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Croix Parler

Community Champion
Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Hi Croix and friends,

I'm glad things have been picking up again on this thread. It's interesting to read about all the different movie suggestions 🙂

Happy movie viewing everyone...hopefully with no triggers.

Kind thoughts to all,

Pepper xo

Dear Pepper~

Nice to know you enjoy these things, are you listening to any music at the moment?


Hi Croix,

Thanks for asking 🙂 Yeah, I have been listening to music.

The song that stands out to me today is Pink's What about us?

It's a song that makes a political statement so it's sad in a way. I mean, I'm not here to discuss politics- as this really isn't the right platform for it- but the song does reflect my current (somewhat) bleak view of the state of the world.

Kind thoughts,

Pepper xo

Dear Pepper~

I enjoyed that, suitably disenchanted with authority. I thought straight away of a couple to mention to you along the same vein :

Manu Chao "Rainin' In Paradize"


Brigitte Fontaine "Il Pleut" (you will need to find the translated lyrics)

Hope you find them interesting


Thank you for the recommendations, Croix. It's very thoughtful of you 🙂

I'll check them out when I get a chance.

Kind thoughts,

Pepper xoxo

Community Member

Hi😊 I was invited here by Croix and haven't had the chance to read through all the posts so I'm not sure what to say except introduce myself. I'm Julie and I'm 41 and live on the Central Coast NSW.

Thank you and I hope I can be a continued part of this thread.

Evening Mardi...how nice to meet a new face. Croix has been waiting for someone new to join his merry throng of followers. I am never sure what to say here either, but so far he doesn't seem to mind what little tangents I veer off on.

I usually stick to recommending movies to him and he seems to like famous quotes from them as well as plays etc as much as I do.

Just ask him. Say "Hey Croix, what do you want to talk about here?". He is a lovely guy - very wise, handsome, mature, understanding, reasonable and tolerant. In fact if I had to choose any walrus to go for a walk along the beach with...it'd be him!......have a good night Mardi.....Moon S.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Julie~

I'm very pleased to see you here. While I think of it please don't be put off by delays in answering any posts you make. This place is slow and I can be very very slow (old age privilege I guess:)

I started up this thread so people could have a chat about anything to do with the arts, that's books, music, movies, theater, TV, comics, paintings or anything else creative. I figured this place can be pretty heavy and people can use somewhere at times just to natter about things they enjoy.

I like books -a lot - and movies and umpteen other things. My books go from adventure like David Attenborought, though techno thrillers like Tom Clancy and end up with lots of science fiction. I'm reading a science fantasy called Heritage of Cyador tonight. The same applies to movies, I've seen an awful lot.

Now what sorts of things do you like? Can be anything at all.


😊 oh wow 😊 now you've got me wanting a walk along the beach😄😄 anyone care to join me😄 gosh I haven't done that in years😔

Croix - hi😊😄

Community Member

I love cooking❤ and I absolutely love music. ....I sing all the time to music and always have my headphones on- many many favorite songs but I love Bryan Adams, a lot of 80's, I'm very sentimental so each song I like that I listen to I connect it to someone or something or it evokes a memory, happy or sad😊 that's me😊😊

I also love reading but dont always have the time for it😄

🙈 goodness I hope I'm posting about the right stuff and don't sound weird 😮

Thanks for having me here😊