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anybody here?

Community Member
I see not many recent posts on bb. Maybe the responses people get arnt too good. Anyway. Im here to chat about anything brighter than the usual gloom. Like music...hobbies..movies...i saw suicide squad.it was great. And go some new cds.the commitments. And roger hodgeson. Anybody here like those old musicians?? Max
9 Replies 9

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Max / nowhere man,

This is the place we go that's a little less gloomy 🙂


A couple of threads you might like

- What do you collect/What's your hobbies? - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/bb-social-zone/what-do-you-collect-whats-your-hobbies/page/3#qljaQ3HzvGGEbv8AAOnT_A

- Movies that you enjoy - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/bb-social-zone/movies-that-you-enjoy-

- Let's talk music - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/bb-social-zone/lets-talk-music#qlklCnHzvGGEbv8AAOnT_A

Of course, you're also welcome to start your own thread!

Hope this helps

Thankyou but im not loging onto a specific bb room .it should be available right here.

Community Member

Hey Max,

The links romantic thief posted are still part of the BB forum. This online forum has different categories to post in, which can be accessed by anyone with a BB username. Since you already have a BB account/username, all you need to do is sign-in with your password, click on All posts, and you can click on any category you like to access all the posts there. In All posts, the second link is BB Social Zone. This is where you will find people to talk to about music, movies, hobbies and other social things.

I hope this helped. If not, you are welcome to ask more questions to clarify 🙂

Best wishes,


Hi nowhereman,

One great thing about this forum is that people can choose where they want to connect.

Like yourself, it seems like you want to share the brighter side of life so the Social Zone would be beneficial for you.

For people who are suffering badly from their mental health issues, they may find it more helpful to seek out information relating to their condition and to read other threads in a category related to their needs.

People may well share their favourite movies and music with you here, if not then you are welcome to join in with any of the threads relating to your choices.

Speaking of movies, have you seen "Hacksaw Ridge"? It is not my kind of movie. A friend of ours took his 80 year old Mum to see it and she loved it.

Cheers for now from Mrs. D

Community Member


hobbies- fighting games, board and card games, movies, anime, tv series, books etc

movies- usual suspects is my fav, others inc; the 2 newest godzilla movies, kungfu hustle, spirited away, the apartment, peanuts etc etc

i saw suicide squad, not a huge fan but margo robbie was great as always

Community Member

Ok.but why dosnt bb create an app for all of this and more. So we dont have to mess around all the time.an app for forums and rooms.???

hi Max, google this 'app for beyond blue for mobile phone'. Geoff.

Hey nowhereman,

Thanks to Zeal and Mrs D (Doolhof) and Geoff for your replies.

Your post has gone into the BB Social Zone automatically because that's what your post is about. Other posts will automatically go into their sections; so if they talk about self-harm then that goes over there. This makes sure that people who want to talk about light stuff don't have to see or be exposed to other posts.

When you first posted you made a thread, and the other threads (or links) that I gave you too are already conversations that have just been started. This can help because then you can get movie/music suggestions already without having to ask again.

Hope this makes sense and you can always feel free to make more suggestions here -


Also yes this is another link but that way the BB moderators and team can see it and look at how to make it easier especially if you have suggestions.

Community Member
Thanks.but i believe its an app for a certain age group. Not healping me there.