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A song to express your feelings

Community Member

At this hour, I find myself particularly vulnerable because I am heavily sleep deprived, and my brain can't really process. I have been awake for 21 hours and 12 minutes straight after a string of nights of only a few hours' sleep. I don't feel well, nor do I feel sleepy. So, I am listening to the soundtrack of my life entitled "Walkabouts" and right now, the perfect song to describe what I am feeling (at least the chorus of it) is Madness by Muse. Has anyone ever felt like they could communicate more if they did it through the songs that already exist? I challenge us to have a conversation consisting of song quotes.

So, dedicated to my depression; here I go...

Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad....Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...I, I can't get these memories ooout of my mind, and some kind of maaaadness has started to evolve. Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad... And I, I tried so hard to let you go-ooo, but some kind of maaaadness is swallowing me whole, yeah....Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...I have finally seen the light. And I have finally realized, what you mean....

Ooh oh oh

[MODERATOR'S NOTE: Hi everyone, just a reminder that song lyrics are copyrighted material, and we (as in BB) can get into trouble for reproducing them without permission.  If you could just keep to sharing song titles, or one or two lines from the song at most, rather than whole lyrics that would be great - that way we can keep this thread open. ]

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Lets Get It On - Marvin Gaye

Always loved this song

chandelier what a great song! I sometimes play it on my guitar (badly, with equally awful singing)

Drive - Incubus.

Runaway by Linkin Park and the sound of silence by disturbed

"Smoke Weed Everyday" - Snoop Dogg and Dr Dre. The Dubstep Mix

"Charlie Big Potato" - Skunk Anansie


Ha that's my son's fav song he loves hip-hop music lol he is 3 and a half and has autism loves his music just like me doesn't mind the metal cranked up either god bless his beautiful soul just had his hip-hop concert last night i was on stage with him bc he has severe autism and is non verbal cannot understand to follow instructions is a visual learner like me that was pretty fun haven't been center stage since i was just a little tacker in primary school always enjoyed dance and music so glad my son loves the same he is all his mumma xx

That sounds like it was cool fun. Thats good. Your boy sounds like a champ.


He is awesome just like his mumma xx 😉😉😉😍 it was a good snippet of time up on stage bc b4 that i didn't think we were going to make it up on stage coz he kept melting down he wanted to hang outside close to the road explore and wonder this has become his obsession and quite repetitive behavior god help me but we got our shit together very last minute and up we went to rock that dance floor the kids in his grp are so supportive of my son so beautiful to see he will be doing hip-hop classes for a while as he gets older i wanna do them for myself too xx

I am loving ur profile image big cats r my spirit animal if i could own one of each i would samatran tiger and white samatran tiger and of course the blk panther who needs an alarm or security system when they r loose prowling around the perimeters of the house 😉😉