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Croix Parler

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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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& just who did you hear that from, 'old chap'?


Well, I suppose, while we are being politically incorrect, we may as well upset more people by introducing growth hormones & steroids into the genetic soup ... (lets just see how unethical a scientist I can be, eh?) ... that way they may develop into fierce beasts who can defend themselves against walruses. Look at the. They already have the feet, claws & beaks suitable for the task!






Eagle Ray
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Right, I think Professor Porpoise is up to the task. Dodos on steroids, here we come! I can just see them flexing their biceps. Actually, that should be wings, the dodo equivalent of a bicep. They will have super strong flappy wings for swatting away advancing walruses. And extra strong leg muscles for stomping on the iceberg and making it shudder in response to any attempts to eat them. Given the docile nature they were known for in their previous existence, it will be interesting indeed to see what pops out of Professor Porpoise's laboratory.

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For certain they will not be docile.... They will be loud & more pesky than all the Pesky Penguins combined, & have more energy than all the energy the Inebriated Kiwis never had.

& they will be stomping to A Lot of Shakin' Going On, All Night LongRoll Over Beethoven & Physical, (with leg warmers on).


Community Champion
Community Champion

Too late! delicious -urp -pardon me.

C (who will now have a post lunch snooze)


Eagle Ray
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Valued Contributor

Oh bum! There goes the dodos. I was really looking forward to them stomping along to Physical with leg warmers on.


I wonder how Professor Porpoise is going on replicating those moas? The kiwis will get a fright seeing their NZ ancestor spirits come back to life, as I'm sure there is a psychic memory in the kiwis of the long extinct moa. But of course the kiwis may just come to the conclusion that they are seeing things, as they often do in their inebriated state.


While a dodo may be no match for a walrus, a moa might be more formidable.


Sleep well MK and Croix (I'm sure you will Croix with dodo in your stomach).

Hugs from ER

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Valued Contributor

Amazing! I really didn't think that failed preliminary experiments would taste so.  uh, tasty!

Maybe I'll go into the Dodo farming industry & make a. well, you know ...  rhymes with 'shilling'. 

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Eagle Ray
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Valued Contributor

Whoa, it's a moa! I've just seen one enormous moa emerge from Professor Porpoise's laboratory. His name is apparently Moa the Masher. That is one giant bird on steroids! Look at those leg muscles!




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... hmm, that too, Croix, though I was thinking of a word beginning with 'k'.... as is Moa the Masher, with legs so strong that with each pounding step over the iceberg, a new crack appears.... & Moa the Masher is just trying to round up the Inebriated Kiwis, hoping to squeeze them of their alcohol content, anticipating a yield of 50mls from each, but I am assured, only for the exercise....



Eagle Ray
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Well it turns out that Masher, with those powerful legs, has a propensity for…


tap dancing!!!


This seems to be an unintended consequence of Professor Porpoise’s genetic tinkering.


Masher has been religiously watching videos of Tap Dogs, the trend of a few years ago where men in their steel cap boots and work clobber energetically tap out intricate rhythms.


So while Masher looks scary, it looks like his strength is going into the arts and entertainment. He thought he could teach the kiwis tap dancing but that has turned into a riotous mess of kiwis staggering into one another and bowling each other over. Not a single kiwi can tell their left foot from their right.


Maybe penguins will be easier to instruct in a regimented way? They do often waddle behind each other in a line.


At least the pile of kiwis has made it easier for Masher to extract the alcohol content. Will be interesting to see what comes from this extraction.


Professor Porpoise can be seen nearby scratching his head with his flipper and looking a bit concerned. It’s interesting times on the iceberg!