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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.
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Hi Paul,
I think it's because the testing centres are overwhelmed (partly due to the sheer numbers of people needing testing due to how infectious Omicron is, and partly because many of the centres have been closed over Christmas and New Year) and people have been waiting hours and then still have been turned away without being tested.
The trouble is the rapid antigen tests are pretty much sold out everywhere and they're also too expensive for poorer people to be able to purchase!
It's a bit of a mess at the moment to be honest!
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Hi Hanna and all the best for 2022!
Thanks Hanna...I understand the woeful lack of availability yet I dont understand why so many people want to be tested..unless they have symptoms which is understandable
So.....are people trying to get the RAT test out of fear of Omicron (Covid) or because they have symptoms?
I dont get it
my kindest always 🙂
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Hi Katy
I can understand how unnerving this must be for you! It was very scary here when this all started two years ago but you'll be amazed at how fast it all becomes weirdly familiar to you and you'll get used to it in a way. It's just that you can't ever fully relax when you're in crowded places like shopping centres any more.
I'm double vaxxed with AZ but can't get a booster until February so I have to be careful. I avoid eating indoors and shop when it's quietest and don't browse if I can help it. I use hand sanitiser in the car after shopping and go to outdoor cafes. It's become normal now.
I felt more protected against Delta, but I know I'm likely to catch Omicron so I have extra meals cooked ahead and frozen and keep enough food and things like Panadolto to get me through a week at least without having to go out if I'm sick or isolating.
People who are younger and fitter can afford to be less concerned but I'm more vulnerable so I have to be careful. I still enjoy a coffee out and I'm completely used to wearing a mask and checking in and out, although it's inconvenient!
One useful tip - don't wear good earrings when you're wearing a mask, you can lose them when you're taking the mask off and on! I just wear studs now.
Your state can't keep Omicron out, it's too infectious and nobody has any immunity to it. Hopefully it will be less severe than Delta, but Delta is still circulating too.
All you can do is take sensible precautions and get vaccinated and a booster at the prescribed time. Wear a well fitting mask indoors.
You will be amazed how quickly you will adjust to it, but yes at first it's very scary and unpleasant. There's comfort in knowing that everyone else is feeling the same way!
Go easy on yourself, it is frightening but you will adjust in time. I've been impressed here at how well people have managed it all - I think people have been amazing actually at how cheerful and good humoured they've been through all this!
So go easy on yourself, it's normal to feel anxious and everyone else is too, so you're not alone! I think everyone goes around with slight underlying anxiety nowadays but we still enjoy ourselves and laugh and go out and about as best we can.
Do come by here with any questions or concerns as lots of people here are dealing with the same problems! You'll be back roller skating before you know it! 🙂
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Hi Paul,
Probably a host of reasons I think - fear of Omicron for sure, also if they've been a close contact. People who have vulnerable relatives and friends they live with or visit and want to make sure they're not going to pass it on, and quite honestly I've lost track of the requirements for people travelling interstate or overseas or for their jobs et cetera! It all keeps changing so fast. I know people like mmMekitty going to hospital have to have a test before they are admitted.
They're asking people with no symptoms to avoid the testing centres as much as possible I think as the staff are overwhelmed. I think overseas the home tests are free..
With Omicron being so contagious I think there's just a bigger demand. More people are getting it. I'm sure plenty of people are panicky too & getting tested when they didn't need to.
With the testing centres overwhelmed more people are trying to get the test they can do themselves. My limited understanding is that the home testing with Rat is less accurate though.
I don't know if this is any help, there is a lot of confusion at the current time! Let us know if you find out more! Cheers!
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Paul, I'm in NSW and it's quite a mess here, and I get hay fever and quite honestly every time I sneeze now I think, oh no, not Omicron! I think everyone is slightly on edge no matter how much they try not to be! So I can understand people trying to get the RAT they could do themselves at home.
I just plain couldn't afford it anyway!
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Thank you for reaching out. We're sorry to hear that you are struggling with depressive symptoms and that at times you feel sad and worthless. We understand how horrible this must be for you and want to remind you that you’re not alone.
We have sent a private message to check in with you but we also want you to know that there is always extra immediate support available to you, whether it's from our professional mental health counsellors Beyond Blue (available 24/7 on 1300 22 4636) or our friends at Lifeline (13 11 14) or the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467).
We are all here for you.
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Hello gt2004,
Welcome to the forum, & I'm glad you've found us here. Because you have posted in a thread about coping with the coronavirus, may I ask if these symptoms of depression, the sadness, the worthlessness & lack of energy are related to COVID-19, retrictions, vaccinations, or something else which had been going on? If you feel comfortable to do so, please tell us more.
warm regards,
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Hi gt
I feel exactly the same. Everyday for me becomes harder than day before. I now have panic attacks most days.
Everyday I hope someone will make a change to help us, but never seems to happen.
I don’t know how to get back to normal either. You are not alone , although I have to admit I feel alone
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Hi Paul,
Around the forums, I'm seeing more people who are anxious, confused, & wanting to have some certainty. If one can get a Rapid Antigen Test, firstly, they wouldn't be waiting in a queue to get the PCR test, feeling as I did, that if I find myself waiting with people who had symptoms, which might be COVID-19, I would be putting myself at risk while meeting the hospital's requirements for me to have a PCR Test done within 3 days of admission to hospital. I am supposed to show them the results.
I had a feeling the results might not return as quickly, now more people need testing, &, guess what? I'm still waiting for the results. I had my test 9:15-45 last Friday morning. It's Monday morning, 10am as I write. 36hrs+ & counting.
This time from taking the test to getting results is an issue, especially for those who have symptoms. It's stressful waiting. If I needed to go to work today, I would have not been able to, if I didn't know what the cause of my symptoms are, would I?
I don't have symptoms. I only did the PCR test because the hospital has required it. How many people soon to be admitted to hospital for treatments or surgery are being asked to get PCR tests, alongside people with symptoms needing the test?
If I could I would be trying to get RATests, 2 or 3 or let the hospital do them when I arrive in the morning, + when I actually go to the ward as well. Just to be sure.
I'm in Qld, & hospitals are doing the PCR test only for people with symptoms. So I had to go to a Pathology clinic & have them do it. I didn't have to pay. I presented my Medicare card, & it was done efficiently.
I'm fortunate. I'm not in a place, such as Vic or NSW where I see testing centres are overwhelmed. I am nervous though, that Qld & other places could have the kinds of numbers as we're seeing in NSW & Vic & as they continue to climb, it's o wonder to me that many people are feeling unsafe & afraid.
Our governments, federal, State & Territory, have not been able to come together & present Australians with a coherent & unified response to current COVID-19 Omicron & Delta outbreaks. People lose confidence. People don't know what to do or not, & begin to feel abandoned & confused. The info out there is not easy to wade through & understand. Things which are recommended are so dependant on too many factors for most people to get their heads around.
I think people are looking to RATests to feel in some control again. DIY, you know. We're looking after ourselves out here.🙀
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Sorry Paul - that was a long wordy one. 0 characters left!
I just got my test result! So, 36.5-37hrs. Not too bad, yet. Of-course it was negative, as I knew it would, me not going out & seeing so few people for so long now.
The Txt I recieved will have to date I recieved it, but I notice it does not say when the samples for testing were taken. How will the hospital know the results did't takevery much longer than they did to come back? What if I'd gone & got it done earlier & the results had taken more than 4 or 5 days to come back to me? I've heard a few news reports where such long times have been occuring for some test results to be returned.