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D & M (deep & meaningful)

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Heyaz 🙂

Love a bit of depth, general chat whatever

So I find fascinating that the universe that we're part of, use to think it's us Earth and out there but saw on TV once a man said we're part of it. Kaboomb yeah we are
When I was about 8 a teacher told us about it being infinite & with time research incredibly powerful telescopes, the hubble, it's still the same & these things can see millions if not billions of lights yrs away & light travels at phenomenal speeds, beyond anything we can comprehend.
Some of the light we see looking at stars from Earth have long since died.

Outta lets say 100 people (there'd be millions + reports) that report a UFO there'd have to be at least one that's accurate.

Sooo I reckon there's more than this, has to be doesn't there, we're only in nappies in the big picture but doin well with learning which I'm positive we're here for esp to become better people. One of the only goods about ageing is we (well a chunk anyway lol) is we mellow, learn more, hopefully become better people.

That'll do for now, even if which I hope some do come to natter, yous don't .... I'll be back 🙂 lol ....Arnolds sister 😉
14 Replies 14

It's really early days for me with counselling, so I'm still only just starting to figure some things out about myself. I'm often not happy in my own company- too much opportunity to think! So I put on my headphones to try to drown out my thoughts. But I guess I'll have to face them sooner or later.

It's good that you have a good doctor. I'm going to have to see mine again soon. I think he's ok, but only started seeing him a few months ago. I have seen four other doctors in the past few years, and haven't really been happy with any of them. Perhaps I'm a difficult patient!

Anyway, about 6th sense and gut feeling - I'm pretty good at knowing if someone is pregnant!


Hey Coffee like your name btw was thinking bout that yesterday, it's neat

Yeah too much time alone can be dangerous for a depressed mind aye, though I think we need to think it through to come to resolve but it's when it continually pulls us down aye.

Yeah this Doc he's a lovely bloke we've always gotten on very well, so happy to have him, he ticks all the boxes.

Hope the newish Doc and counselling works out good for you

Aha so can tell when peeps are preggers, cooool 😄
50% chance of guessing boy/girl, I bomb out usually lol

Hey DB

thank you 😊

I am a bit of a coffee freak, but I had to make the decision to cut back my intake a couple of months ago. For sleep and anxiety. Two a day is my limit now. I think I was going through withdrawals when I chose the name!

youve been lucky to find a good doctor. Maybe I haven't given them a chance. If they say something I disagree with, or annoying, then I look for a new one. I'm going to give this one a chance. And I'm going to give the counselling a good go too (took me 4 sessions to make that decision 😆)


Good onya Coffee, giving the counsellor a go too and the Doc.

Yeah I'm ok either way with coffee, like it but you woulda thought I was selling the stuff at a club one time, there was a machine and it was the most YUM coffee, was raving to everyone, anyone that'd listen lol.
Got the name eventually but may not be able to say it here. Gotta Z in the last part of name.
Yeah it has the pump, good you've backed off
I don't have it every day but if I do try to stop at 3 cause of BP bipolar, don't need the extra pump when pumping

Gotta stuffin cold, not feeling too bad though, mainly nose and cough, wonder I didn't get it before when was extremely tired, was catching up on sleep, been doing that a LOT lately, kills time and giving up durries so good to as well
Going ok with that, buying the odd one of people if they'll take the $

Hope you're well 🙂

Heyaz :)

Forgive me I get pretty passionate on stuff that people get hurt and hassled with when their usually not hurting others.

SSM (same sex marriage)

YESSSSSS!!!! ........How I see it is who or what gender someone is intimate with is their choice or/and as recently pointed out down to biology.

This is about sexual preferences. It's about love, being attracted to someone... full stop.
There's not a bloody rule well yeah for many evidentally it's an invisible one that says only be with opposite gender. What the......WHY? what harm to anyone else. What we should be worrying about is the people that hurt others lives.I think I better not say specifics in case of triggers but we all know the bad stuff that goes on.

I've thought this too and recently bumped into a vid from Pink (famous singer) who said it's nobodies business. Yip

My philosophy is don't hassle & give a hard time to people that aren't hurting you, how hard's that. Life's hard enough & mainly due to people/illness/ natural disasters/ and the list goes on and on, we've got enough without petty so what stuff.

It's moreso Homophobes that hurt, beat up, abuse, & often is the case Gays are fighting back, not to say there wouldn't be Gays hurting people but more common for other way.

Narrow minded people (so like the dark ages) annoy me, there's a bloody big world out there, and we're just babies in this universe, still in nappies. We've got soooo much to learn and I'm pretty sure that's why we're here, we have to for survival and that includes learning how to be better people and live in peace with eachother surely.

7.6 Billion people, and everyone's different. So there's gunna be things different people like.
Do gays say to Heterosexuals you shouldn't be with opposite sex, doubt it much.

Again I say "Let people be" unless they're hurting someone.

My philosophy is don't hassle or hurt people if they're not hurting you.
Life's amazing if we're getting on and liked/loved, everyone's most basic need

Thx listening, open to convo on any subjects