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Croix Parler

Community Champion
Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear mmMekitty~

Do you mean fowl gameplay? As for card carrying penguins are they planning on a game of Go Fish? I can't think of any other reason they might want them (maybe it is an obscure feline reference).


I already apologized to the authors for someenchantedeveing, though I did think it fitted in well. "Salmenchanted evening" reminds me of salmonella, and that may be appropriate given the regrettable hygiene of penguins.


Ta for the collective hug, I hope you get exactly the rest you deserve!




Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Croix

I meant to pun foul/fowl & spelled neither word!

I'm redecorating your iceberg today. I'll try to redecorate around you, so you don't hav to move a flipper. I warn you, due to my enthusiasm, you may end up with some neon glow-in-the-dark all-inclusive rainbows, & some equally vivid mmMarshmallows on your tusks. (I love to see who comes along to remove them & if they give you any!)

I wonder, having been promised more if you waited a few minute, were you a little walrus who could, or did you simply have to eat the one you had straight away?

For me, if my parents said I had to wait, I would, because if I didn't, I'd get into trouble.  So, for  fear of getting into trouble, I think I would have waited. The researchers doing that experiemnt didn't ask the kids why, did they? I think they made assumptions, & drew their conclusions, made some predictions for these children's lives based on not understanding the perspectiv of the each child when it comes to whether or not they can wait with the hope of a promise being kept.

I dare say some of those kids already knew promises weren't to be trusted. Some kids may have come from backgrounds of poverty where, if there is food in front of you, you'd better eat it now, not knowing when the next food would arrive. Some kis too, imagined, they could afford to wait, because rewards were frequent, & maybe they were used to being able to go & grab something from the fridge or cupboard anytime they wanted, with no restrictions, or maybe they would eat the marshmallow, for exactly the same reason?

Hahaha, can you remember that far back!? I admit, me, not really... vague, & layered with my own speculations.

Hugzies to all!


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Valued Contributor

Oh, Croix, I meant to ask you, [LRC sits like 'The Thinker' with chin on one forepaw], when Wilde was saying / writing the things quoted now, do you think he believed every word or do you think he was deliberately being witty & not really believing what he said or wrote? 

I can imagine him making an effort to be witty, to maintain his sense of humour & of the absurd, during some very difficult times. & maybe some of those times were too dark for humour.

Now you get more hugzies, because I was thinking this last night, while wanting to sleep, so I tried to remember, & very nearly forgot I wanted to put these questions to you! Just for my hugzies would you like me to do do that more often? [Grinning LRC, with sparkling eyes & gently pawing a flipper]


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear mmMeKitty~

I guess Wilde had two thoughts, the first being to amuse and be notable, and the second was possibly he regarded cats as sufficient reason for there to be cats. Another quote (not from the same source) comes to mind "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin."


I thought about your reasoning why children might wait, or not. I'm sure your two reasons are valid, there is at least one other, I decided I'd do what I wished, even if it did not meet with approval, or was impractical. A statement if you like that I was my own person.


I don't mind you painting my iceberg rainbow colors, - it is appropriate ATM - but at the end of the week I'd expect you to restore everything as was.


Ta for the marshmallows, delicious



Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Of-course - because everyone being who & what they are is sufficient in & of itself. This is our intrinsic worth, (what my PDr has spoken about), which everyone has! I think I get it better, now, Croix - thank you. 

Good on ya, for being your own Walrus, even as a little tacker.


& now for the really serious question: how were you able to retrieve the colourful mmMarshmallows from your tusks? (buzz🐝/🚁*buzz) Drone? Or have the pesky penguins betrayed me?


& okay, I will de-glam your iceberg when Sydney World Pride is finished - until next time, when I'll be wanting to relocate your iceberg to another country's off-shore territory for the duration of that festival.

& please note - I cannot be held responsible for the multitude of inebriated kiwis & their impact upon your iceberg. Really - they do all that without my help.

Is that a deal?





* That's "Buzz'honeybee'/'helicopter'buzz", but I wanted a drone instead - for punning purposes.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear mmMekitty (wiht a wave to Moon)

I cannot tell a lie, it was the inebriated kiwis that hooked them off with their long bills. They were a trifle peeved because of the over-spray, they are not really comfortable being multi-colored, makes them noticeable in corners when they are trying to snooze undisturbed.


No, it is no use asking about corners in a round igloo.


I'm not sure just explaining self worth with words is always going to be effective, they are a concept after all, not a deep down feeling. Perhaps circumstances and practice does the trick, and the words just describe what has happened.


Either the arctic or antarctic would do nicely, would not want my iceberg to melt!



Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Croix, can I ask a Champion to look in on & give support to a specific member? 


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Now about those penguins, who are not so pesky after all, eh, who are also surely not inebriated, either! Did you give them a sobriety test, which they failed? Did you not wonder if there is a completely valid reason why a sober penguin might fail a sobriety test? Really, it could be because they always appear to be unsteady on their webbed feet, which have evolved to best equip them for looking comical & cute.

Besides, I don't think we could keep up such a high demand for more supplies, not without an underwater pipeline direct from the breweries on the mainland.

I understand about the overspray, as my own red fur gets clumpy while I am colouring all the mmMarshmallows.

[LRC grins dreamily] I had a snooze on a bench in Oxford Street & felt completely camouflaged. It feels marvelous to so easily fit right in! 




Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear mmMekitty~

Well, you could if you know the champion's thread and post there anyway you can mention such-and-such a person on a particular thread is having a hard time -but not make any suggestions. That way the champ will know without having been pressured to do anything (many champs have areas they feel comfortable in and other areas they do not)


For example you could say to me here in my thread "Croix Parler" where you are a regular poster that  MM is back and having difficulties in the thread "Should I just suck this up?", and I'd go see (actually you would be too late with that one as I've just posted there)



A probably better alternative, particularly if you are not a regular with the champ in question, is to 'Report Post' to the Moderators and say you have concern for the particular poster. They can then make suitable arrangements if they think it appropriate


It's a good question, and I'm sure others will have wondered before.


Hope this helps



Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear MK again

I made a mistake, it was inebriated kiwis, though I typed penguins probably because one scuttled across my keyboard just as a I was typing. No sobriety test needed.  Kiwis weaving about, slurred Kiwi speech, smelling strongly of booze  and hick-upping (plus another less savory habit over the floor) leads me to believe they are totally plastered.


Well, they were, but as I had to dunk them in hte icy water to get the dye off I think they sobered up a bit, temporarily at least. As for supplies, they get an air-drop of Dunedin Doublewood every day or so.

