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Croix Parler

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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Good, a Penguin Plague - I might just turn my back for a sec & see how many are able to squeeze by this time.

For some 5hrs4 5mins today, I have been listening to "Fahrenheit" ... 🐧... "451" by Ray Bradbury. I started last night, until I went to sleep. Restarted earlier today. I've read it before, some years ago, but I 🐧think I have appreciated it much more today. I liked it then, but now I like it a whole lot more today. It is so very good, how he gets us into the world of a very warped western society, & also 🐧 speaks of other issues along the way, including environmental concerns. He wrote this book before I was born! The version I discovered was a somewhat revised edition, although in the afterword, he insisted nothing would be removed, & someone had cleaned up some of his expressions, & 🐧he insisted the original writing he'd done be restored. It's an afterword well worth listening to, as well.





How many penguins slipped past me this time? 😸 No 'Peng-uin-Pong' oernitted to return them either! That would be unethical (but I can hear it now: Pop! ... Pop! ... Pop! ... Pop! ... ffloppp...

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Community Champion

Dear mmMekitty and All~

"Done the flipperwork"! That made me paws for a second.


Fahrenheit 451 brings to mind several other books which I'd expect you are familiar with, Catch-22, Make Room! Make Room!, 1984, Brave New World and Slaughterhouse-Five.


Truth to tell it's been a while since I read them too (like 30+ years would you believe).


I have covered the perimeter of my iceberg with a large elasticized net, any penguin-pong penguins are sent back to sender. If it anything like the slide they'll enjoy it:)




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Community Champion


I saw a walrus rusk on an antique show and thought of you. I keep tying  to navigate this new forum.

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Community Champion

Dear Quirky~

Give it back!!! Nothing worse than being a one-tusk walrus (antique or otherwise:)


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Valued Contributor

Here, let me take it - I think, maybe I can glue it on again... mmm now which way round do I twist ...?😺


Pop! 🐧"Wheee!" .... 

Community Champion
Community Champion

Pop! "wheee...🐧" back

Dear Q & M~

You glue it with the pointy end down - just like your ancestors the sabre toothed puddy tats  had.

You're a pair of troublemakers!


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Valued Contributor

Hi Croix & Quirky, & anyone else - do chime in! 😺

Well, in my defence, tusks don't come with a repair manual, nor, as I understand it, no matter how well you brush, or floss or see the dentist, nor how much calcium you get in your diet, do they come with any sort of guarantee.  

What else is there? Oh, yes, you can't 'pause' anything, not with flippers, while I can with my four paws. I just can't flip my omelettes. Wanna swap one of mine for one of yours?

Anything in all your books, Quirky, about this idea?😺

Hey Croixy man 🐧 oh there you are thought I'd lost it. Fell outta my 💼


Gotta just tell Kitty I 😂😂😂😂 my head off with your post and those little pweddy 🐧 critters got past you. Halarious! HEY don't tell Croixy but I think I saw a 😅 and heard a stifled giggle. 


So Mr Penguin  just popping in to check on you and tell you how much I enjoy 😄 your banter re the iceberg goings on around the joint. 


I'm holding back a bit posting and replying until the forums are easier to use. I'm ok with the new system its this device and a new one too seem not to like it 😐


Hope you're managing ok and that your healths on a good our dear walrus 🐧 oh is that where you got too. 


I think todays the coolest it's been this winter here, hasnt been too bad overall. I imagine your dear Mrs Croixy and you are snuggled up in front of the ♨️ thats a nice warm fire in your comfy seat 🎢 (rollercoaster) nice and relaxed 😬


Warm thoughts deep appreciation and care always good man. 


Take care - tc everyone... 🎤uh oh Grandy must have  forgotten her microphone from our last band practice yesterday while you were snoozing 😲 


Hi DB, 😺. After Croix, would you like to sign the new Penguin Protection Pact? Just scratch your name around the Penguin tracks... drop something in the little bucket, here, & one day we will change the name to The Penguin Propagation & Protection Pact. 😹

Since experts can't tell them apart, I've started a 🧫🧬🔬cloning programme. Nevertheless, I still want a large gene pool, so keep those penguins popping! 😺Cloning,aside, penguins will still do what penguins have been doing for thousands of years. I am only too happy to assit. 😹


I was thinking, now, BB, since you are on of a handful of people who seem to think thsis Winter was 'mild' while very many have thought it much colder, rainier, etcetera, there is not much space on the map where you could be! (No, no, I would never actually try to find anyone - just a certain iceberg, tht's all I look for.😸


mmMekitty (getting rained on today, but not too much).

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Valued Contributor

Heavens! It's a ZOO in here lol! 


Zoo IRL zoo on BB... sighhh. 


Hope everyone's doing well? 

Love EM