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Croix Parler

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Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Hi Croix,

I'll get back to you about the music later (heading out soon) but thanks for the recommendations!

Gruffud, appreciate the explanation. It makes sense now ha, ha.

Croix, thanks for sharing your personal insight and experience with me. I'm glad you found your roles rewarding. They seemed to be the right fit for you.

I'm afraid that for psych, sadly grades do matter. Don't nail the grades, no honours. All Australian psychologists must complete honours or a postgrad diploma. And as far as I know, entry to either is based on academic merit.

Well, I see your point but at the same time, I still think my question was relevant. Just because I might want to do something doesn't mean that I should do it.

I think it's a fair question. I mean, if I don't have the attributes to be a psychologist (not to mention all the other requirements) then I probably shouldn't pursue that path.

I'm also thinking about the potential (harmful) impact that I could have if I pursued this path and turned out to be a terrible psych. I don't want to accidentally make things worse for people who are already feeling very fragile.

I mean, it's not just about me and what I want. I don't want to accidentally cause harm (e.g. if I became a psych and was awful at my job).

Personally I think that's what any psych student should ask him or herself. Do no harm, right? Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I guess, long story short is I've been asking myself that question to reflect on my own attributes. Still reflecting...

Anyway, thank you Croix. I appreciate our advice and perspective.

Apologies for the weird tangent.

Must go now. Talk later 😊

Dottie x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I am beginning to feel the generation gap. It is most apparent when I talk about life in Hong Kong before the handover, or that now foreign land of communism in East Germany or Poland. Still I guess now that all the coal mines of South Wales have closed and are being turned from black and bleak quarries into parks, and Melbourne town has lost its tram conductors and most of the W's whilst more than doubled in population, we could say the world keeps on changing.

I think it will be radio Wales for me this morning. The music there is often a little bit country, and a little daggy. Just my thing.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Dottie et al.~

Rob: I nearly had a posting to the GDR , but did not go, too isolated for too long. (Plus the GDR judge at gymnastic events was a crook).

I will be going to Melbourne in a week or so - if I find one of those lost tram conductors where do I hand him or her in?

I'm unsure of the 'W' reference. I do know if oyu turn them topsy-turvey you get Maccas.

Dottie: Ok, I looked at your reply; and also your original post again. As I've no doubt said before I have no pipeline to wisdom -sigh, so I just offer you my thoughts -YMMV:

Firstly I think we both agree that whatever one does has to be rewarding in itself – enjoyment, achievement, self-esteem and so on.

Secondly that getting the qualification is necessary, but here we diverge in that I am sure that you are the sort of person that can get to whatever standard is required. I was another.

I see it in the way you talk and think and write. In fact I’d be surprised if your academic past is not pretty good already.

Thirdly – causing harm. Yes, a real worry, for me right from the start of posting, and still with me. Many here are very fragile – at times I am too.

For you, well you may worry, but everything you do here is positive, you have the instinct for it.

I wish you did what I do here – you would be better at it in some ways (seriously nosiness and obnoxiousness are a necessity:) You have a ‘glow’ in what you say that is a tonic all by itself and you seem to put your finger on what is needed time after time.

You are also sensitive and intelligent. You would realize if something in a therapy you were conducting was going the wrong way. Yes accidents happen, that is a fact of any life, but I think you would have far less than was normal for such a profession.

As a person who has tried to combat self-doubt for many years may I ask if you have too much too?

BTW I look forward to your next musical recommendation - I get a lot of pleasure from exploring and listening to them.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

If you find a lost conductor best to hand them in to your nearest W-class tram. You will find the last few on the city circle tourist line. They are to Melbourne what the Routemaster is to London.

So you passed up the opportunity to cue for hours for cheese in a socialist paradise Croix. Probably a good move. Besides the gymnastics team there seemed to take all sorts of odd supplements.

I have cleared the lower level for the arrival of the last of the furniture. Tomorrow the big things will be done.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Dottie, Rob et al.~

Dottie: Happy 90th? birthday 🙂

Rob: hope to removal went well


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
The move is progressing well. Tonight my task is to unwrap great granny or at least the dinner set that belonged to her and load it into the sideboard her granny bought on her arrival in the colonies. There is a sense of family and time. I'm sure to be unwrapping memory.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Rob, Dottie et al.~

Rob: For me that would be such a treat. I remember my Nain's oak sideboard, it had two large Staffordshire dogs on top, with their faces etc picked out in black. There was Tide's railway cup - big as a soup bowl - and a teapot full of fascinating odds and ends, all among blue & white plates. Then there were the cupboards and drawers ...

I hope you have as much pleasure darganfod trysorau

Dottie: I can't resist this - I was wondering about the joint you mentioned -naah 🙂


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Llewellyn bach was a memory happy indeed. Thank you for sharing it with us Croix. I wouldn't mind having the milk delivered now.

Community Member

Hi Croix,

Thank you and that's right, I'm celebrating with 90 joints (anyone who is new to this thread, please don't take me too seriously haha).

Wow, thank you for all the very generous compliments. Well, like almost everyone else, I have some self doubt. I don't know if it's too much (or not) but it's there.

Ah Croix, thank you but I'm not sure that I would be "better at it in some ways than me (you)." I guess everyone brings something different to the forums so I wouldn't really say that any one particular approach is inherently better or worse than another. Just different ways of addressing others and different perspectives.

I know that heaps of people appreciate your thoughtful, sensitive posts. People regularly give you kudos because they like your contributions here. They're not talking (writing) just to hear the sound of their own voice (that's more my thing ha, ha).

Now as for music...

I listened to Vangelis' Tears in Rain. I understand that it's meant to be a sad song. Intellectually, I was, like, "okay, it's meant to be very moving" but emotionally, I'm afraid that I just didn't "connect" with it.

Nothing wrong with it buts it's just that I either connect or I don't connect with music. Now, it's not a reflection on the music itself but just down to personal taste and my gut response.

But Fire (Barns Courtney)? loved it! Almost instant emotional response from me (a connection to the song). The music video reminded me of Conan Gray's music videos except it's more polished. Conan Gray's videos have a very nostalgic, Polaroid-esque.

Dottie xxx

Community Member

Hi Croix and gang,

I've only just "discovered" DJ Okawari.

Absolutely loving Yours.

It's an instrumental piece.

Dottie xxx