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How can we improve the forums? Your suggestions and comments please

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all, this thread is a running commentary for all members on things for improvements to the forums. This can be anything from how it looks, the categories, to moderation, community rules etc.

While we might not be able to implement everything straightaway, or keep everyone happy all of the time, we'd like to hear about what you think we can do better.


This is not a thread for discussing the moderation or editing of individual posts - if you have questions about this please contact the team offline via email modsupport@beyondblue.org.au


To avoid repeating suggestions already received, below are some results from our last user survey giving an indication of which new features people would like to see on the forums. This survey was answered by 1,597 users:

44% - Email notification when I have a reply on the forum
39% - Access to the forums via an app
27% - Ability to block seeing posts by specific users
25% - Ability to contact users privately
25% - Ability to use emoticons
25% - Ability to follow posts by specific users
24% - Ability to share links
23% - Forum posts visible only to registered users
22% - A profile, viewable by others users, where I can introduce myself
21% - Ability to quickly access all posts by a particular user
15% - Ability to tag users in a conversation
10% - Ability to share images
6% - Ability to share videos
17% - None of these


Update July 2022 - This discussion has now been closed. Please go to the updated version below to share feedback and follow our updates:

How can we improve the Forums?

957 Replies 957

Hi all
I think the empathy element Traczcrybe mentioned is pretty essential... I really do think though there's a difference between stepping back from a discussion, a particular question, a thread, or something triggering - then treating one user in a way that is excluding and makes them feel they are unable to participate in a certain part of the forums - like it's a private or special discussion for certain members.

I completely agree Sleepy. I have been excluded in a few threads, even if I go and say hello, which makes me feel crappy and upset of course. I try to make every user feel welcome whether they're current or new, especially the new members so they feel like they can feel safe here. I've tried to raise this issue of exclusion with the people who made the threads but I got left out again and singled out.

Sleepy21 and mb20lover

I have said this before I am very sorry if you both have felt excluded and anyone else is excluded, as I believe in the forum and I know there are hopefully far more people who feel welcomed than are excluded.
I , like you both , always try to welcome people and are very kind and understanding.
I think welI I know there are enough kind people on the forum to stop people from feeling excluded . We can only try.

Thank you quirky. Nobody on this thread has done anything wrong, I like everyone here too. I understand that members have built their own friendships and feel comfortable with certain members and that's no issue at all. However, if someone comes across a thread and wants to offer advice or can relate to it or whatever reason they wish to join in, they should be made to feel welcome, even if they just say hi. I have seen members, current and new, join a thread before and they are continuously excluded by all of the people on the thread, and the person who commented gets very upset by this. It makes me sad too when people get left out. I know it can be hard to see everybody's comments but if you just scroll up and read them it's not that difficult. A simple hello can brighten somebody's day.

I agree with you mb20lover lover, no one intentionally excludes.

I agree saying welcome or hello or thank you for your comment.

Your posts are helping people to be aware to make people feel welcome.

Many people read posts than reply so your words will reach a lot of people.

Thank you quirky, glad I can help.

Also Mods, is there a way to remove my BlueVoices Badge please? I didn't mean to sign up for it in the first place and I can't find a way to get rid of it

Hey Mb20lover, 

We have removed the Bluevoices badge from your profile. Unfortunately, there is no way for users to remove the badges themselves.     

Thanks Sophie

Ive been a bit quiet for the last week or so reading through these posts.

the obsessive intrusive inner voice has me convinced that i may have said something On the forums that was Taken as offensive. I hope that is not the case, because like many, im here to help, and offer suggestions based on my situation.

A thing to remember is that text cannot convey tone very well, so the interpretation of language used is down to the reader.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Referring to the main topic..

it maybe be too confusing, but may it be possible to change the structure of the forum posts into some sort of tree view so if some conversations go off on a tangent they can, but the main topic (the root) can still be posted on...kind of like how windows does the folder explorer view, rather than the current linear format.
