began to set. I was enthralled by the sight of a beautiful little Beluga whale that had surfaced. The water shone and rippled. It looked like dark blue cellophane. I was so happy. The little Beluga whale appeared to be smiling back at me.
And then a polar bear came swimming up to it.
A curious bunch of onlookers appeared beside me Ohhhing and Ahhhing at the pair. The Polar Bear appeared to be playful at first but then things took a sinister turn as the sun dropped and melded into the horizon.
The Polar Bear became more and more boisterous and soon it was apparent to all that the little Beluga was in deep trouble. The Polar Bear was no friend : ( It wanted a meal. Poor little Beluga was overcome and eaten.
The End.
This was a sad dream